Chapter 30

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Ok at the club I was drinking tea with everyone. "Vincent did I say my answer"? I asked. Everyone looked. "No". He said. "Oh". I said drinking my tea. They stared at me. "What"? I asked. "What's the answer"? Jason asked. I whispered it to him. He whispered it to Mason. "Hold on! How come they get to know"? Vincent asked. "You got to do something for me". I said. "What"? He asked. "I think I deserve a cookie". I said. "Really? That's all? Do you want me to feed it to you"? Vincent asked. I nodded. Vincent got a chocolate chip cookie broke off a small piece and put it near my mouth. I went to eat it and he pulled it back.

"Stick your tongue out". He said. I stuck my tongue out and he put it on my tongue. "Can I know the answer now"? Vincent asked. "I want the whole thing". I said. "It would be rather weird if she makes you do this. But doesn't want to be your girlfriend". Damian said. I opened my mouth as he feed me another piece. 5 minutes later I finished. "You have crumbs on your lips". Vincent kissed me. "Got it"? I asked. He nodded. "Yes". I said. "Yes"? He asked. I nodded. He smiled. "So how do we make it official"? Vincent asked touching my cheek. "Please keep it PG". Morti said. "High five"? I asked. "You're so cute". Vincent said. He gave me a high five.

"Time to open". Damian said. We went to our tables and the costumers came. "Hi Princesses". I smiled. "Hi Gray, I haven't seen you that much today. Are you alright"? One of them asked. I scoffed. "Now, now princess. Don't worry about me. I'm a man that can handle himself". I said. The guys looked at me when I said I was a man. "Remember when you were talking about superheroes to us? Can you tell us who's your all tike favorite". One girl said. "Oh princess I don't have a exact favorite. But Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, and Wonder Woman are probably". I said. "Wonder Woman"? They asked. "I love women who are independent". I said. "Wow"! They said.

"What are you going to be for Halloween? I heard I was your all time favorite holiday". One girl said. "Well I might be a zombie". I said. When all there girls left I sat and ate cake. Gabe was with me eating cake. Then there was a loud knock on the door. "That's strange we don't have anymore costumers". Vincent said. "Plus we're closed so". Damian said pushing up his glasses. "I got it"! I said. I opened the door and three girls in pink and white dresses with another school logo was at the door. The tallest girl looked at me and blushed. She had short black hair, brown eyes, and she had freckles. She touched my cheek.

"You're the most beautiful young lady I ever seen". She said. My eyes widen. "Um... Thanks". I said. The guys were watching. "How did you know she's a girl"? Vincent asked. "Look at her beauty, such gorgeous eyes, such a perfect figure, radiant skin". The strange gay lady said. "Oh you must be from the Flower Academy. Am I wrong"? Damian asked. He knows he isn't wrong. "Yes, we are"! The other girl said. "By the strength of woman. We can do anything, let us be our own people. Because men are just useless accessories". They chanted. "Wow". I mumbled. "I am. Hope"! A girl said. "Sunny". Another one said. "Blossom". The girl who was touching me said.

"And we are the power puff girls"! I said. "Well I'm Vincent, son to the owner of the school also the president of the Lux club. This is Damian co president. Jason, Mason, Gabe, and Morti"! Vincent said he walked over and took me away from the girl putting me behind him. "This is (Y/n). Can we help you"? Vincent asked. "You're imprisoning such a beautiful girl!? You're pigs". Blossom said. "I think I need some stronger tea". I said. "Tell me my little lilly. Have you tasted female freedom"? She asked. "Yeah, it taste like victory". I smirked. She smiled. "Yes it does lilly. Step aside pretty boy. Let me see my new flower". She said. "So, I take it your lesbian". I said. "I'm attracted to the superior gender". She said. I clapped. "You go girl"! I said. The boys looked at me. "How about you join Flower Academy! It's an all girls school". Hope said. The guys eyes widen. The twins stepped up to them.

"Sorry! We're closed come again"! They said pushing the girls out the room. They locked the door. "A school based on strong independent women". I smiled. "Please don't tell me you're actually considering it". Jason said. Gabe started to cry. "No! I don't want (Y/n) to go"! Gabe cried. "Me either". Morti said as Gabe hugged him. "I'm not leaving. I prefer to hang around guys". I said. "Maybe that school would be better for you". Vincent mumbled. "Huh"? I asked. "You are all our for equality. That school is perfect for you". Vincent mumbled. "Damn. Look all that is true. But that school isn't equal. They think girls are everything. I want everyone female and males to be side by side". I smiled. "Oh thank god! I wouldn't live with myself if you left". Vincent said. "Glad you're staying". Damian said.

"Wouldn't leave, actually can't leave. Still in debt". I laughed. "Really does dating him at least half what I owe"? I asked. "No". Damian said. Vincent laughed. "So Damian, do you know why they were here"? Vincent asked. "They're supposed to be filming a play here". Damian said. "Really? What type of play"? Mason asked. "Romance". Damian asked. "Aw"! Gabe said. "I'm heading out. I got some shit to do"! I yawned. "Oh I'll walk you to your limo". Vincent said. I shrugged and he got my backpack I was gonna get. He picked it up. "Wow this is heavy". Vincent said picking it up with one hand. "How can you pick it up with one hand. Then say it's heavy"? I asked. "What's in here"? Vincent asked. "Books". I said. "That what you use your bag for"? The twins asked. "What's in your bags"? I asked. "Pranking supplies"! They both said. "Huh". I said.

"What are you reading or studying"? Vincent asked. "I'm reading a lot. And I'm studying math". I said. "Ew why"? Jason asked. "Because if I don't keep my grades up then I won't be able to go here". I said. "Well you study hard then". Mason said. "You're top of the class. Why do you want to study"? Jason asked. "Because math has never been my friend. Along with history which I will be focusing on next week". I said. "History"? Mason asked. "It's just, at my school. All our history was about slavery, wars involving slavery, and the commandments. Y'all be talking about presidents, and world war 1". I said. "Second president". Damian said. "Thomas Jefferson". I said. "Who won the war between the North and the South"? Damian asked. "Civil war? North". I said. "You seem pretty good to me". Mason asked. Damian asked me a math problem. I froze. "I don't know". I said. "What is it"? Damian asked. "I don't know"! I said. "What is it"!? He asked again. "No solution"! I yelled. "Right". He smiled. "Who's this Prinston kid? I heard he was like the smartest in this school. I want to meet him". I said. "Damian Prinston nice to meet you". Damian said. "Son of a bitch". I mumbled.

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