Chapter 60

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"Who's fudging idea was it to do maids and butlers". I growled pulling up my black see through leggings. "Also why can't I wear friggin shoes"? I asked. "Then this dress makes me look fat"! I complained. "Take it up with your boyfriend". Damian said. "You don't look fat". Vincent said. I frowned. "Now can you please get in character. You know that when we dress up like this. We have to get in a certain character. So what are you going to say"? Vincent asked. I sighed. I gave him innocent eyes. "May I please serve you master"? I asked blushing. All of them stared at me. "Yeah you'll do fine. Babe". Vincent smiled. "But why the outfit it's so short". I said. "You don't like our fashion sense now"? The twins asked me. "This outfit goes all the way to my upper thighs. I thought the school skirt was bad". I said. "Stop complaining, we got costumers". Damian said.

I pouted. I went back into character as they handed a me a tea pot. I had no girls today. Which was weird. But more boys. "Evening masters. May I please offer you some tea". I blushed looking away from them as part of the act. "We'll love some (Y/n)". One said. I poured the tea. "I am at you services masters". I said. "We would like to know how your day went". Another one said. "Oh well. Master since you are here I'm having a great day". I smiled. This was stupid. But really easy. "May I ask you something"? I asked. "Anything"! They all said blushing. "How was masters day"? I asked. They didn't give me a direct answer because they were blushing. So I took that as a chance to go hard. Because it's go big or go home by now.

"I'm so sorry if my question has upset you masters. You should punish me". I said with sad eyes. "No! No. It didn't upset us. Please don't be sad. Our day was great and even more so since we're sitting looking at the most beautiful girl in the world". One said. Hook, line, and I'm fucking awesome. "Oh t-thank you master but I don't think I'm beautiful. You're just saying that". I smiled. Which the first part is true I've never actually thought I was attractive in any way. "No we're not. Doesn't your boyfriend tell you this stuff". A boy asked. Every damn day. "Would any of you like for me to bring you something to eat. I've really wanted you to try this one cake. It taste amazing". I smiled. The subject change is strong.

"Well sure". They all said. I got up and walked away. The guys were in the sweets room. Gabe basically lived there so not to surprised by him. "You're really going hard on them". Jason said. "Go big or go home. Plus this is a one time thing". I said. "Yeah thank God. I think I'm jealous". Vincent said. "You are jealous"! They all said. "Whatever". Vincent pouted. "I call you daddy what else do you want"? I asked. "He doesn't mean it in the sexual way. At least I hope. He's been calling me mommy for as long as I can remember him". Damian said. "Well I call you master then". I said. "I don't want you to call me master after you called all those guys master. Like that'll be if I called you princess, I call ever girl in the school that. I respect you therefore I call you goddess". Vincent said.

"Well I call you bae. So that's enough". I said. "Oh right. You also call me asshat so... I guess it's alright. But why aren't there any girls at your table"? Vincent asked. "I thought the exact same thing". I said. "They're in swim practice. Trust me they already ordered there pictures of you in this dress". Damian said. "Oh right how are those magazine's going"? Vincent asked. "Sold over 1,000 copies and they keep going". Damian said. "If we can get a bikini picture of (Y/n) I'm sure they'll go faster". The twins say. "Maybe if you all get naked they'll sell faster to". I said. "Probably". They all said. I took the cake and went back to my table. "Would you like for me to feed it to you masters"? I asked. They blushed. "We can feed it to you". They said. "Oh look hi! Can I borrow (Y/n) right quick"? Vincent asked. "Um... King I'm kinda in the middle of something". I said. "Yeah I see that. Me too, but I need you right quick. It'll only take a couple seconds I promise". Vincent said. "Excuse me". I said getting up. Vincent pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back. We pulled away and I gave him a mocking smile.

"Extremely jealous"? I asked. "Yeah just had to". Vincent said. "I don't think your point would cross over. Let me try". I said. I kissed him deeply. His hands wrapped around my waist, and my hands were a run his neck. We pulled away for air. "Nice talk". Vincent said. I gave him a thumbs up out of breath. He walked away. And I sat down. "So cake"? I asked. They were all blushing. Then I noticed that all the girls had nose bleeds. I know damn well these people ain't turned on. I sighed and ate the cake.

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