Chapter 61

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It was early in the morning at Lux. We were all just chilling. When a little girl ran in. "Big brother"!? She yelled at Vincent. We all just stared at her. "My servants always said. That my big brother was a blonde. That he was a prince. But I never get to see him". She said. "Did you say prince"? Vincent asked. We all rolled our eyes. "Big brother! I miss you"! She yelled hugging Vincent. "Is this weird for anyone else"? I asked. "Surely Vincent is definitely an only child". Damian said.

"I mean they do look a like. Expect she has blue eyes". Jason said. "Maybe her brother goes to this school". Mason said. "Makes since". Gabe said. "Should we find him"? Morti asked. "I think the idiot is enjoying having a sister right now". Damian said. Vincent had the girl over his head pretending to be a horse. A door opened in the corner. And a maid wearing funeral clothes closed the blinds. I got into a fighting stance. "Oh here comes Hades". Jason said. A guy in a black rob came in. His good was covering his face. "Holy shit we have a cult at this school! I wish I could have broke something over there"! I yelled. "Dark magic club ma'am". The maid said. "Still equally awesome". I said. "Oh my God please don't bring out the puppets and bring bad luck to me again"! Vincent said hiding behind Morti.

She was in the lightest part of the room. "Ms. Sunny is critically afraid of the dark. And Master Hades can't go into the sun. So they never were together". The maid explain. "But they live together... It doesn't make since". Damian said. "Just don't question it Damian". Mason said. "They names don't make since". I said. "But was there always a door right there"? I asked. Hades put my hand in his kissing it. "It appears and disappears at my will". He said. "I can't see your face but I can tell you're really cute". I said. "Woah! Are you seriously flirting with him"? Vincent asked. Hades looked at him and he took a step back. "Vincent you do realize that's what she's here for right"? Damian asked.

"Yeah but it's harmless she not aware. But she knows what she's doing". Vincent pouted. "Wait so, if you're her brother. Why not just let her see your face". I said. He took his hood off and he had black hair and a death aroma going around him. All of them stepped back but me. Sunny looked at him and cried. "Yeah I like you". I smiled. "Want to be my queen of the underworld"? He asked. I blushed. Vincent stepped in front of me. "I will punch you blonde if you don't back away". Vincent said. "Damn". The twins said. I laughed. "I love you". I said. "Love you too. But I'm really scared of him. So can I just-". I cut him off. "You can go hide behind Morti. I got this. Our job is to make everyone who steps foot into this room happy. And that means boys now to. He obviously wants his sister to love him. Like she loves you. And I can help with this". I said.

"I don't see how any of this is our problem". Damian said. "Damian she's right". Vincent said. They all groaned. "Alright my favorite Greek God". I said. "Is it me or is this like one of the first times I heard her say God without a mean comment". Mason said. "I try not to say that word". I said. "Well ok my underworld queen. I am at your service". He said. "I like it when you call me the queen of hell". I smiled. "Um... (Y/n) if you're done orgasming. You can get this weirdo to look like our idiot boss". Jason said. "Master is just wearing a wig". The maid said. "Can you take off your wig for me"? I asked.

"I'll do anything for you my underworld queen". He smiled. He slowly took off his wig and his hair was blond it was lighter then Vincent's though. "Wow he does look a lot like the kid but I can tell makeup when I see it". I licked my thumb and was going to wipe his face but Vincent caught my hand. "I got a towel"! Vincent said throwing it in Hades face. He wiped his face. And he had a couple freckles on his face. "B-brother"? Sunny asked looking at him. She looked at the dark corner. Her eyes watered. "I'm scared"! She yelled running out. "I'll get her. Twins watch them. I don't trust whatever this is". Vincent said pointing between Hades and me. Jason and Mason dragged me away from him. "I'm just having fun". I smiled. "Well he's not. And that kid does actually do voodoo stuff". Jason said. "I don't care. I like people who stand out and so far the only two people I see that really stand out is Ichigo and Hades". I said. "Ok so why are you flirting with him? In front of your boyfriend"? Jason asked. "That's her job". Damian said. "It really is. Plus I find him mysterious". I said. Vincent came back with Sunny. She ran to Hades.

"Big brother"! She yelled. Vincent stared at me. I smiled. Hades walked over to me. "Thank you and your friends for this. If you're always welcome to the dark magic club. Underworld queen". Hades kissed my hand. "I'll be sure to sure to stop by". I smiled. They walked away into the room. "You done"? They asked. "I'm the only person who finds him interesting"!? I yelled. Vincent was sulking in a corner. "Bae I'm sorry! I love you"! I yelled to him. He pouted. "I'll marry you". I said. He jumped up. "Really"? He asked. "Nope. But now you're happy". I said patting his back. "Do me a favor". Vincent said. "What"? I asked.

"Turn around right quick". Vincent said. I turned around and I felt a sharp pain in my ass. "Ow! You son of a biscuit"! I yelled. "Bad (Y/n)". He said. "Just for that you can't touch my butt anymore". I said. "Damn she took away your booty privileges". Jason said. "Wow, fine you can't insult me anymore". Vincent said. "But your such a butthat" I said. We stared each other down. The bell rung. "Fine you win"! I yelled. "Yes"! He yelled. "Jerk face". I said walking out.

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