Chapter 50

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The day of the festival came. I was wearing my tux and my hair was in a man bun. I was bringing champagne to a table of parents. "Hey"! I said to Gabe. "Hi". He smiled. "Where's everyone? I only see you and Morti". I said. "They're probably with there parents". Gabe said. There was a loud slap sound. We both turned our heads to see Damian with someone guy and his glasses were on the ground and his cheek was red. "Who the fuck"? I asked. "That's Mr. Prinston". Morti said. "That's his dad"? I asked. They nodded. I walked over to Damian and picked up his glasses. "Are you ok"? I asked. "It was bound to happen". Damian said. I looked at his dad who left. I was angry. Damian was my friend. I was going to confront that bitch in the expensive suit. But Damian grabbed my shoulder. "It's ok". He said. The twins ran up to me.

"Hey! Come meet our mom"! They smiled. I nodded. They took me to there mom who was gorgeous. "Wow hello Ms. Monroe. I am a big fan". I smiled. "Aren't you adorable. Boys I never meet this one". She said. "There's boss". The twins said. He was alone. "Excuse me Ms. I'll see you later". I smiled. I walked to Vincent. "Hey". He smiled. "Hi". I smiled. "Did you see what Damian's dad did? I want to kick his ass". I said. "It's my fault. Damian's father doesn't like his son being in the club. But Damian likes to disobey his father. So...". Vincent said. "That's why! I knew he had to be gaining something from this. It's a hate boner". I said. The door open everyone went quiet. "Dad"? Vincent mumbled. A handsome man walked through the door. Vincent went up to him and smiled. "Hi dad". He said. He his dad frowned. "Boy". He said.

"Can I get you something"? Vincent asked. "Your grandmother". Was all his dad said leaving. Why are they dad's assholes? And they're so nice! Gabe was beside me. "I hate that woman". Gabe said. My eyes widen. How could anyone make Gabe say that? She must be a bitch. An old woman walked through the door with a mean ass face. "Boy, here now". She said to Vincent. "Yes grandmother"? He asked. "I want you to show her around". She said. A beautiful tall girl walked in. "Her name is Ashley Mona". She said. Vincent bowed to her. And she blushed. "This may be your future wife". His grandma said. Oh I call bullshit. Vincent smiled. "Ok yes ma'am". He said. The girl but her arm in his and they walked away. I turned and the guys were behind me. I dropped the metal tray I was holding and ran into the music room. Is Vincent going to marry that girl!?

The guys walked in. "He's not going to do anything. He's just making his grandmother happy until its time to reveal you're a girl". Damian said. "Ok. But I assume she's a rich bitch. She looks better then me. Even I'll tap that ass". I said. "She doesn't look better than you. Have you seen you"? Jason asked. They agreed. "You're beautiful on the inside and out and you're real. Something most of these girls aren't". Mason said. "Vincent is my best friend. We all come before some outsider. He's said he loved you he meant it". Damian said. "Your awesome (Y/n)"! Gabe said hugging me. "You're kind". Morti said. I smiled at them.

"I love you guys". I said. "We love you too". They all said. Vincent walked in. "I lost her at the 1 floor art room". Vincent smiled. He hugged me. "I love you". He kissed me. "Whatever asshat". I blushed. We all went back to the party. Damian went to talk to Vincent's dad. Then I realized Vincent's dad liked Damian. He was complimenting him and they were laughing. Damian looked at me and walked over. "Mr. Shenking wants to speak with you". He said. I nodded and walked over. He smiled. "Ms. (Y/n) Gray. A protege. A beautiful one as that". He said. "Vincent is your son". I laughed. He smiled. "I quite admire you. Such a young smart lady. But may I ask why are you pretending to be a young man"? He asked. "Long story". I said. "But I would like to thank you. For letting me come to your school". I said. "My school is happy to have you here". He said.

"Thank you". I said. "So are you with someone"? He asked. I looked at him. "Hey! (Y/n) it's time come on"! The twins said dragging me to the club room. They changed me into a white and black dress. I but black Jordans on. And I curled my hair. They looked at me. "Beautiful". They said. I blushed. We went back to the party. Vincent was on the mic. He already did the greetings and the light stuff. "But we have a special surprise". He said. "I need everyone in the Lux club to be on stage with me". He said.

We all walked on stage. They stared at me and gasp. "This beautiful GIRL is (Y/n) Cameron Gray! And she's my girlfriend". Vincent said. "Gray's a girl"! They all yelled. Vincent gave me the mic. "I cannot confirm or deny any of this. And I'm so sorry if I hurt someone's feelings". I said. They started to yell. But nothing bad. Stuff like "I think I'm bisexual"! "I thought I was gay"! "She's beautiful"! "Her and Vincent are so cute together"! "Marry me"! So on so forth. "Yeah I did this shit". I said. "Yeah you did". Jason said. "Also I would like to say. Damian's dad. If I catch you hitting him again you gone catch these hands. Now if you think I can't fight ask around. Also allegedly! Because I ain't going to jail". I said. Damian's dad stared at me. I opened up my arms to show that I want him to do something. "I'm still from the south side"! I said. Damian hugged me. I was surprised. "You're a idiot". He said kissing my cheek. Vincent stared at him.

"She's like a sister to me". Damian said. "I thought you were mommy". I smiled. Damian laughed. Damian got the mic. "(Y/n) will continue to be in the club. And male and females are welcome to come see her". Damian said. I nodded. "I didn't agree to that"! Vincent said. I laughed. "Lux club out rich people"! I said walking off stage. "Do you want your uniform now or later"? Mr. Shenking asked. "Son of a gum chewy funk monster". I said shaking my head. "Son". Mr. Shenking said. Vincent was surprised. "Huh"? He asked. "Take care of her". He said. Vincent smiled. "I will dad". Vincent said. "I don't like her". His grandma said. "Well I don't care about your opinion also I don't like that girl you brought here. There's only one girl I'm marrying and that's when she's ready"! Vincent yelled at her.

Gabe was so happy he told her off. Everyone else was shocked. He must have never talked back to her. "You're lucky you're owning our companyy when your turn 19". She mumbled walking away. Vincent kissed me. "Welcome to the beginning of a new school life babe". Vincent said. "Yay! PDA and short skirts"! I said sarcastically. He smiled wrapping his arm around me.

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