Chapter 15

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It was the next day I woke up and went to the kitchen. Morti was cooking everyone was in there. Gabe looked at me. "Good morning"! He smiled. "Morning". I said going to fridge and grabbing a flask I brought. I felt them looking at me. "What"? I asked turning around and coming face to face with Vincent. "Um... Hi". He said. "Wassup bro". I said fist bumping him. "We have omelettes, toast, bacon, muffins, and sausages". Morti said. "Huh, so the tuff one can cook. Now that's awesome". I said. "I can cook"! Vincent said. "No you can't". Damian said. "I can learn". Vincent said. I grabbed a muffin and a sausage. I sat down and they stared at me. "You guys want something"? I asked. "About last night". Vincent said. I took a large swallow of Vodka and Everclear I had mixed into my flask. "What about it"? I coughed. "You weren't drunk or high right"? Vincent asked. "No, hey you guys want to talk about sex"? I asked. "No we eat here". Damian said. "Yes"! The twins said.

"There are 7 major pleasure points for a female". I said. They looked at me. "7"? They asked. "Yeah". I said. "I thought it was 3". Jason said. "I thought so to". Mason said. "I thought 5". Gabe mumbled. Morti nodded. "I thought 6". Vincent said. "I want to know the 7". Damian said. "Ears, lips, neck, breasts, butt, inner thighs, and vagina". I said. "Yeah I forgot the butt". Vincent mumbled. "What". Everyone but Damian said. "Yeah, you gotta mix it up a little when your having sex to. Like you can start off like 1-2-3, 2-3-1, 3-4-5, 2-4-5, 3-7, 4-7, 5-7, 1-7, 2-7, 7777777777". I started to lose breath and moan on the last couple of 7's. Then I held up a 2 on my fingers catching my breath. They all quickly left the table without a word and went to there rooms. I laughed. Avoid topic complete! Turned on 6 boys well they'll be ok. That episode of Friends really came in handy. Thank you Monica.

Later that day I was on the beach laying down. When the group walked up to me. "What the hell was that at breakfast"!? They yelled. "7 pleasure points keep up. You guys are blocking my view". I was watching a group of tanned shirtless males. "No, because that at breakfast was really unlady like". Vincent said. "Saying numbers"? I laughed trying to look at the tanned males. "The extra losing breath and moaning". Damian said. "Why'd you guys leave"? I asked. They didn't say anything. "Well I for one not going to act like I wasn't jerking off because that was hot". Jason smirked. "It seemed like you were trying to get us to leave. Doing something like that is unlike you". Damian said.

"Maybe I just wanted you guys to know that you're doing sex wrong". I said. "I never gotten any complaints have you Jason"? Mason asked. "Nope". Jason said. "But none of you are in a relationship". I said. They stared at me. "You're mean". Gabe said. "Sorry". I said. The dude I was watching walked over. "Hey, were you staring at me"? He asked. "No I was looking at the big purple dinosaur behind you". I  joked smiling. "Cute, I'm Brad". He said. "(Y/n)". I said. "What are you doing"? Damian asked. "What"? I asked. "Oh is this your girlfriend"? Brad asked.

"No". We both said. "Oh well, there's a party tonight. You should come. I would really like to see you there". He said. I smiled. "You might". I smiled. He walked off. "You're not going right"? Gabe asked. "Yeah, you're gonna not go like you did to that other guy right"? Mason asked. "Why wouldn't I go? We all don't have plans. Plus it'll be my first time doing something like this". I said. "You have a lot of first times. It's like every thing about you is a virgin but your mind". Jason said. I laughed. "I'm sorry I'm gonna say it. You and Vincent kissed, why are you-". I cut Gabe off. "Anyone want to hear the 7 pleasure points again"? I asked. "No"! They all said.

"You're avoiding the subject". Vincent said. "Look it's just-". He cut me off. "It's ok, you were at bad place at the time. For all you care it was probably just a big mistake. Do what you want". Vincent said walking off. "I'll go talk to him". Damian said. Everyone else looked at me. "Why"? Morti asked. "I don't know. I feel like I need to understand my feelings before I can take things to the next level with him". I said. They all had a O face. "So you're going to go on a date and see if you feel the same thing you feel when you're around Vincent"! The twins both said. I nodded. "This is great"! Gabe said. "That means you do have feelings! You're just to oblivious and dense to understand them"! Gabe said.

"Ok for a 17 year old stuck in a
6 year old personality and a 13 year old body. You're mean". I said. He shrugged. "What about his abs"? Jason asked. "Yeah most 13 year olds don't have them". Mason said. "A 13 year old anime character body". I said. "Oh like Gohan from dragon ball z". Jason said. "Basically like any Saiyan character in any of the dragon balls". Morti said. "Basically". I said. "Ok, well um... I'm going to go get in touch with my feelings. Then I'll let you guys know my feelings about Vincent! Just please don't tell him this". I said. "Ok! But we make no promises". The twins said. I nodded and walked away.

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