Chapter 21

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Shit what should I sing!? I went up to the stage. I sung any pop culture song that wasn't to negative and non violent I could think of. So I sung love you with the light on by Shawn Mendes. When I finished the song the guys eyes were wide. And the girls cheered and the dudes clapped. I went to the guys. "Ok, you sounded to much like a girl singing. Good thing they think you have a high voice". Vincent said. "Also wow! You're voice is so beautiful"! Vincent said. I smiled. When the time came for the end of the night. They picked a random girl using a spot light. Vincent went towards her. I was by now bored. He went kissed her on the cheek and she fainted. I really feel like this school puts drugs in there food. "Goodnight"! We all said. The twins walked up to me.

"We should start moving these tables, chairs, and food. Then sweep up". I said. "Yeah we should". The twins said. "Someone call my maid"! Vincent said. "Um... Can't you guys clean yourselves"? I asked. They all looked at me. The girls and boys who were still there stared at me. "That's a great idea"! Vincent smiled. "It is"? Jason asked. "Sure commoners do it all the time. So can we". Vincent said. "We'll help"! Some girls said. "Same". The other dudes said. "Cool princesses you can help me move these chairs". I said. The males eyes widen. "No! There girls they aren't supposed to be lifting thing. How about you do that and the girls start sweeping". Some guy said. "What? Y'know what I don't care". I said. "Don't put such thoughts in a young woman's head". Another guy said. These guys gonna make me fight them.

"So what exactly do you think women do then? Cook? Clean? Stay at the house? Please your every perverted thought in bed"? I asked. "You don't think that"? The first guy asked. I grabbed him by the shirt. "Listen her bitch. It's kinda fucking disrespectful that your talking about these damn young women as if there not even here. When you're around me you will treat these women as equals. Because they can do anything that you can. Fuck you". I growled. There was silence. The guy pushed me back. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't do that". Vincent said. "Gray, it's alright we were raised to be house wives". A girl said. "What? Its ok to be a house wife. But you all are so strong. I'm so confused". I said. "Now, I expect an apology". The guy I yelled at said. "How about go fuck yourself with your small penis. Ok"? I asked. "Do you want to go"? He asked. "I've been waiting to fuck someone up for 3 months now". I took off my jacket. "Let's go". I said. The guy was all up in my face. Morti picked me up. "Step away". Gabe said. The guy eyes widen and he took a step back.

"Naw let me go. Because he ain't ever had a Chicago hood ass whoppin". I said. "Why must you escalate a situation so much"? Damian said. "Princesses you should go home". Vincent said the girls left. "He's saying that women are beneath him". I said. "They are when we have sex". He said.  Jason laughed. Mason covered his mouth shaking his head. "It's so hard to believe you're not a virgin". I said. "What would you know anyway you're just a commoner". He said. "Really? Morti let me go. For real". I said. "Hey, I know a girl that can do anything a guy can do". I said. "Who"? He asked. "Um... Her name um Cameron. She can do anything a guy can do". I said using my middle name.

"Really because I don't think she can have sex with a girl". The other guy said. "Naw all she gotta do is put two fingers in yo bitch". I said. Morti dropped me shocked. The guy ran at me. He swung and I ducked. Vincent punched him. "Get the hell out of here"! Vincent yelled and the guy nose stared to bleed. He ran out. I laughed. They looked at me. "You need to stop". Mason said. "Look he was talking bad about women". I said. "So? You talk bad about them. You just called his girlfriend a bitch". Jason said. "I call everyone bitch. Equality". I said. Vincent was quiet. "Vincent I'm sorry". I said. "I can't deal with you right now". Vincent said walking away. I frowned. "Vincent hates violence". Damian said. "Um... How the hell has he been hanging around me this long"? I asked. They gave me bitch faces. "He loves you"! They yelled. My eyes widen.

"You don't have to yell, and he doesn't love me". I said. "I'll go talk to him". Damian said. "No, I think I should do it demon king". I said. "That nickname fits him so much". Jason said. "Will Vincent get in trouble"? I asked. "No, his dad owns the school". Damian said. "What"!? I asked. "Are you serious!? You never even thought about the school name and his last name"!? The twins asked. "His last name is Shenking"! I yelled. They all face palmed. I ran after Vincent. "Vincent"! I yelled for him. "Vincent"! I called again. I sighed once I got to the old library. "I'm sorry". I mumbled. "Vincent"! I called. Looking around. I found a stairs that went up. I followed them and it lead me to a room. I opened the door and Vincent was there.

"Go aw-". I cut him off by hugging him. "I'm sorry that I'm the worst female on the planet". I said. "You're not the worst. You're the best, you stuck up for those girls like a real Lux club member". Vincent said. "Because, our goal is to respect and make young women happy". I said. He nodded. "Vincent. I really am sorry". I said. He smiled. "You should be at home. Daddy would hate for you to be all sleepy in the morning". Vincent smiled. "What about cleaning"? I asked. "Mommy, your uncles, and I got it". Vincent said. I nodded. "Well, I am pretty tired and can use a hot bath. Thanks Vincent"! I smiled. 10 minutes later I came back. "What up"! I said. "I told you to go home". Vincent said. "I'm bored". I said. "Are you ok"? Gabe asked hugging his teddy. "And your 17". I said looking down at him. "Why is that so hard for you to believe"? Jason asked. "Because he's 5'0, holding a teddy, and only eats sweets". I said.

"Yeah it's hard to believe". Damian said. "Thank you"! I said. Vincent hugged me. He kissed me. "Why"? I asked. "I thought that was ok". Vincent said. "It is but, I just...". I couldn't really explain it. "Oh I didn't give you a chance to kiss back". Vincent said he kissed me again. I was confused. "I don't think they want to see this". I said. "It's so cute"! Gabe and the twins said. Morti and Damian had small smiles. I blushed. "They're not bothered by it". Vincent said. "Yeah we don't care. We're glad Vincent found someone". Damian said. "We're not together". I said. They looked at me. "Right...". They said. Vincent kissed me again. My hand with to his ass. He pulled away. "Ok this is how you kiss". Vincent said putting my arms around his neck and kissing me. "I like my way better". I said. "Yeah because now my butt is cold". Vincent said. I laughed.

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