Chapter 51

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Today was the day I had to wear the girls uniform. My shirt really brought out my chest area. The skirt was short as we said. I couldn't bend over without my underwear showing and the skirt was to short and I couldn't wear shorts. We could wear tights since I asked Mr. Shenking. But I don't own tights right now. I but my hair into a mid high bun with the rest of my hair down. I sighed annoyed. I put my leather jacket in my bag since it was my hot. And I put my necklace on. I looked like a whore but I'mma bout to make myself own the damn look. Because the other girls do and they get respect. I went and grabbed a banana because I'm out of apples my fucking luck. I went to the limo Geoffrey was surprised. "Morning". I said.

"Good morning Gray". He said. When I got to school the people who were already there stared at me. Some girls walked up me. "Um... Hi. I-i can we still call your Gray"? They asked. "Of course Princesses". I smiled. They blushed. "I hope we can still see you at Lux". Another said. "Of course. I'm cool with whatever". I said. I walked away and went to the Club. When I went in they stared at me. "Say something and I'll cut all your dicks off". I said. The twin took pictures. I glared at them. "I don't like this my chest is tight and my ass is cold". I said. "It looks like I should be calling someone daddy or master". I pouted sitting down on the stole of the bar. "Have you always arched your back when you sit"? Damian asked. "Yes"! I yelled. They stared at me. I took the banana out my bag and ate it. "Don't watch me I'm hungry". I said. They looked away.

When I finished I got up and threw it away. "How am I going to fight when I can't even jump". I said. "No one, literally no one in there right mind will fight you". Vincent said. I sighed. I laid down on the coach. "Close your legs". Damian said. "By now I got give a fuck". I said. Vincent pushed my legs and sat beside me. "I give a fuck". Vincent said. "I keep forgetting I'm dating you. Maybe I should put you as my home screen or some shit". I said. "Puppies and kittens having babies". Vincent said. "Oh my shit that is so cute"! I said smiling. For some reason when I'm really happy I close my eyes and smile. I felt a flash. "Home screen". Vincent said. Vincent kissed me taking a selfie. "Lock screen". He said. While he was putting our pictures for his wallpapers.

"Vincent". I said. He looked up and I got a cute off guard picture. "Lock screen". I said. He smiled and kissed my hand. I took a picture. "Home screen". I said. "Actually I think I gotta better thing". I said. I took pictures of the guys. Then made a collage. I put that as my lock screen. "I love you guys"! I said winking sticking my tongue out at them. They took pictures. "Collages of the fam". I said. The bell rung. "See you". I said. The twins walked with me. The teacher looked at me. "Ms. Gray". The teacher said. I smiled. I sat down. I felt everyone looking at me. I turned around. "I'm sorry that I lied to you guys I really am. But please stop staring. It makes me uncomfortable and I'm kinda embarrassed by these clothes". I blushed. The guys smirked at me. And the girls gave me understanding smiles. The twins glared at the guys. "Keep thinking like that we'll kick your asses". Jason said.

"This is boss girlfriend off limits". Mason said. "Well then, so what are we reading"? I asked. I leaned into the desk getting on my knee. "Romeo and Juliet". The teacher said. "Cool! I already read it. I personally think tht its kinda hard to understand. These types of books you need to break it down. Because they're speaking old english. And most of you speak that to me". I said. "Right". The teacher said. "It's sad though the only thing they wanted to do was make out". I said. "Wait they died for each other just because they're parent wouldn't let them have sex"? Jason asked. "Yep. The fact was they weren't even that old, girl was bout 12. Homie-o was bout 16". I said. "Wow, so age is just a number". A girl smiled. "And jail is just a room you get butt rapped in". I said. They all gasp.

"Y'all never been to jail? If you do go. Do not fight the biggest person you see. They harmless. It's the skinny Caucasian people and the tattoo weight lifting Mexicans you look out for. One of them shanked my daddy when he was doing 9 to 5". I said. "Fun facts to know". The teacher said. "Here". Mason said giving me his jacket. "What"? I asked. "The way you're sitting exposing your black panties". Jason said. I quickly sat down right. We started to read the book. "Maybe we should do the play". The teacher said towards then end of class. "One of us gets to kiss someone right"? A guy asked. "Sure". The teacher said. "We want (Y/n) to be Juliet"! The boys and girls said. "Sorry, I can't. Vincent would freak". I laughed. Then I thought about Vincent freaking out.

"Actually I'll consider it". I smiled. The twins looked at me. "Boss won't like that". Jason said. "No he won't". Mason said. They smiled. "We're in"! They both said. When lunch time came. I sat down beside Vincent who already had my tray ready. "I'm going to be Juliet in a play". I said. "Yep and Kenny's going to be Romeo". Jason said. "They're going to be practicing the kiss scene in class tomorrow". Mason said. "I'm sorry what"? Vincent asked. "Kiss kiss fall in love". Jason said. Vincent looked at me. "Aren't we supposed to discuss these types of things"? Vincent asked. "After school I need to go buy some food. That's why I won't be at home if you come". I said. "Do your need money"? Vincent asked. "Not from you". I said. "Actually Vincent has a point there. We're at your house a lot so you should let us help with shopping". Damian said.

"Naw, I got this". I said. "How much do you have"? Vincent asked. "Enough ok"? I asked. "Don't be prideful. Just let me give you a couple hundred dollars ok"? Vincent asked. "Nope, I am independent". I said. "Ok babe whatever you say. But did you change the subject I'm serious". Vincent said. "I ain't bout to be no Juliet. If anything she should have bust a cap in the nigga ass". I said. Vincent smiled. "I noticed you don't have you leather jacket on (Y/n). Where is it"? Gabe asked. "It's in my book bag". I said. "Never leaves your sight". Morti said. "I need it to survive basically". I laughed.

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