Chapter 4

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They all stared at me. "We're not going to tell". Vincent said. I shrugged. "Who cares. Male, female. I'm here to study not worry about sexuality". I said. Damian smirked. "The only reason why I'm not telling is because we need that money". Damian said. "Oh right damn. Still gotta pay that. Is there anything else I could do"? I asked. Damian looked at Vincent. "Not really". Vincent said. "Well then I will continue to be a boy". I sighed. I got my jacket from Vincent. "Thank you". I smiled with my eyes clothes. "Oh my God that was so cute". Vincent said. "If you're a girl why do you dress like that"? Jason asked. "Um... Tomboy". I stuck my tongue out winking. He blushed. "What about your hair"? Mason asked. "Well... I cut it because um-". Damian cut me off. "She needs to fight so she cuts her hair to make sure she can see when she fights. I have information on you from the beginning". Damian said.

"Huh. That's wired". I said. "So how would you look with a dress on"? Vincent started to fantasize. "Maybe you'll see one day". I laughed. "Maybe we all will"! Gabe smiled. "How old are you guys"? I asked. "Everyone is 17". Damian said. I looked at Gabe. He looked like a kid. This dude looked like a 8 year old. "Um... 16. Well I just turned". I said. "Oh your daddy's little girl"! Vincent hugged me. I pushed him off of me. He was shocked and then turned to Damian. "Mommy our little girl has rejected me"! He said dramatically. "Hug your daddy". Damian said. "Man what the fuck"? I mumbled. Damian shrugged and started to write in his black book. He keeps writing in it. "You should let it grow. There's no reason to fight here". Vincent said touching my cheek.

"Y'know where I'm from this much touching gets you killed". I said. He looked scared and hid behind Morti. Who was taller than me and looked way stronger. "Good thing we aren't where I'm from". I smiled. Vincent came out with a huge smile. "Do you have a ride home"? Vincent asked. "Oh shit! I gotta go". I mumbled. I ran out. Geoffrey dropped me off at my apartment. I looked for the weed that Mike said he and my other friends hid in one of my bags. I found it and some paper and started to smoke. Not before I ate. I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up from my alarm. I took a quick shower got dressed in the uniform, smoked a little, and went to eat. The a honk outside. I was at school at the same time. When I walked in I went the abandon music room. And the Lux club members were already there. Gabe ran to hug me.

"Have you been crying (Y/n) your eyes are red and glossy". Gabe said. "No just something in my eyes on the way here". I said. Damian looked at me. "Vincent you never went over the rules for our new comer". He said. "You're right. Ok (Y/n), first is don't do anything to give yourself a bad reputation". He said. "Wait but I'm a bad boy so... Like how am I going to play a bad boy without being bad"? I asked. He thought for a moment.

"No we meant just don't harass or give anyone information about us or yourself. Like deep personal stuff that goes on here,  we're all family here. So we keep each other secrets. What else. Our goal is to make every young woman who comes through that door happy no matter the cost. Also you must precipitate in all of our activities. Also if we all have plans to drop everything and hang out with us. Being sick or family issues are the only way you're excused from that. I've also added extra rules personally for you". Vincent said. "Let's here them". I said. "You must always remember that you're a girl. Just because we're doing something don't do what we do. And don't fall in love". He said. "Ok what does that have to do with anything"? I asked. "Daddy just wants to keep his little girl safe from harm". Vincent said.

"Daddy also has a thing for sister. That's why he said don't fall in love". The twins teased. "Ok whatever I don't care". I said. "Boss you deprived your daughter of having her first love"! Jason said dramatically. "You call yourself a father! You're supposed to want the best for your daughter"! Mason teased. Vincent eyes widen. "You're so right! I'm a terrible father! Cameron please forgive me"! Vincent said. "You're lucky you're cute". I said. His attitude hit a whole 180. "Are you falling for my looks already? Tell me are you in love! I thank God for this gift of beauty". Vincent said. I rolled my eyes. "Perhaps I could even be a god". He said to me. "Would you worship me"? Vincent said holding my waist pushing my head up by lifting my chin to look him in the eyes. I smiled.

"What is a god to a nonbeliever"? I asked. He backed up shocked. "Are you serious you don't believe in God"? Vincent asked shocked. "My own beliefs isn't a subject here. I personally do believe in him. I can't fucking stand him". I said bawling my fist. "That same God took my parents away. So I say fuck it". I said. They all looked at me. I must have been crying. "(Y/n)-". I cut Vincent sympathetic look and words and walked out of the room. Damn it you always do this! You're so fucking dumb. I bet they don't even want to be around me anymore. I was in a janitors closet. I punched some glass and my hands started bleeding. I took deep breaths in and out. I felt myself tear up again and I sat down in the corner fumbling to get my pills. I took two and drunk my bottle of water. After my little panic attack the bell rung. I took a deep breathe and exited the closet.

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