Chapter 32

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When we got to the spa people with cameras and stuff were there. A person even stopped me and held mic to my face. "Hello stranger will you be-". I cut them off. "Get that mic out my face before I give you a colonoscopy with your camera". I said. "Well bye violent stranger". He quickly ran off. The guys looked at me. "What was that"? Morti asked. "Not a big fan of the news people". I said. "Honestly not surprised". They mumbled. "Well we should get you out of here. Because more are coming". Gabe said. Another one stopped me. "Hello young lady-". "I'll rip off your dick make you watch me cut it up to pieces and make you eat it. Keep on fucking walking". I said. He slowly backed away. "How are you so good at that"!? The twins yelled. "It's self defense towards things I hate". I said. They quickly got me into the spa.

"You guys should see me on Christmas. I'll cut off your stocking and shove it up your chimney. You jolly fat piece of shit". I said. "Really was your therapist good"? Damian asked. "I know I have issues. But you can't blame me. I ain't got no love". I said. Vincent held my hand. "How much does this place cost again"? I asked. "Damian owns it we're here for free". Vincent said. "Of course he owns it". I said. "I want to own something lowkey though". I said. "I'll give you my heart". Vincent said. "And on that note I'm getting a full on body massage". I said. "That sound fun. I'll like that"! Gabe said. "Honestly guys I might not be able to stay to long. I'm missing the gym". I said. "You don't eat so... What exactly are you working off"? Mason asked. "I do eat! I love food". I said. "You eat apples everyday". Damian said. "I like apples and bananas". I said. When a couple hours passed we went back Vincent place.

"I feel like I was making love to a cloud". I mumbled falling to the floor dramatically. They laughed. "So do you guys want to play tennis"? Vincent asked. "Oh I dominate in that". I said getting up. "That's in every sport". Damian mumbled. "You're just mad because I beat you at golfing. I don't even know how golfing works"! I said. "Maybe you should calm down". Vincent said. "Actually she can't win at every sport". Damian said. "What"? I asked. "Material arts". Damian said. "Have seen how flexible she is"? The twins asked. Vincent asked. I put my leg to my head. Vincent eyes widen. I backed bend flipped over stood on one hand. I went back up. "I liked to watch like anime, and superheros stuff. That's actually how I learned how to do all that". I said.

"Ok I would like to test that. Morti would you fight her"? Damian asked. "Um... What"? I asked. "Are you scared"? Jason asked. "Hell no. Let's go"! I yelled. I swung my leg to kick him he dodged calmly. I went to punch him in the face he dodged all of that. I went to punch him in the face knowing he'll dodged then went for a high kick knowing he'll dodged that so I switched legs on that kick and when I was gonna actually hit him. He grabbed my leg and flipped me on my back. I got up quickly and he started to throw punches I was barely dodging them. He kicked me on the gut making me fall to my knees. I growled and got back up. I went to punch him he caught my fist in his big hand and squeezed it until I was down to one knees.

I pulled my hand back, backed flipped back and I actually landed a hit on him in the arm. Then he kicked me on the leg and punched me in the face. My leg hurt and so did my nose. I knew it was probably bleeding. "Stop"! Vincent yelled. "No"! I said. I stood up and leaned on my good leg. Morti stared at me. I punched at him he dodged. He took my arm flipped me dislocating my shoulder as I fell on the floor. I screamed and then laughed. "(Y/n) you're beaten. He beat you. Why are you still fighting"!? Vincent yelled. "You're laughing". Vincent said. "I felt so much more pain then this. Morti you're holding back on me. Give me all you got". I said throwing another punch at him. My dislocated arm swinging. I swung the arm at him distracting him and then kicked his side. Morti eyes widen. I got him I punched him in the face. He kneed me in the stomach and kicked my other leg making me go down. I stayed down that time. Because I knew I couldn't walk. But I thought about it. I tried to keep fighting. I stood.

"If I can stand, if I can breathe. I can fight". I said. Morti bowed to me and walked away. I was confused. "That was great"! Gabe said. "What!? I lost"! I said. "So? This is the longest anyone has every been in a fight with Morti. Not to mention the hits. You are natural born warrior". Gabe smiled. "I agree". Morti said. The twins were shocked. Damian was smirking. Vincent was on the verge of a heart attack. "Plus you also have the heart of the warrior. What you just said was the soul, heart, and spirit of a warrior. I am impressed you are standing". Morti said. "Yes! I'm the shit"! I said falling back, Vincent caught me. "You're going to be the reason I die". He chuckled. "Um... My arm needs to be popped in place". I said. "Oh". He said. "I'll do it". Damian said. He pushed my arm in place. "Son of bitch"! I yelled. "Hurts more going in doesn't it"? Damian asked. "It really does. Is this how sex is like". I asked holding my shoulder. "Oh now I feel good". I said. "Now that's sex". Jason said.

"I think I see fire". I said closing my eyes. "Momma"? I mumbled. "Don't sleep! You could have a concussion"! Damian said. "But my mom is calling me to hell"! I said. "You have a sick sense of humor Gray". Damian said. I laughed. "Hey put me down"! I said. "Say please once in a while". Vincent said. "Fucking put me down before I kick you in the dick". I said. "You're adorable"! Vincent hugged me. "Why are you so stupid"! I yelled. "You're so mean. I think you need some tickles"! Vincent smiled. My eyes widen. "No! No"! I yelled. He tickled me and everyone else stared to tickle me. I yelled and laughed. "T-this is a f-form of r-r-rape"! I laughed. I turned red and I couldn't breathe anymore. "Alright guys let her breathe". Vincent said. I started to breathe again.

"Fuck. All. Of. You"! I said. They laughed. I sat up. "Um... Scale 1 to 10. How much does this look like a hickey"? I asked showing my neck. "I could give you a hickey". Vincent said. "Anybody could. That's not what I asked. I want it to look like a hickey. Because I cannot let Koda know I got my ass beat. He's gonna beat my ass. I think I have enough loses for the year". I said. "Alright babe, you should go home". Vincent said. "Ok, I'm... Can you carry me"? I asked. "You just told me put you down". Vincent said. I pouted. "So cute"! Vincent kissed me. He picked me up.

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