Chapter 79

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I loved our theme week in the club. I'm being sarcastic, I rather just play my old bad girl role. Right now we're dressed in 90's clothes. Vincent really wanted that. The fact was I was dressed as a 90's gangster, they were dressed as 90's white people. And I could have dressed like a nerd if I knew we were doing that. I had on one of those I wouldn't say half shirt but it was basically a bra, and a open flannel, baggy jeans that sewed shorts to give it a better sagging prospective, and a cap. I also kept my colors lowkey. They went so bright. I'm talking poke dot shoes, bright flashy shirts, overalls, big ass glasses. The twin were ok they simply went with a pair of light blue jeans, a shirt that the tucked into the jean, and some simple shoes Jason shirt was blue and Mason's was orange.

I laughed at everyone else though. Vincent was not happy about the amount of skin showing on me. Which was my stomach. That was it. "Why are you wearing just a bra"!? Vincent asked freaking out. "She also has a flannel on". Damian said. "And it's not a bra". The twins said. "So I don't look good"? I asked. "You look great". Vincent said. "Yeah you guys don't. Mason, Jason, why did you let them do this"? I asked. "It was funny". Jason laughed. "We have back up clothes". Mason said. The boys went to get dressed again. They came out looking decent. Gabe was wearing a bright pink shirt, with overalls, and jeans. Damian wore purple glasses, with a white t-shirt, with a leather jacket, Morti had on dark blue overalls with one of the scraps not button up with a white shirt and a cap, Vincent had on a red shirt, with a white leather vest, and jeans. I clapped.

"You guys are going to make the fashion industries your bitch". I applaud the twins. "Tomorrow I'm thinking prisoners and wardens". Vincent said. "Let me guess who the prisoners gonna be". I mumbled. "The people who cause the most trouble. Which would be you and the twins". Damian said. "We do not cause trouble". The twins and I all said. We looked at each other. We laughed. "Yeah we do". We all said again. "Or should we go tropical? Damian what's are budget"? Vincent asked. Damian started to do calculations. "40,000 so don't go over board". Damian said. "Damn at my old school if you put football, basketball, and art together it's not even that much". I said.

"Commoners". They all said. "Offended. I was in all of those". I said. "How did you ever get stuff done? You studied, you had after school activities, you went and did stuff with your delinquent friends". Damian said. "I never studied at the school. I just say that. I never studied in my life until I got here. Why the hell would I need to study? Everything was so simple. I don't even think I came to class some days. I remember being in the old building with my friends in the boys bathroom and we'll just get high until PE". I said. They stared at me. "But you got all A's on your tests". Vincent said. I nodded. "Dakota said you studied". Damian said. "Dakota thought I did. And I'll tell him I did. And when he quizzed me I just knew the stuff. Because public school is just teaching the same shit over and over again". I said. "What about you ACT score"? Mason asked. "Easy stuff". I shrugged. "Damian I think she's your level". Jason said. "I figured that a while ago". Damian said. "I'm not on your level Damian. You're intelligent, I'm just lucky". I said. "You spent 4 hours in a bathroom with high guys"? Jason asked. "The shit that happened in that bathroom". I said shaking my head remembering. "I think I lost my eye and ear innocence there". I said.

"You seen people have sex"? Jason asked. "I've walked in on some weird shit. There were two girls in there once. But they were naked and covered in soap and water. They were in the shower, rubbing each other from head to toe. Slipper, wet, covered in soap the girls started to kiss and moaning. So I'm just standing there, thinking I was high. Because they looked straight at me and continued. I don't think I smoked for two weeks after watching to girls make out. And I know they fucked after I left. The boys stared at me. Jason put his hand on my shoulder. "I want you to retell us that story". Jason said while Mason got his phone out. "You guys are dumb". I said. "We're boys. You told us about two girls making out in a shower". Jason said. "That shower was fucking disgusting. Man our water was fucking brown". I said. They all scrunched up there face.

"What type of weirdos go to your old school". Mason said putting his phone back in his pocket. "Costumers". Damian said. They all got into a over dramatic pose. While I smiled. "Hello princesses and prince's"! We all said. They all looked at us and smiled. "What's happening". I said to my group. "You look really cute". They complimented me. "You guys look fly to". I smiled. "Are you ok? You were crying yesterday". A girl said. "Yeah it was the song and all the beautiful faces I see in front of me had me emotional". I lied. "Has Vincent asked you to the prom yet"!? A girl asked excited. "No". I bluntly said. He hasn't asked me to the prom he said let's go prom shopping.

"Are you serious prom is so close". A guy said. "Well maybe I'll just go with one of you. Unless you all have dates". I said. "We're sure Vincent will ask you". A guy said. "What do commoners do at prom"? A guy asked. "Do you guys really want to know"? I asked. "Yeah". A girl said. "Ok, so we go there as an excuse to our parents. We stay for maybe and hour or something for pictures and to socialize. Then we go to a hotel or someone's house party. And we have sex". I said. They stared at me. "Really"? My table asked. "Yeah, and you get pregnant. Sometimes it's not even by the person you came to prom with. A whole different dude. Maybe fucked at least three dudes. Then you're in trouble. So the guy you told was the father fucked around and found out that his brother was the father. So he punches you and fights his brother. But then the brothers found out that there cousin could be the damn baby daddy". I said. Bye now the whole room was listening.

"So you got a black eye and three possible baby daddies. Then yo ass get them blood results. And they find out that none of them are the father but the father has there blood. And you found out you fucked around got hella drunk and fucked with your boyfriends dad and 8 months pregnant". I said drinking some juice. "Hold on I thought we were talking about prom"? A guy said. "Yeah this is the first hour of prom. She been pregnant". I said. They all had what the fuck faces. "Basically prom is when shit start popping off and the drama happens". I said.

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