Chapter 24

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"So you guys can leave now I'm fine". I said. "What do you even do over the weekend"? Jason asked. "Well, I go to the park and play basket ball with some of the kids near by that are my age, I'll just stay at home and FaceTime my friends, read, and I go out for groceries". I said. "Oh". They said. "What do you guys do"? I asked. "Well nothing. Gabe and Morti train around 5. Damian and Vincent has meetings with there dad's clients, and we just design clothes. So nothing really". The twins said. "Hey! Can one of you teach me how to use a sword"!? I asked Morti and Gabe. "Why would you want to use a sword (n/n)"? Gabe asked. "Because when my homies see that I can do some ninja shit. They gone freak". I laughed. "I like how she didn't say self-defense". Mason said. "Oh I don't care about that, as far as I care. The way I fight ain't never let me down". I said.

"Ok so would you fight Morti or Gabe"? Jason asked. "No! I'm not trying to die. There's so much I haven't done and seen yet". I said. They laughed. "What haven't you done or seen yet"? Vincent asked. "Haven't ate fish, haven't had sex, I haven't met Tom Holland, haven't been on a date, haven't made a a bomb". I said. "Oddly many of those could be solved". Damian said. "Who's Tom Holland"? Gabe asked. "Ever watched Spiderman"? I asked. "The newest Spiderman"? Gabe asked. "That's him". I said. "Oh". They all said. "Why do you want to met him"? Jason asked. "Because he's so cut, adorable, and fine as hell". I said. Vincent looked at me. "I mean you're sexy and adorkable". I said. Vincent smiled. "Ok, so I'll take you on a date". Vincent said. "Let me guess you're gonna be the one to have sex with me to". I joked. "Not on the first date". Vincent laughed. "How can you never eat fish"? Gabe asked. "Dakota doesn't eat it, the smell of it makes him sick. So never really been a option. Then I just started to hate it, but I would like to try it to see if I should really hate it". I said.

"We can help with the bomb". The twins smirked. "You two are the people who will start a war then say oops". I said. "No one is making a bomb. Especially not you two you almost blew up Hawaii". Damian said. "So!? We stopped it"! Jason said. "You shouldn't have made it". Damian said. "He's right". Mason said. "Your birth day is in August right"? Vincent asked. I nodded. "Yeah, but I don't like birthday's". I said. "Like really what is wrong with you? How can you not like birthday's"? Gabe said pouting. "I hate my birthday. I don't like other people's birthday's. Wow! I'm getting older! I'm going to die soon. Then there like satanic or some shit. Which I don't care about but really setting a object on fire, gathering around it, chanting words over and over again, making a wish, then blowing it out. Sounds like some devil worship shit to me". I said. Gabe my mouth was widen. Tears started to come in his eyes.

"Morti! Am I satanist"! He ran and cried to Morti. Who was shaking his head no to Gabe's question hugging him. "He's feared in 40 something states"? I mumbled to myself. Morti picked up Gabe and rocked him to sleep. I just don't question it and it will go away. "If you hate birthday's. Why do you celebrate your parents"? Mason asked. "Because that's the only way I can be close to them". I said. "Y'know you're gonna make some man really happy". Damian said. "Me". Vincent said. "Vincent thinks I can make him happy. I don't know why, I'm not getting married". I said. Vincent looked at me. "What"? He asked. "I don't want kids". I said. "What"!? He said that way to loud.

"Why not"!? Vincent asked. "Because, what if I die. I don't want my kids to feel like I feel". I said. "Who's your therapist again"? Damian asked. "Doctor Author". I said. Vincent touched my cheek. "(Y/n) how bad was this car crash on you? How old were you? Don't you think your parents would want for you to have kids and get married"? Vincent asked. "I'm fine, 6, and my dad said if I fucking catch you with a goddamn nappy headed ass nigga, I'mma beat yo ass and kill his". I said. "You were like 6 when he said that"? Vincent asked. I nodded. "God". Everyone said. "My mom sold and did drugs so... She would always be like either super hype of super lazy. And she'll show me child birth videos. I remember those to this day. I'm scared". I said. "I'm scared". Vincent mumbled. "If your parents didn't die, you'd probably be taking away". Damian said. I looked at him. "Probably, but I loved them". I said.

"Who were you staying with"? Jason asked. "Back and forward foster care. Dakota mom got me when I was 11, then since I really hated being around people at the time. They let me stay in the apartment above there's since I was 14". I said. "Wait, and they adopted you"!? Vincent asked. "No, I'm still in foster care". I said. I started to think. "Damn I don't even think I was supposed to leave the city". I laughed. "Wait so, anyone can adopt you"? The twins asked. "Don't get no idea". I said. "Really. We can have our mom adopt you". The twins said. "I don't want to be adopted I've told so many white people this". I said. "But you can be our sister"! Jason said. "You have a weird threesome thing for me". I said. "We will not be blood". Mason said.

"No, I don't need to be adopted". I said. "Can I adopted you"? Vincent asked. They looked at him. "You do know you're trying to date (Y/n) right"? Damian asked. "Oh right". Vincent said. "Well she doesn't want to be dating. So I could just adopted her". Vincent said. I pulled him by the shirt collar and kissed him. "No more of those". I said. "Mommy"! Vincent said. "Yes daddy"? Damian said. "Adopt her". Vincent said. "Are you guys even old enough to adopt? No you're my age". I said. "Enough money we can do whatever we want". Damian said. "Huh rich people". I said. "Can we just drop it. I don't want to be adopted. I like to be alone without a family". I said. "You don't consider us family"? Vincent asked. "I actually do". I said. "Then it's settled. One of them will adopt you". Vincent said. I groaned.

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