Chapter 73

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At school I was talking to the twins. "Vincent wants me to be in the pageant". I said. "Why"? Jason asked. "I don't know but I don't want to do it". I said. "Maybe you should tell him you don't want to do it. The key to a healthy relationship is honesty". Mason said. Me and Jason laughed. "Alright Mason obviously I'm going to make you stop watching Oprah. The key to a great relationship is to lie. You lie and lie and lie until you're so great at it, that it becomes all your relationship is built on". Jason said. "Exactly, you lie". I said. "Oh I didn't know that. I always thought relationships were about honesty and trust". Mason said. "Sure if you want to do it the old fashion way". Jason said. "I think you'll be a awesome Ms. Shenking". Mason said. "Oh yeah totally, you're beautiful, you're smart, and you have a smoking body". Jason said.

"I think some other girl would be better off being it. There's way better looking girls then me at this school. Seriously I'm trash but they're so beautiful. I can't compete to them, and they're all so skinny". I said. "Why do you doubt yourself"? Jason asked. "Why when it comes to beauty or something to do with girls you act as if you're not even second best. You're number one remember that". Mason said. "When it comes to that stuff I'm not". I said. We walked into first period. "Ok a very special event is coming! Ms. Shenking"! The teacher said excited. The girls squealed. "I know many of you are excited about this". The teacher said. "Really no one finds this remotely weird? No? Just me". I said.

"So you're not going to compete Gray"? A girl asked. "Sadly I have to". I said. "Really? You're dating Vincent Shenking. Wouldn't that be a automatic win"? A boy asked. Huh. Maybe. I smirked, that's how I can get out of it! "You're right. I shouldn't be in it". I said. "None sense you really should". A girl said they all agreed. Why are the girls here so nice!? "I would love to see you in the pageant". A boy said. They all agreed. At the end of the day I was in the club. "The club is closed for the week". Vincent said. "Because"? I asked. "The pageant". Vincent smiled. "Around this time of year we don't get many costumers because they're busy training". Damian said. "That's dumb". I said. "Yes it is". Damian said pushing up his glasses and witting in his black book. Jason and Mason looked at me. "Vincent about the whole pageant thing". I said.

"Yeah"? He asked. Mason gave me a thumbs up while Jason gave me a no face. "I think it's a great idea"! I smiled. Mason gave me the no fave now and Jason gave me the thumbs up. "Babe I'm so happy you want to do this. Get in touch with your inner female". Vincent said. My inner female is ratchet and ghetto. "Oh really so you're ok with the bikini contest? The formal wear? The special talents and the dense questions"? Damian asked. "What type of questions"? I asked. "What makes you the Lux club? What's the schools song? What's Vincent favorite color? What are the Shenkings native roots? How would you make the school better"? Damian asked. "Is it bad that I can answer only two of those questions"? I asked. "You don't know my favorite color"? Vincent asked. "I don't know. It's probably trick question like. Oh he doesn't have a favorite color because all colors are beautiful in there own special way". I said.

"Well that's correct". Vincent smiled. "Shenkings are French and there's not possible way to make this school better". I said. "See you'll do fine". Gabe said. "(Y/n)". Mason said. "Mason no". Jason said. "But-". Jason cut him off. "No is no". Jason said. "What's wrong with you two"? Damian asked. "Nothing". They both said. I sighed running my hand through my hair. "Which reminds me, twins you're on pageant outfit duty". Vincent said. "Sure". They both said. Damian looked at me. "Just tell him". Damian said. "Tell me what"? Vincent asked. "I'm pregnant". I lied hard I don't know why I lied that hard. "What"!? They all yelled. "Sorry I panicked"! I yelled. "Oh God. Just tell him"! They all yelled but Vincent and Jason. "No"! I yelled back. "Babe you do know you can tell me anything right"? Vincent asked. I sighed.

"I'll be home late today. I gotta go talk to someone". I said. "Wait but I need your head measurement for a tiara"! Vincent said. "We'll do it later". I said walking out. I ran to the bar. "Abby I need to talk". I said. "Is this a Vodka talk or a I need to take a walk talk"? She asked. "Vodka". I said sitting down. Some guy stared at me. "Oh were you talking to her"? I asked. "God (Y/n) this is my boyfriend Tony". She said. "Oh this is (Y/n), I've heard so much about you". Tony said shaking my hand. "I would ask all good things. But I know it's not". I smiled. He laughed. "I've heard a lot about you Tony". I said. "Now what is it girl"? Abby asked giving me a shot I drunk it.

"Vincent wants me to do something. And I don't want to do it, I rather throw myself under a moving train then do what he wants me to do". I said. "Something sexual"? Abby asked. "I wish it was that. Nigga want me to be in the Ms. Shenking pageant". I said. "Oh I've heard of that. They pick the most beautiful girl to represent the school". Tony said. We stared at him. "Is that true"? Abby looked at me. "Basically. But I'm not- I don't want to embarrass myself. I don't look like those girls, I'm not as pretty as those girls. And I'm afraid Vincent might realize he can do so much better". I said. "Sweetheart you're crying". Abby said. "No I'm not! My eyes are just sweating". I said. I said covering my face. "Hit me". I said. "I don't think you should be drinking when you're like this". Abby said. "Well I can't smoke". I said. I sniffed removing my hands.

"Hey if this is bothering you that much just be honest with him". Tony said. "I'm going to break his rainbow heart. I don't want to do that". I said. "What are you going to do then? Stress yourself out"? Abby asked. "In a relationship there's always sacrifices you have to make. And if my sacrifice is going up on stage and being in a bikini in front of the whole school and-". I was cut off. "You're crying again". Tony said. "I'm not crying"! I said. "Yes you are". A voice said. Damian. "What"? I asked. "If I were you I'd just tell him". Damian said. "Yeah you're ok with breaking his heart demon king". I said. "True but not true. Some things that he does that I know are stupid, I let him do it anyway. Because I can't stand to see him sad. But he wouldn't want you to do this. He wouldn't want you to cry over this". Damian said. "Damian can you do it for me"? I asked. "Sure, you just lay low". Damian said walking away. Why do I need to lay low?

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