Chapter 92

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I was in the library reading. There were a lot of people here. Well... More than it would be at my old school. Which was zero but there's 10 people here not included myself . Then the library is huge. Call me what you like but I enjoy romance. Mostly if it's of a supernatural being. I find it funny how people think a vampire, were wolf, or ghost won't kill or scare that person. Who was always sometimes human or thought they were human. I was actually just browsing I usually read lewd books, that's what Damian calls it. It's not my fault sex is a thing. And since it's Black History Month I decided to read some slavery history. That always got me in the mood for Black History then I'll go and read how black people basically built America. Then I look and see how much we accomplished. Hell I'm the first black person at this school. No one even treats me bad. Everybody Hates Chris really prepared me wrong. I checked out some books and went to the club. I was reading them.

I cringed at the details of the whipping, the pain, the blood, the insults like. You whore bitch! Dumb nigger! That shit hit me hard. I sat down on the couch in the club. "Whatcha reading"? Gabe asked. I showed him the cover. "Chained... What's that about"? He asked. "Slavery". I said. He stared at me. "Oh". He said. "Well... I'll let you read then". Gabe said. He walked away. It's funny how the slaves women were beat by wives just because there man fucked them without consent might I add. Like bitch, please your man better. I am really the last person to say that. "Hi babe"! Vincent said. I looked at him and looked at the book. "Oh are you studying"? Vincent asked. "No". I said. "That must be a pretty good book if you're that focused". Vincent said. "It's about Slavery". I said. "Is it upsetting you"? Vincent asked. "Y'know if our situation was dated back hundreds of years ago. You'll be trading me". I said. "What"? Vincent asked. "France was the third largest slave traders". I said.

"Ok". Vincent mumbled. "Are you uncomfortable"? I asked. "No, I just don't know how to react to this". He said. "How do you want to react"? I asked. "I'm sorry for my people". Vincent said. "French people or white people"? I asked looking down at the book reading. "Both". He said. "Don't be. I'm sure I could take a whip. Plus all the light skinned blacks were mostly in the kitchen. The only downside to that, they're most likely to be rapped". I said. Gabe came back. "I got you some cake"! He smiled. "Thanks". I said smiling. He walked away. "Babe that sounds really awful. You shouldn't even be thinking about that". Vincent said. I shrugged. "Are you afraid of whips"? Vincent asked. "Not really. Been hit with one before on the back. My friend use to make them and it accidentally hit me. Left a mark. It felt kinda good though". I said. "Noted. How high is your pain tolerance"? Vincent asked. I put the book down. "Are you just flirting with me now"? I asked. "Kinda". Vincent said. "You're kinky. First it's the daddy, then it's the collar, now it's a whip, then it's going to be spanking". I said. "You brought the that collar". Vincent said.

"Stop living in the past! We have to focus on the now". I said. "I thought I already spanked you. Are your orders right"? Vincent teased. "Whatever. Hey! Do we have a gym in the mansion"? I asked. "Yeah, we also have a kitchen". He said. I stared at him confused. "What"? I asked confused. "You're losing a lot of weight". Vincent said. "Oh! I'm fasting". I said. "Why? You're not religious". Vincent said. "Because it's fun". I said. "How the hell is not eating for 2 and a half weeks fun"? Vincent asked. "Look, I forget my body needs food. It's a habit I always have I could go up to 17 days without eating and realize that I need to. My body doesn't tell me every damn minutes when it's hungry. But I drink so...". I said.

"Is that a medical problem? That sounds dangerous". Vincent said. I shrugged. "Eat the cake". Vincent said. "What cake"? I asked. I looked at saw it. "Oh that, yeah ok. I like cake". I smiled eating it. I felt a pain in my stomach. Vincent noticed. "You alright"? Vincent asked. I nodded. I continued to eat. "I was at gym right, so I was just minding my business when I thought about a prank I should do. So I broke the sink and some girl went to use it and water got every. They were crying and running out. It was so fun". I smiled. Vincent stared at me. "Good to know your day was fun". Vincent smiled.

"Yours"? I asked eating the cake. "Well I have to fix a sink now". Vincent said. "I fixed it. It's working right. I'm a handy woman"! I smiled. "You're so cute. Well my day went great. Accept the fact Damian won't answer me! I know you hear me"! Vincent called. Damian looked and flipped him off. I laughed. "What'd you do this time"? I asked. "I may or may not blew the budget". Vincent smiled. "What'd you buy"? I asked. "He said we needed new silverware. I insisted I'll get them. But I accidentally brought a silver back gorilla". Vincent said. I was now laughing my ass off. "How the fuck did you do that"!? I asked in between laughter. "That's what I'm trying to figure out"! Damian said. After a couple of seconds I stopped laughing. "Where's the gorilla"? I asked. "She's in our zoo". Vincent said. "You have a zoo"? I asked. "Yeah". Vincent said.

"Man I am probably going to be working for you in some way". I mumbled. "Oh... I thought we'd run my company together". Vincent said. "She wants to be a vet idiot". Damian said. "Or a lawyer". Jason asked. I nodded. "I knew that but". Vincent said. "You wanted me to throw away my dreams and work for you". I said eating cake. "With me! And no! I just, I don't know. I thought we'd be together". Vincent said. "When we get a wife and we run the fashion empire. We wouldn't want her to work. We'll bring home way more than enough money. There's no reason". Jason said. "I like how he said. When we get a wife. Not when we get wives. They're gonna share a wife. Which is not legal in the U.S". I said. "Since when did we care about things being legal"? Jason asked. "I can't wait to see you on the news about probably sneaking fabrics or some shit". I said.

"We won't do anything that'll effect our company. Plus who cares if you share a wife. That's, that person business". Mason said. "That is true. Well I'mma have two husbands". I said. Vincent chocked on tea. "Yeah... No". Vincent said. I laughed.

(A/n here's a picture of the guys. I don't claim any of this I just found it and put it together in a collage. But where or who ever it came from your talented as fuck. Also the twins are just the same person twice and they do not wear glasses 😂😂😂)

 Also the twins are just the same person twice and they do not wear glasses 😂😂😂)

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