Chapter 87

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It was actually a fun week until prom came around. The Lux club was closed. The boys were probably looking for me since prom was tonight. I was basically hiding from them. I didn't go to the mansion because that'll be the first place they'll look. So when the coast was clear I ran like hell. Until a goddamn car almost hit me. It was Jason. "What the fuck man! You tried to fucking kill me"! I yelled at him. "Mason"! Jason yelled. I was about to be tackled. I quickly moved he tripped over a hump in the side walk. "See you"! I yelled. I ran full speed. "Mason get in the fucking car"! Jason yelled. "Don't yell at me Jason please". Mason mumbled and whined. I heard the car screech. My backpack is weighing me down. "Fuck my life"! I yelled taking a mental note of where I threw my backpack. Jason and Mason were now beside me. "We have a car. You're running on foot! Just get in the damn car"! Jason yelled.

"Please"!? Mason added. I zig zag into a yard jumping over fences, dodging people. I climbed onto a roof. I saw Gabe and Morti. "Aw that so gay"! I mumbled as they did fucking ninja tricks and shit. I can do flips to! I looked down. Not this high up though. They were gaining on me. I roof jumped. "(Y/n)! Please stop running away from us"! Gabe said. "And we don't want you to fall"! Morti voice said. "I'm not going to fall"! I said. I ran off the roof. "HOLY SHIT"! I yelled. I closed my eyes and I fell hard into a open trash can. "Oh my God! (Y/n)! Are you alright! Please tell you aren't dead"! Gabe yelled. "I'm. Not. Dead". I breathed out. I got out the trash can. "Hurt"? Morti asked.

"Only my pride". I said limping. "What about your leg"? Gabe asked. "Oh. You're right. I should be running from you two"! I yelled breaking out into a limp run. I ran for a while I lost them. Yes! Yes! Hell yeah! I was out of breath. "Hi". All the boys came out. Damian had me pinned. "Why are you guys chasing me"! I yelled. I licked Damian's face. He was so stunned he let go. I ran but Gabe and Morti was right there. "Are you ok"? Gabe hugged me. "I was so scare! You fell of that roof"! Gabe cried. "It's honestly not my first time falling off a roof". I mumbled. Morti picked me up. We all went to the twins car. "I orange lilly all of you". I said. "What the hell does that mean"? Jason asked. "Pure hatred". Damian said. We made it to Vincent's mansion. "I'm not going to prom. I don't care if you have dresses and other shit for me". I said. "But I was really looking forward to escorting you". A voice said. I looked and it was Vincent. I had a big smile. "I hate you so much". I said. "I love you too"! Vincent smiled hugging me. "How was the trip"? Damian asked. "Awesome. We're expanded in London". Vincent said.

"That's great"! They all said. I was really confused. Cause like what the hell does the Shenking company even do? "So black prom dress"? Vincent asked. "And white tux"? I asked. "I'm thinking white tux with black tie and shoes, while you have a black dress, with white shoes, and pearl necklace and earrings. I'll think it'll look good". Vincent said. "You're the king". I shrugged. I had got dressed and found Vincent already ready. He stared at me. I gave him my famous closed eye smile. "I know that you probably hate that I don't have a long dress on and no heels. But Vincent what if I need to run or fight"? I asked. He walked over to me. "You are the most beautiful person in my life, your are the most beautiful young woman i've ever seen". Vincent said kissing my hand. "You must be bli-". I was cut off. "Just stop. Look in the mirror realize how gorgeous you are and always have been, just take the compliment". Vince Vincent said. I stared at him.

"You look amazing Vincent". I said smiling. It was a good couple of hours into prom. I danced with all the guys. "So babe, people have been telling me how sad you've looked since I've been gone". Vincent smiled. "I was happy you were gone, I don't understand why people saying that". I said eating some of the food. "Uh huh. So what you been up to"? Vincent asked. "Well I fell off a roof earlier. But not the most dangerous thing I've done all week". I said. "Oh my God are you hurt? Let daddy see. Why didn't mommy tell me this! My poor babygirl"! Vincent said. "It's ok I was with Gar right. I was like on top of this big ass ramp. Yo girl wiped out. I only had a small cut on my leg". I said. "I can't leave you alone, can I babe"? Vincent asked. "I was with Hades he was teaching me this awesome demon summoning spell. It was really fun". I said. "Why must you play with the Devil"? Vincent mumbled drinking whatever the hell that wine was they brought into the school. I've never been a wine person.

"Then Ichigo and I were doing some fun stuff that I'm not allowed to say. But let's just say I got a lot of roof jumping done with him. Which is why I did it while the guys were chasing me". I said. "I noticed you haven't touched the money I left you. What the hell have you been eating"? Vincent asked. "Well I had 99 cent chicken nuggets a lot". I said. "Oh God. I leave you money for a reason". Vincent said. "And I didn't need it"! I smiled. "Well how about you"? I asked. "I have a surprised for you win we get home". Vincent said. "Nigga I was serious about the no sex thing". I said. "Sure...". Vincent said laughing. "What do you want for you birthday? Since you're going to be here for it". I said. "You want to know what I want"? Vincent asked. "I mean... I asked so. Yeah". I said. He chuckled. "I want you to give me something from the heart. I want to know how much you love me". Vincent said. "Uh... I'm not good at expressing my feelings aloud. Plus who said I loved you"? I asked. Vincent smiled. "I love your bipolar attitude". He said. "I ain't bipolar". I mumbled.

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