Chapter 76

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When I woke up Vincent was beside me watching TV. "Hi sunshine". Vincent smiled kissing me. "Hi! Hey. Did you, was there any noises"? I asked."Well cutie you were whining in your sleep". Vincent said. Shit the pups probably gotta pee. "Vincent I'm hiding puppies in your closet". I said. He stared at me. "What"? He asked. I pointed and he got up and went to the closet. And the puppies were there. "What the hell"? Vincent asked. "We don't have to keep them... I just wanted to make sure they eat and be out of the dangerous streets". I said. "I'm sure I can find a place for them. And you can see them every day". Vincent said. "Really"? I asked. He nodded. "Fuck yeah"! I said. The next day at the club we were dressed like soldiers. Camouflage pants, combat boots, and muscle shirts that had our colors on them.

I wore a vest jacket thing that was sleeveless but had a hood on it, because my bra with the scrap of the muscle shirt kept showing. "Honestly how I always dress". I said. I put a diamond earring in one of my ears. "Yeah it is". Vincent said. "Line up"! I yelled. They got in a line a saluted me. I had a riding whip. "Where did you even get that"? Damian asked. "Horse house out in the back". I said. The doors open. I saluted. "Attention! Lux club at your serves! Isn't that right men"? I asked. "Ma'am yes ma'am"! They yelled. "I can't hear you maggots"! I yelled. I'm enjoying this way to much. "Lux club at princesses serves! Ma'am yes ma'am"! They said said. Yes we go over this shit.

"Drop and give me 10"! I yelled. They all started to do push ups. When they finished I saluted them. "Good job maybe you sissy's can do something. You may be at ease"! I said. "Wow you all look really cute"! The girls said. "We're packing heat so don't disrespect us". I said. The boys pulled up there shirts to show there flowers that they put in their pants to act like guns. I shook my head. "Hard to find gangsters now a days". I said. I raised up my shirt a little to show my black rose. Why are we doing this again? "Look is Ms. Shenking". Jason said. I looked at a beautiful girl. Vincent smiled at her. I had my own problems to deal with. Jealousy is something I'll save for right now. "At your tables men"! I said. "Ma'am yes ma'am". They saluted and went to there tables. I went to mine. "Gray that was so cool". A girl said.

"Yeah (Y/n) it's like you've been doing that your whole life". A guy said. "It's really fun". I smiled. "You always like to be in control"? A girl asked. "Yes all of the time". I said. "You really cute". A guy said. "Thank you. But enough about me. I demand to know how were my princesses and prince's day went". I said. "Yes ma'am". They said. As each of them were telling me about my day. I noticed Ms. Shenking and Vincent flirting. And I know Vincent flirts with girls because that's what we do here. but it's different with her. He's focusing on her usually he'll be whispering in all there ears. I felt my smile drop and my hand clenched the seat. "So how was your day"? A guy asked. I smiled. "So awesome. I got a chance to finish a essay at free period". I said. "I'm sure it was great". A girl said.

"I sure hope so... It was on the Great Depression". I said. I raised up sitting on my knees in the chair. "How do you stay so fit"? A girl asked. "Push ups, sit ups, and a lot of juice". I said. "Really"? They asked. "No, I barely eat most of the time". I said. "What"? They asked. "It's a medical condition". I lied. "Oh so you're barely hungry"? A guy asked. "It's more like I forget certain important things while multitasking". I said. I looked over and see Ms. Shenking blushing and Vincent smiling. "But your thick". A guy said. "I eat junk food and heart attacks in a bag food when I eat. And I'm mostly walking or training so it all kinda falls into the right places". I said. "Oh". They all said. When the club closed Vincent was happy. "What got her phone number"? I asked taking out a cigarette. The guys looked at me. I lit it and smoked. "What do you mean"? Vincent asked. "Nothing". I said sitting down. The boys talked about the day and money for the club, while I was thinking and smoking. After a couple minutes passed I decided to hangout with Abby. I grabbed my bag. "You leaving"? Jason asked. "Yeah, I'm going". I said. "Oh if you wait a couple minutes. We can ride home together". Vincent said. "Not going to your place. I'm going to talk to someone and probably be over late". I said. "Oh ok". Vincent for a kiss but I turned my head. "Bye everyone"! I smiled leaving.

Vincent's POV

Did I just get cheek? Did she turn her head from me? I stared at my friends. "Do you know what that's about"? I asked. "No". They said. "Maybe she didn't want to kiss you". Jason shrugged. "Yeah, that's a possibility". Mason said. "She was probably tired". Gabe said. Morti agreed nodding. Damian didn't say anything because he was reading. "Earth to Damian. Are you listening"? I asked. "I hear you talking". Damian said pushing up his glasses. "Girls are complicated. She's probably just in a mood". Jason said. "She is bipolar". Damian agreed. "Well I guess". I said. Later on I went to a meeting, then I had to have lunch with Ms. Shenking and came home. I looked for (Y/n). She was smoking on my balcony. I smiled and went to hug her from behind. She tensed.

"Hey babe". I kissed the back of her neck. She stepped away from me. "You smell like fancy perfume". (Y/n) said. "Yeah I was at a meeting and then I was with Ms. Shenking for something to eat". I said. She walked away. "Shouldn't you be in bed"? She asked. "Are you coming"? I asked. "No". She said walking out the room. I'll give her space. After a couple of hours she didn't come back in. I went out and looked for her in the mansion. She was in one of our guest rooms. She was hugging a pillow. Why is she sleeping in here?

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