Chapter 12

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I was at last period gym. We don't really do shit. Some guy walked up to me. "Hey". He said. "What up youngin". I said. "You're new right"? He asked. "Yeah been here for a good week". I said. "You seem cool". He said. "I know most people think that". I said. He laughed. "And you're funny. You should join the newspaper. You can right the comedy section". He said. "I'm just really mean and people think it's funny". I said. He laughed again. The twins walked up. "Get away from him Brad"! They yelled. He sweat dropped and left. "Don't talk to him. He tries to get dirty information on us". Jason said. "I don't care". I said. "You don't care about us"? Mason asked. "Not really. So you up for some dodge ball"? I asked.

"Sure! Yo boys you guys want to play dodge ball"? Jason called. The boys nodded. "Ok we're team captains". The twins said. "Jason you pick first". Mason said. "Alright (Y/n)". Jason said. "Hey I wanted him"! Mason said. "Fine, I pick some else to be team captain for Mason's team so (Y/n), Mason and I are all on team"! Jason said. These two are weird as hell. "I'll do it"! Chandler said. "So I get to pick two people"? Chandler asked. "Yeah"! Both the twins said. He picked two buff people. When we all had a team the girl were on the bleachers watching. "Ready go"! Jason yelled. I was in the back of the defense line. I dodged and caught the balls. The ones I caught the person was out. So now there were three people on our team. The twins and I. 4 on the other team. Chandler, Josh, Tim, and Jeff. Then the twins got themselves out by blocking one another with there own bodies.

"Y'all are dumb ass hell". I said. I caught the balls and it was one on one with me and Jeff. He was buff. I dodged and threw. Jeff had threw the ball hard and I caught it. My hand was red. "Damn bitch you trying to fucking break my hand bro"!? I yelled at him. "Sorry man". He said smiling. "Damn why you worked up"? Jason asked. "This my money throwing hand". I said. "Huh". They said. "Hey Gray. It's so cool how you won that game". The girls said. "Cool". I said. "What's wrong Gray"? One girl asked. Oh right I'm supposed to be flirty. "Oh I'm sorry I just thought about life without you. It's so depressing. More than my actual life but ay". I said touching her cheek. "Hey do you want to go-". Vincent popped up. They blushed. "Hey". I said.

"Come on". He happily said I nodded and followed him and the twins to the club. Dakota was there. "Hey is it time to split"? He asked. "Yeah. I want some pizza". I said. "Same. We can get it at the strip club". Dakota said. "Do you have your ID"? I asked. "Yeah, it's... Ow fuck"! He yelled. "Oh my shit"! I yelled. "I left it in Chicago. You think Sam will ship it"? Dakota asked. "You are dumb as hell. Nigga if you think that it can be mailed in 7 hours. I swear how the hell did we share the same classes"? I asked. "Talk to me like that again and we'll be fighting". He said. "Good I love whopping yo ass". I said. "Virgin". He said. "Suck my dick". I said. There was a loud gasp in the room. "What dick"? He asked. "My nonexistent one". I said. "Well you can suck my real one". He smiled. "Small things are chocking hazard". I smiled. He went into my face.

"You want to go"? He asked. I smiled. "Always". I said. "You lucky I don't hit girls". Dakota said. "Good thing I do". I smiled. "But I'll knock the fuck out of a bitch". Dakota said. "Should we say anything"? Vincent whispered. "I don't know I'm scared commoners on the news are violent". Mason said. "Hey your a dragon ball fan right"? I asked Dakota. "You know I am". Dakota said confused. "Yo girl said she like the way my dragon balls hang". I smiled. "You gay". He laughed. "Seriously though. I'm gonna have to... Maybe we can call stripers". I said. "No, your mom never called stripers. She went to a damn strip club. You should just go". Dakota said. "Ok". I shrugged. "You're a mean friend". Dakota said. I sighed. "Get me some crack, heroine, weed, and some brown mix. And I can get you in". I said. "2 out of 4 I got". He said. "Weed and crack"? I asked. "Weed and brownie mix". Dakota said. "Awesome". I laughed. "Man, where the hell do you get crack from"? Dakota asked. "Downtown". I said. "Ight". He said leaving. "I'll meet you at your place". Dakota said.

"So... You and your friend seems fun". Vincent mumbled. "Yeah, sorry about what you're hearing. It's just how I, he's always there y'know. Without him I'll probably either be dead or a mob wife". I said. "Who's Jay"? Vincent asked. "He's a pain in the ass bitch". I said. "Explain". Damian said. "Well he liked me. I don't like him, he's mean. So long story short he cut me". I said. There eyes widen. "The cheek"? The twins asked. I nodded. "I don't think that's mean I think that's homicidal". Damian said. "He's not my favorite person in the world. But he's better than Hitler I guess". I said. Vincent stared. "What are you doing tomorrow"? He asked. "Koda leaving so probably just chilling". I said. "Great, let's all go to the beach". Vincent said. "I can use my families beach". Damian said. "I'm sorry how fucking rich are you"? I asked. "Everyone in the club is the riches in the whole school". Damian said. "Then why the hell am I here"? I asked. "You owe us money". Damian said. "Damn I keep forgetting about that". I mumbled.

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