Chapter 57

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I was in history class. "Ok topic women rights". The teacher said. Everyone looked at me. I shrugged not saying anything. "Are you missing this opportunity Ms. Gray"? The teacher asked. "I'm not into political things. Have you seen our president"? I asked. "Just do it". The twins said. "As women we are defined as lower then men. Until we started to burn bras and take jobs. As a woman, it's hard. Because even with these rights. Some male individual is getting paid more sitting down then we do busting our asses. Yeah rights, it's funny since the little "we the people" speeches are strictly about the males. Not even all males the white males. In 1848 is when the first major activities happened. Women fought until the 1920's. For the equal rights to happen. Yet the only thing that did was put a suggestion out in the world. It's how people decided to obey it. And majority of people don't. And I know I'm getting tired of people saying "you're good at sports for a girl". "You're smart for a girl". "You know your way around a 22. for a girl". And our rights are being took. Because as I believe we no longer have a decision if we wanted to abort or not. And I saw those people at those meetings. All white males". I said.

They stared at me. "Very well said Ms. Gray". The teacher said. "Question. Why would you care about the abortion thing"? Someone asked. "I don't, I'm not gonna get pregnant. But a lot of people with health problems or not enough money to care. So therefore it's a problem". I said. They clapped. "Next topic is a debate should animal's be used as test subjects for human care products". The teacher said. "Animals should not be used as test subjects. Animal cruelty is illegal. Therefore why should humans have the audacity to waltz around like they can't just test the shit they made on themselves. If they die they know they did something to wrong". I said. "Actually they should test it on animals. Because what if there's like baby shampoo or something and the baby dies because they didn't test it on a rat or dog. Then how would that make you feel"? A guy asked.

"Happy because the animals are safe". I said. "There's a dead baby". He said. "I'm not a big fan of babies therefore I can't give emotional feelings towards them. And I highly doubt in any situation that would happen because were I'm from babies don't use shampoo". I said. "Ms. Gray and Mr. Wilson you both make valued point. See debating is not meaning a side is wrong or right. It's getting the audience to go along with the certain topic". The teacher said. "And there all going to along with him. Because there's babies involved. Even I would of I was in a time line when I cared. But the fact is about that topic it's bad on both parts. I can't deal with it. Because I love animals and I like to keep my hair washed without foam coming out my mouth or spasms". I said.

"Exactly ok end of class". He said the bell rung. When the end of school came I walked to the club. I had a headache. My grades are looking good. I didn't greet anyone I just went to pour coffee. "The winter dance is coming up". I heard the guys talking. They didn't know I was here so I just sat down. I checked my phone and stared at it. I felt tears coming down my face. He's dead. No he can't be. I felt my troat close. My phone ringed. It was Mike. I declined. I already got the text from his mom. He's stupid. Dakota you're fucking stupid. I grabbed my stuff and left the club. I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I ran. I eventually ended up on the roof of the school.

"That ungrateful bitch. He knew it. He fucking knew it"! I yelled throwing my phone. It broke. "Fuck"! I said sitting down crying. "That's it! I'm done. I'm fucking done with this fucking school! You made me fucking go to school! You left me here! You thought this shit was a game! You could have been were I was you could have been here! This ain't even murder this suicide. Because you knew every fucking thing you were doing"! I yelled. I clenched my head. "You, told me on could do better. Why the fuck couldn't you! Why'd you make me come here! You know I could have taken that bullet Dakota. What was your goal in this Dakota!? I fucking hate you"! I cried. After a couple of minutes. I pulled myself together took my pills and went to the club. I was really late. "You're late". Damian said. "Shut the fuck up talking to me". I said. See everyone thought it was an act because I was still being a bad girl. But the host was taken back about how I wasn't smiling or had any hint of joking in my voice. I sat at my table.

"Hey Gray"! "Hey (Y/n)"! The table said. I stared at them. "I heard about your speech about women rights. That's so great". A girl said. "Yeah ok". I said. "Are you alright"? A guy asked. I glared at him. Basically I was having dry conversation or glaring at them until it was time to go. "Are you ok"? Damian asked. I didn't say anything. "Babe Damian asked if you're ok". Vincent said. "I ain't fucking deaf I can hear him and you. I wish I couldn't but I can". I said. "Wow". The twins said. "Babe". Vincent said. "I want to break up". I said. He stared at me. "Wha- why"? Vincent asked. "Do I need a damn reason? Also I'm quiting the club. Damian I don't give a fuck about the debt put me in jail". I said. They stared at me. I started to make my way out Morti and Gabe locked the door. I took a step back from them.

"What"? Vincent asked confused. "You guys are holding me against my will". I said. "So"? They all asked but Vincent. "I'm sorry what"? Vincent asked again. "I just want to go. Can I go"? I asked. "What happened"? Gabe asked. "Nothing! I'm fine". I said. "(Y/n) I'm sorry but I'm not understanding why you're acting like this. None of us did anything wrong. Did someone upset you". Vincent asked. "It doesn't matter, ok? Nothing matter to me anymore". I said. "Why"? Jason asked. "Because the one person that gave any fucks about me. It's total fucking bitch"! I yelled. My throat started to clench as tears rolled down my face.

"Dakota"? Mason asked. "What he do"? Vincent asked walking up to me. I quickly muzzled my face in his chest hugging him. "He died". I cried. Vincent hugged me back. "Why did he do it! Why did he leave me! He said he wouldn't leave me. He promised. He fucking promised me he wouldn't leave me. He always said we were going to be together because I'm his best. Why the fuck did he leave me if I'm his best". I said crying. "Shh, shh baby". Vincent said holding me.

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