Chapter 74

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I was at the park when I got a text from Vincent.

Vincent: Where are you?

(Y/n): Did Damian tell you?

Vincent: You should have been able to tell me that yourself

(Y/n): I didn't want to hurt you

Vincent: It's ok babe, if it makes you uncomfortable. It doesn't have to happen

(Y/n): Everyone wants me to be in it

Vincent: Who cares? You do what you want to do

Vincent: Well things that are reasonable

(Y/n): I'm at the park

Vincent: Oh ok. Come home

(Y/n): Why?

Vincent: I want to cuddle

(Y/n): I'm busy drawing

Vincent: Well I'll be over there in a couple of minute

(Y/n): You have a meeting

Vincent: Really!?

(Y/n): Yeah... Remember save the whales charity thing

Vincent: Oh my God! I forgot about that. Are you ok being alone tonight?

(Y/n): Night without you sounds great

Vincent: Alright that was mean, so forget that chocolate I was going to bring home to you

(Y/n): I am so sorry

(Y/n): Vincent! I want the chocolate

(Y/n): Answer me damnit

(Y/n): Fuck...

I ran all the way to the mansion which is pretty damn far. When I made it Vincent was walking out. I sweaty and out of breath. "Vince"! I yelled. He looked at me a smiled. I ran to him. "I can get the chocolate right"? I asked. "Well hello to you to babe". Vincent said. "Yeah uh huh hi! Can I get the chocolate"? I asked. "No kiss? I'm going to leave". Vincent said. I kissed him he grabbed on to my waist and pulled me into the kiss more. He pulled away. "I got to go". Vincent said. "Vincent do I get chocolate"!? I yelled. He left. Asshole. I sadly walked into the house and went into the bedroom. The bed had a lot of chocolate on it. "I love that asshole". I mumbled eating the chocolate. When the morning came Vincent was in a towel and on the phone. I looked at saw it was 5 in the morning. I stared at his wet body. He was fresh out the shower. It was like looking at an naked angel.

"I can't today, my father and grandmother will be returning today". Vincent said. Wait... Fuck they live here. I guess I'll be moving out. "Transfer the money then, alright bye". Vincent said. I closed my eyes. "(Y/n) wake up". Vincent said. I stirred and groaned. He chuckled and walked away. I looked and he was getting dress when his towel dropped I had a view of his ass. Wow! He has a nice ass. He turned around and my eyes widen. I quickly flipped and pulled the cover over my face. "Babe? Are you up"? Vincent asked. I didn't say anything. He moved around and I looked. He was right in my face.

"Good morning". He said. I felt my face heat up. He put his boxers on. "Vincent I didn't see anything"! I said. "Ok? We've had sex don't be embarrassed. It's yours". Vincent said. "What- what's mine"? I asked. "Me my everything it's yours. Just like you're mine. You are mine right? Because you ate a lot of chocolate". Vincent said. "Yeah sure I'm yours". I mumbled. "What are you doing up so early anyway? Did I wake you? I'm sorry". Vincent said. "I missed you last night". I said. "The way you clung onto me last night was obvious". Vincent said. "What time you came"? I asked. "1". Vincent said. "Vincent when did you wake up"? I asked. "4". He said. "So you had 3 hours of sleep and more energized then I am? Are you on crack"? I asked. "No. But for some reason I'm barely ever sleepy". Vincent said.

"That's scary". I said. "Are you a vampire"? I asked. "Would you think I'm sexy if I were"? Vincent laughed. "No i'd cut your head off". I said. "Why"? Vincent asked. "I watch a lot of TV". I said. "Obviously". Vincent said. "There's nothing else to do. And I hate that I don't have a six pack"! I yelled. "You have a cute little four pack". Vincent said climbing on top of me. He took the cover off and lifted up my shirt. "See so cute". He blew on my stomach and I laughed. "You're such a child". I said. He stopped and started to kiss my stomach living hickey's. "You love hickey's don't you"? I asked. "I find them to be a act of passion, romance, and love. And you do know my people are all for love". Vincent said kissing my cheek. I kissed him. There was a knock on the door.

"Master Vincent, Master Lafayette is requesting you and (Y/n) at the breakfast table". Jefferson said. "Tell him we'll be right down". Vincent said. "Vincent maybe I should stay at my place since you're... Grandma and dad are here". I said. "None sense". Vincent said. I sighed. "He's a morning person to"? I asked. "Yeah...". Vincent said. I got up and ran to take a quick shower. Did all my bathroom stuff. Got dressed in under 14 minutes. My hair was currently in a curly fro. "Big". Vincent said touching my hair. "So soft". He mumbled. I stared at him. Vincent lead me to a dinning room. His dad and grandmother are sitting. "Good morning beautiful". Mr. Shenking said to me. Vincent looked at him. "Morning Mr. Shenking"! I smiled. "Good morning son". Mr. Shenking nodded at Vincent.

"Good morning father and grandmother". Vincent said. He pulled my chair out and I sat down and he sat beside me. It was kinda awkward. His grandma kept glaring at me. I stared at her. Vincent squeezed my leg. "How was the trip to Canada did we expand"? Vincent asked. "Yes we did. So far we have, Japan, Italy, The US, France, and Canada". Mr. Shenking said. I didn't care about that. "Hopefully you won't drive it to the ground in two years". His grandma said. Vincent didn't say anything. "All our hard work will be wiped clean if he gets the company's". His grandma said. Vincent didn't really seem to care about what she was saying. "Your girlfriend probably could take our money"! His grandma yelled. Vincent looked at her. "You will not speak about (Y/n) in that way". He growled. "Vincent I don't want to be here if I'm going to cause something". I said.

"You're not she's just mean, you two should have tea". Vincent said. "Whatever". I said. "How's school"? Mr. Shenking asked. "Great, I'm doing really well in my classes"! Vincent said. "That's good. How about you (Y/n)"? Mr. Shenking asked. "I'm doing the same". I said. "Really because you've tested second in the school ranks". Mr. Shenking said. "If it isn't first I don't consider it anything but a waist of time". I said. "Damian was the first". Vincent said. My eyes widen. "Oh my Batman! I'm so smart". I said.

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