Chapter 72

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Vincent was talking to me about something. "Babe, how come you never want to leave the room"? Vincent asked. "I do leave the room. How else do I go to the kitchen"? I asked. "We have four floors". Vincent said. "Reasons why I don't leave". I said. "Let's play hide and seek". Vincent said. I stared at him. "Why"? I asked. "I never did it as a kid I always heard about it". Vincent said. "Where I'm from we played a different version". I said. "What"? Vincent asked. "Hide and go get it". I said. "Get what"? Vincent asked. I stared at him. "Hide and go fuck". I said. "You played that as a child"? Vincent asked. "No, Dakota wouldn't let me. But it basically goes if you find the person you can do anything to them". I said. "Anything? That's a weird game". Vincent said. "Yeah, usually when they played I ended up going home alone". I said. "Well that's good". Vincent said. "We can play your version though". I said. "You hide I'll seek. Since I know the house better". Vincent said.

"Ok close your eyes and count to 30". I said. Vincent nodded. He closed his eyes and started to count. I ran out the room up some stairs, down some stairs, through some rooms, and a round a lot of corners. I found a good place to hide I think it was an attic. A hour passed. Damn how big is this house. "Found you"! Vincent said. My eyes widen. I tried to see where he came from. Because I got in here a whole different way. "Where did you come from"? I asked. "Secret passageway behind that shelf". Vincent said. "What the fuck there's secret tunnels and shit in here"? I asked. "Yeah for safety just in case someone tries to kill my father or myself". Vincent said.

"Cool, so there's one in every room or something"? I asked. "Except the bathrooms". Vincent said. "Oh wow". I said. "So do I get to do anything to you"? Vincent asked. "Sure". I said. He kissed me. "That was fun"! He said happily. "Sure...". I said. "What's wrong"? He asked. "Nothing". I said. I started to walk and he followed me. "Babe are you sure nothing is wrong"? Vincent asked. "Didn't I say it was nothing". I said. "You know you can talk to me right"? Vincent said. "Well I'm doing that now". I said stopping to look around. "Don't be a smartass. Where are you trying to go"? Vincent asked. "Back to the room. I don't remember where it is, where are we"? I asked. "What's on your mind"? Vincent asked ignoring my question.

"Nothing". I said. "I just want to know, why aren't you telling me"? Vincent asked. "I spent most of my time stealing and studying. Ever since I got here it's been like one big scam. Like I'm in a dream, I love being around you and just doing little things with you and the guys. But I thought I'd be like neck deep in studying and homework. But I'm spending my free time doing shit like this, hanging out with friends who don't want me to steal, and having sex with you. And I'm bothered by it". I said. "The sex? Why are you bothered by the sex? I thought it was great". Vincent said confused.

"Nigga I ain't bothered by the- nevermind". I frowned. "Babe I kidding. Shenking isn't like any other school". Vincent said. "Yeah because they let you have a prostitution club. No offense to prostitutes we all gotta make money somehow". I said. "Hey kiss me". Vincent said. "What"? I asked. He kissed me. "Why"? I asked. "I just wanted you to be quiet". Vincent said. "Wow you're mean". I said. "So you can understand. That the school builds around the students. That we make sure everyone who's enrolled are happy". Vincent said. I looked around. "Are you fucking reading this shit from somewhere"? I asked looking around again. "No... But come on babe don't over think it. It's a rich white school like you'll say". Vincent said. "Well I'd say rich white people school but yeah. You're right. Most of you probably are like doing your own things. Hell a couple of students already running businesses". I said. "That is correct". Vincent said.

"Vincent what happens to the club when you graduate"? I asked. "Well, I'll pick some middle schoolers at the other Shenking middle school and they'll be the new us. It'll continue until the two of us have 7 kids and it's there legacy to be beautiful and handsome". Vincent said. "Well I don- did you say 7 kids"? I asked. "Well maybe more. But as for that, you can do it until you graduate, you and the twins since you're in the same grade". Vincent said. Because the twins have late birthday's. "More than 7"? I asked. "12 at most". Vincent said.

"1-12"! I stuttered out. "What"? Vincent asked confused. "Who the fuck going to be carrying, birthing, breast feeding, watching, changing, and raising the fucking 12 kids"! I yelled at him. "You... Me, maids, butlers, other". Vincent said. "Vincent how"? I asked. "We won't have them all at once! It's like maybe we'll start when you're 17, and I'll pray that you'll have triplets. Then we'll keep having babies until we're in our early 30's". Vincent said. "Vincent. I'm turning 17 this year. I'm not ready for babies. I fear them". I said. "Of course you are". Vincent said. "What about school"? I asked. Vincent laughed. "Wow you're pulling a me! That wasn't funny dude". I said clenching my heart. "Hey since you and Damian shared a moment that btw I hated every second of it. Can you do something for me". Vincent asked walking. I followed him. "Alright what up"? I asked.

"I want you to be in the Ms. Shenking pageant". Vincent said. "You want me to do what"? I asked. "We have a pageant for any girl who wants to be in it. It's basically a test of beauty and smarts. You have swim suit contest, special talents, elegance of wear, and questions about the school". Vincent said. "Sounds degrading. I rather not". I said. "Please! I want you to be Ms. Shenking". Vincent said. "Fine. Sure". I said. "I love you". Vincent said. "Who's the judge"? I asked. "The principal, my father, my grandmother, and me". Vincent said. "Fuck that". I said. "What why"? Vincent asked. "Your grandma hates me. I know she hates me". I said. "That is true. But when it comes to this type of stuff we're professional. That girl represents the school". Vincent said. "Naw I don't like that". I said. "Baby come on! Please. If anyone should do this it's you". Vincent said. "Ugh". I groaned as he opened the door to his room. I went to the bed and sighed.

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