Chapter 5

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In class I didn't say a word I still sat by the twins, who were both staring at me. "Gray is your hand ok"?! Some girl yelled. I looked down at my bloody hand. I smiled. "Yeah it's fine". I said in happy voice. The twins were still staring at me. "You should go to the nurse". Mr. Wilson said. "We'll take her". The twins quickly said and we were out of the room. It was quiet until I spoke. "Where's the nurse"? I asked. "You can't go to the nurse". They both said. "Why not"? I asked. "You're still a girl pretending to be a guy". Mason said. "We'll take you to the club room". Jason said. "We can fix you up"! They both said holding out there thumbs. Their smiles faded. "What'd you do"? Jason asked. "Fell". I said. "And the lie detector says...". Mason started. "That was a lie". They both said. "What really happened"? Mason asked.

"I punched glass". I said. "Ouch you ok"? Jason asked. "Peachy. Y'know I'm perfectly fine. So why don't you to go back to class. I've had worse than this". I said. "Yeah, what's that scar on your cheek"? Mason asked. "Someone cut me". I said. They froze. "What"!? They asked. "I was cut during a mugging. It's cool". I said. "No that's not cool". Jason said. "I'll live to see another day". I joked. We made it to the music room. "If you ever want to talk...". Jason said. "We're here, remember we're all family. Come to any of us". Mason finished. They found a first aid kit and patched up my hand. "So what do you to do in club exactly"? I asked. "Well, we're close so girls like that. We'll flirt with them, tell them stories about us. Flirt with each other. Because Twincest is a thing they like". Jason said. I looked at them. "It's weird we know". Mason said. "I'm not judging. I don't care, it's not like y'all do it for real. It's just to entertain these females that have way to much time on there hand". I said.

"Yeah we do share a bed although". Mason said. "Y'all just share everything don't you"? I asked. "But like hygienic stuff. We don't share that". Jason said. "What about girlfriend's"? I asked. They smiled devilishly. "Of course". They said. "Y'all freaky". I laughed. They seemed taken back by my laughing. When the end of the day came I didn't even bother to go to the music room. I couldn't face them. I sat behind the school in a tree. "(Y/n) "! I heard my name being called. "(Y/n) come out"! My eyes widen. Who the fuck could be looking for me. I took the knife in my shoe out. I stayed silent until I heard someone right under me. I jumped down ready to stab the person. It was Damian. "Hey I found her". He said said reading a book. Vincent ran at me my eyes widen because he wasn't slowly down and I had a knife in my hand. I threw the knife down as he tackled me into a hug. "Daddy was so worried. Oh no your hand. Let me see it". He said getting off of me. I looked down and my knife was gone. I looked at Damian who held it. "Give that back"! I said. "You could really hurt yourself with that knife (Y/n). It's made by my family". Gabe said. My eyes landed on the teddy bear holding boy.

"Gabe's family owns most of Japanese weapons, six dojos, and trains some armies. Gabe here has won three Martial arts tournaments. And Morti has won the nationals twice". The twins say. I blinked. "Um... Wow. But I need my knife back". I said. I noticed that my back pack fell opened my eyes widen. I quickly got to that first closing it up and getting everything that fell out of it. I took my knife and put it in my backpack. "Guys look, I don't really think I'm cut out to be in this club". I sighed. "Hell I don't even think I'm cut out to be at this school. I promise that I'll find a way to get the money. I'll just-". Damian cut me off. "Sell drugs, rob people, get a job"? He asked. "Yeah basically". I said. "I'm sorry I can't let you do that". Vincent said. "Which one"? I asked.

"Any of it! Don't quit the club, don't quit the school, and don't turn to a life of commoner crime"! Vincent said. "You said it yourself you came to this school to be better, to make your parents proud. How the hell do you think they'll feel if they see you giving up!? Just because you're having a bad day? We all have those. But we're all here for each other. You're now part of our family". Vincent said. They all agreed and nodded. "You guys are way less mean then I thought". I said. "How'd you think we'll act"? Gabe asked. "Um... Mean". I said. "Hey we should all come to my house". Vincent said. "Um... I don't really think I can". I said.

"Remember the rules". The twins smirked. "Ugh. Fine. I just need to stop by my house". I said. "I'll text you the address". Vincent said. "None of you have my number". I said. "Well I do". Damian smiled. "No one here is surprised about that". Jason said. "Well you can send my number to them". I said. "Let's go the ladies are waiting". The twins said. We walked into the building and walked into the music room. "Today's cosplay is a day at a tropical island"! Vincent said. The whole room was covered in trees and real birds. A big pool with sand and water in it. I turned and all the guys shirts were off and they had swim shorts on. They all had six packs and was very toned. Perfect bodies. I stared.

"Maybe this wasn't the right cosplay". Vincent said. I sighed. "So where's my costume"? I asked. The twins smirked. They jumped on me and dragged me into the changing room. They handed me a outfit. It was a white T shirt that was like showing my belly a little, a black sleeves jacket, and swim shorts. "How big are your breast"? Jason asked. "Yeah how big"? Mason asked. "33 A". I lied there a little bigger. They blushed. "I ain't got nothing to hide". I said. "Really? Well then strip". They said. "You guys aren't sharing me". I laughed. "Oh well, Mason it doesn't look like we can have her". Jason said. "Such a shame Jason. She could have been a good toy". Mason smiled. "So um... Can I change in private"? I asked. They smirked stepping out. I change into the clothes. I didn't have a six pack really, but I wasn't fat, I had a soft four pack, but I was kinda self conscious about this.

"Hey are you done"? I heard Vincent call. "Yeah". I blushed. I walked out and Vincent squealed. "Oh my God you look so cute"! Vincent said. Then he started to freak out. "Jason! Mason! Why is my little girl showing this much skin!? A lady shouldn't show this much skin until she's married"! Vincent said. Wait do the twins pick out my clothes? Well there family do own a popular fashion line. "Um... I'm pretty ok with it". I said. "Hush daddy's talking. Mommy come see this"! Vincent yelled. Damian walked to us. "Um... Why"? He asked Vincent.

"Our little girl is showing to much skin". Vincent said. "Technically when that door opens in 30 seconds. She's a he". Damian said to him. Vincent pouted. "Whatever". I said. "Vincent wasn't this cosplay your idea"? Gabe asked playing in the sand with Morti watching him. "Time to open the doors"! The twins said. "In your stations everyone"! Damian said.

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