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"Wake yo ass up"! I shot up from my bed. My best friend screaming in my face. "Nigga, please move. It's Sunday I want to sleep Dakota". Dakota sighed. "Well you got that letter from that white people school. I guess you don't want it". Dakota said. I sulked. "I know I didn't get in". I said. He punched me. "Ow". I said. "Shut up and be a man". He said. I nodded. "But first can I eat. I'm fucking starving". I said. "Yeah". He said getting up. I cleaned the bed and pulled it back to a couch. One bedroom apartment. No one else stays here but me, and somehow I love sleeping on the couch bed. The kitchen and the living room was together. I went to the bathroom. I took a shower I had ok boobs but I wore big clothes so no one will never see them. I went out of the shower and changed into baggy blue jeans, a black baggy shirt, a white cap was on my head that I turned backwards, and white Jordan shoes.

I walked out my hair was flat ironed it was neck length. It was parted to my left. Dakota was making bacon and eggs. "Hey (n/n), let's see if you got in. The niggas really gonna want to know". Dakota said. "Koda I'm talking you that I didn't make it". I said. "Yo you smart, like don't even stunt on yourself like that best. And if this rich people don't see that then fuck them. Because we gonna get you out of the hood". Dakota said. "I won't be able to see you Dakota". I said. "(Y/n) please tell me that's not the reason why you're avoiding this letter". Dakota said.

"I don't want to leave you Koda". I said. He punched me playfully. "Man up, (Y/n). You're gonna get a good education and probably fall in love with a rich white dude with money that'll treat you right". Dakota said. "You assume I like boys"? I asked. Dakota rolled his eyes. "I know you do". He said. I laughed. "You know that I don't like to get involved in relationships. It's stupid". I pouted. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever". He said. I ate slowly. He watched me. "Hey you want to go out after I eat? We can go play dice". I said. "Naw, because when you open this letter and see you got accepted into Shenking Academy. We're gonna start packing for you". Dakota said. "Hey, how exactly do we get there"? I asked. "Damn... How will you get there"? Dakota asked. I sighed. There was a knock on the door. We both looked at each other. "Someone supposed to be over"? I asked.

"Yo place". Dakota said. I opened the door and a old man dressed in a expensive tux bowed to me. "Is someone of the name (Y/n) Gray here? I've been sent to see if they'll be attending Shenking Academy". He said. "I got in"? I asked in disbelief. Dakota opened the letter. "We will like to formally tell you (Y/n) Cameron Gray that you are accepted into Shenking Academy with a full paid intuition. We will send someone to give your answer. I hope you will consider becoming a member to our academy"! Dakota read. I start to smile.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Koda I got in! I fucking got in"! I said hugging  Dakota. He hugged me back picking me up. "I told you! Smartass. (Y/n) accepts"! Dakota said. The man smiled calmly at out outburst. "So that's a yes". The man said. I nodded. "I'll be back early around 2 pm to pick you up for the first day of school". The man said. "Oh shit! I got to pack". I said. "It's required that you pay for uniforms. But you don't have to do that until next month. You're just getting settled the first month". The man said. I nodded. "How much is the uniforms"? I asked. "130 dollars". The man said. My mouth widen. "I'll give you money don't worry. My momma has a special saving account for you. There's 500 dollars in there.... She kinda started late but eh". Dakota said. "I can't take your momma money". I said. Dakota rolled his eyes.

"Well you are and you got 300 from me myself". Dakota said. I hugged him. "You really are my best friend". I said. "Just remember where you came from". He said holding his hand out to do our handshake. I put my hand in his and we did it. "Always". I said. "Forever". He said as we ended with a pinky promise. "I'll be waiting". I told the man he bowed and left. "Are you going to dress like a girl"? Dakota asked. "Are you"? I asked. "Salty". Dakota said. "Well I'll go pack some clothes". I said. "I'll go get your money. (Y/n) I'm so happy for you. But we're spending all say together. But I want you to sleep. Because there's a reason why he's coming at 2. It's a long ass drive and plane ride". He said. I nodded. "Good thing the school is paying for all that". I laughed nervously. "Alright let's pick out your clothes! I call panties"! He called running into my room. "Ay nigga chill"! I yelled.

The next say around 1 Dakota woke me up. "How do you keep getting into my house"! I groaned. "You really ask that"? Dakota asked laughing. "Come on its 1:40. You need to get dressed". Dakota picked me up. "Ugh". I groaned. "Fine I'll just undress you myself". He said. I punched him in face. "Ow"! He yelled the dropped. "Owie". I groaned. "Why'd you punch me"!? He yelled. "Why'd you drop me"? I whined. We both looked at each other and laughed. I got up. "Ight, let me get dressed". I said. "Hey! You can keep my boxers". He said. "You weren't getting this back anyway they're comfy". I said. He smiled. "I got to go. Call me as soon as you get to the school". He said kissing my cheek. "Bye my nigga". He said. "Love you best". I said. "Love you to". He said leaving. I sighed. Now to began the new chapter of my life.

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