Chapter 62

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Damian gave me my money! I made it without cursing. Right now I was doing pushups in my house because I was bored. There was a knock on the door. "Vincent did you bring some food"!? I asked opening the door. I was met with a gun. I blinked. Jay. "Fuck". I said. "Hey". Jay said. "Hi". I said. "Going to invite me in"? He asked. "No, but I'm sure I don't have much of a choice do I"? I asked. He chuckled and walked in locking the door. "Why aren't you in jail"? I asked. Where's my gun? He looked like he was thinking and got angry. "Well you fucking see. I hated it there. So I left. But the bigger question is. Who the fuck put me there". He said. "Wasn't me". I said. He pushed the gun to my face. I closed my eyes. "Don't fucking lie to me bitch. You know who did it". He said. "I really don't know"! I said. He slapped me. I touched my face. He snapped out of it.

"Sorry babygirl". He said trying to touch me. I flinched. "If you don't know you don't know. But since I'm here we need to talk". He said. By talk he means I'm going to listen and he's gonna get angry and hit me. "I don't think that's a good idea. You should leave". I said. He started at me. I could see his eyes. They became dark every time he was mad. "Oh so you think since you're here with all these fucking white bitches you can fucking forget bout me"? He asked pushing me against the wall. I bet you guys are like hit him! Hit him! But last time I did that I got a damn scar on my face. I rather be bruised then scared. That scar would remind me of him, and I hate myself every day looking at the scar.

"I'm sorry! You know it ain't like that Jay". I said. "Naw cause it does sound like that. You ain't gonna fucking push me away got it"? He asked putting the gun to my temple. I nodded. He calmed down. He stroked the cheek with my scar. "I love you, you know that? I do this because I love you". He said. He stared at me. "Want to have some fun babygirl"? He asked. "No". I said. "Come on. You can't be a virgin forever. Don't you want to lose your virginity to the man who loves you the most"? He asked. Already happened. He started to touch me. "No"! I yelled. "Stay still"! He yelled at me. He put the gun in my mouth. "I want you to fucking move or I'm blasting your goddamn brain all over this fucking wall". He said. His hand went into my pants. "Please don't". I said tears in my eyes.

He pulled my pants off and my underwear. He stared at me, he started to lick and suck on me. His fingers went in me. He was distracted, I kneed him in the stomach and ran. The funny part about this was. I wasn't bout to leave my house naked. I ran to my room and locked the door. I was starting to have a attack. I quickly took my pills and put some clothes back on. "Open this damn door"! I heard him banging. I went for the window. And it was high. Chances a broken leg if I fall right. Then the door opened. Of course he can pick a lock I can pick a lock. He shot at me. I shaked and checked myself. He fired it close but it didn't hit me. "That's a warning shot. This next bullet won't miss. So tell me, how are you doing"? He asked.

I had tears in my eyes. I walked off. "Where you going"? He asked. "I'm leaving you". I said. "No you ain't". He said slapping me again. "I fucking hate"! I yelled. "I hate you to. Now sit your ass down". He yelled. "Jay just stop. Please. You can't keep doing this. I don't want to do this. This ain't right". I said. "Babygirl don't say that. We can be together. It is right for us. I'm the only person who can love you, I'm the only person that loves you. No one else can and does". He said. "Yes they can"! I yelled at him. He stared at me. I closed my eyes sliding on the floor. I was crying to much. "Who? Who the hell are you fucking"!? He yelled at me.

He grabbed me by my throat. He chocked me. I was grabbing his arm. And everything got spinny. He stopped throwing me on the floor. "I don't want to hurt you! But it looks like that's the only way you fucking learn"! He yelled kicking me. I bit my lips from screaming drawing blood. "You're the same as me". He said. "I'm nothing like you". I said. "Really aren't you"? He asked. "Fuck you". He said. His fist went for me I ducked and he punched straight threw the wall. There was a loud knock at the door. "Who is that"!? He yelled. "I don't know"! I cried. "Go see who the fuck that is. And I don't want no dumb shit". He said hitting me in the back with the gun. I went to the door. And saw it was the guys all of them. Honestly never been so happy to see them they stared at me.

"What the hell happened to you face"? Jason asked. "Are you crying"? Vincent asked touching my cheek. "Help me". I mumbled so low. The twins heard it. "Someone's in there". They whispered. I nodded. "Are they armed"? Gabe whispered. I nodded. "They did this"? Damian whispered. I nodded. "Are you ok"? Vincent asked. I shook my head. Morti pulled me out the door way quickly. Then a gun shot. Gabe caught it. "Who the fuck are these niggas"!? Jay yelled. "Did you hurt her"? Vincent asked. "Is it any of your business that what me and my girl do"? He asked. "Is this... Jay"? Mason asked. I nodded. "Gabe". Morti said. Gabe looked at him. "Kick his ass". All the guys said. "You expecting a fucking child to whoop my ass? Y'all niggas funny-". Gabe kicked Jay in the leg, it bent in, making a cracking sound. He punched him knocking out three teeth.

Jay was on his knees. So Gabe round house kicked him in face knocking him out. "Did he- did he touch you". Vincent asked me. I nodded I was still crying. "H-he didn't like...". I buried my face in Morti's chest. "He didn't rape you"? Vincent asked. "He just licked and touched down there". I mumbled. "Sexual assault, illegal possession of a weapon, breaking and entering, kidnapping, and on top of that breaking out of jail. We can have him on life with death sentence". Damian said. "We can talk about that later just- lets get her to my house". Vincent said. "I'll stay until the police arrival. Gabe? Morti? Would you care to stay just in case the trash wakes up"? Damian asked. They nodded. "Twins can you guys pack (Y/n)'s stuff. She's staying with me". Vincent said pulling me into his chest which I buried myself in. "Yes boss". They said

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