Chapter 70

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A couple of days passed and I came back from Chicago. Everyone was at school so I got dressed to go to school. When I made it to the club they all looked at me. There eyes widen and the twins tackled me into a hug. "Skirt"! I yelled. "Don't care"! They both said. Gabe piled on me to. I laughed. They helped me up. I went to Morti and jumped on him he caught me, picking me up hugging me. He sat me down. I walked to Damian. I put my hand out for him to shake. He grabbed it and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you keeping the idiot off my ass". Damian said. I went to Vincent he ran up to me kissing me. "Hi asshat turns out I didn't get the gang". I smiled. Vincent kissed me again, hugging me tight. "I missed you"! He yelled. "Wow I forgot how loud you are". I smiled. "Really? You look more beautiful". Vincent said. The bell rung and we were making our way out.

"(Y/n) I need to talk to you". Damian said. Vincent looked at us. "I suppose you need to hear it to". Damian said. "What"? I asked. "My father wants you over". Damian said. "Can't see it". I said. "Oh trust me, I would love to see my father's face when you don't show up. But I did say I'll tell you". Damian said. "Babe I think you should go". Vincent said. Damian and I gave him a bitch face. "I'm tired of you and your father hating each other. And I'm assuming that you're the one reason why she's going in the first place". Vincent said. "There could be a 50% chance that he wants her to marry me or my brother". Damian said. "There could also be a chance he just maybe wants her to do something else". Vincent said. "Ight whatever. I'll go maybe it won't be bad". I said.

"Well you're going to need formal wear". Damian said. "Ight". I said. After school. I went to the twins house. I was in my bra and underwear Vincent was not happy about that. "Hey babe, I don't like that they get to see you like this". Vincent said. "I don't think she minds". Jason said rubbing my shoulders. "Do you think you can go gold"? Mason asked holding up a dress, that was really cute. "I don't know if I can pull that off". I said. "Well pull it on". Vincent said. I put it on. "God you're so beautiful I want to start a family with you". Vincent said. "Ew". The twins said. "Ugh"! I rolled my eyes. "Whatever sit so I can do your hair". Vincent said. I sat down and he curled my hair. "Don't burn me, please oh fucking shit don't let him burn me". I mumbled. "I'm not babe". Vincent said. He finished. I stood up and Vincent kissed me. "You're going right"? I asked. "Yeah". Vincent said.

"We have boss tux". Jason said. An hour passed and I found myself at Damian's mansion. The maid lead us to a huge dinning room. A woman and man who looked in there early 20's Damian and his dad was there. "Ight what you want"? I asked his dad. "Babe". Vincent said. "Naw I'm from the south side. I know when I see bs". I said. Damian smiled. "Care for some lasagna"? Mr. Prinston asked. "Is it poison"? I asked. "I a sure you my father has not poisoned your food". Some guy said. "Who are you"? I asked. "Damian you haven't told her about us? Boo you brother". The girl said. She smiled. "This is William and I'm Sydney". The girl said. "Wassup I know you know my name. But I'm (Y/n)". I said.

"Nice to meet you. And nice to see you Vincent". She said. Vincent smiled. "Well I would love some food... After you tell me what you want". I said. "I will not tell you anything without you calmly sitting and eating". Mr. Prinston said. Vincent pulled the chair our for me and I sat down thanking him. I ate the food. "Taste good. Now talk". I said. "I'm starting to like this girl". William said. "Of course all business no talk just your type son". Mr. Prinston said. "Yeah to bad she's with Vincent. Now father our guest would like to know her reason of you taking time out of her day". Damian said. "You speak to me like that"? Mr. Prinston said. "Was that really an insult because I don't speak whatever the hell this is". I said. "Language". Sydney said. I stared at her.

"Why the fuck am I here"? I asked. Mr. Prinston slid some papers to me. "Welcome to the family". He said. I stared at them. My eyes widen, Damian eyes widen, Vincent passed out. "What the fucking shit. Why the hell are you fucking with me dude. This ain't cool". I said. I slapped Vincent. "Wake the hell up". I said. "Babe I had the weirdest dream". Vincent said. "Vincent, he's trying to make me become one of his demon kids. ion want to be a demon". I said. Damian started at me. "No offense, look Mr. Prinston I can't accept this. I believe I'm doing just well on my own". I said. "Really? Looks like you're underaged living with a aroused teen who doesn't have parental supervision". He said. "I guarantee you sir I'm not like that". Vincent said.

"Yeah we're barely alone". I said. "And why the hell are you adopting her"? Damian asked. I looked at him. "Shut up you called me a demon". Damian said. "Well son she's smart I like smart, she's beautiful, and she knows what the African American community wants". Mr. Prinston said. "As part of that community we want you dead". I said. "You didn't even know who I was before you came so Shenking". Damian said. "True, but my friends did". I said. "I'll give you 500,000 thousand dollars every month you stay here". Mr. Prinston said. I laughed. "She can't be bought". Vincent said. "Trust him he's tried to give her money". Damian said. "Man no, I don't want to be adopted I got a dad and a mom". I said. "Who are dead". Mr. Prinston said. "Shut the fuck up! They're still my parents. And I don't want no one else to be my parent". I said getting up.

"Well can she marry me"? William asked. "William I will punch you in the face". Vincent said. "I'll marry you if you tell me how big your dick is". I said. "Self defense method don't say it". Vincent said. "8". He said. "Really? Wow". I said. Vincent stared at me. "So". William said. "I've had bigger". I said. "She's only been with one man do the math". Damian said. "So you admit you two have had sexual relations"? Mr. Prinston said. "I never denied it. But yeah we had sex, but I was living in the school house when we did it the first time. The second time was at his place". I said.

"You two only did it two times"? Sydney asked. "Yeah Vincent really. Step up your game". William said. "Can't deny that but... Wait you can't adopt me. Technically I'm not even on those type of records. Not over here anyway". I said. "Can we just eat like normal people"? Vincent asked. "Bruh I just want to go home". I said. "Father she obviously doesn't want this. Why torment my friend"? Damian asked. "As my first act as your father. I don't want you with Vincent". He said. "Yeah... Bull shit. My father will hear about this". Vincent said. "Really I believe she's my daughter". He said. "Fuck that. Ight nigga, let's get some facts straight. I don't play no bullshit". I said. "You haven't even let me get to the or of the dinner". Mr. Prinston said. "Oh what". Vincent asked covering my mouth. "My wife is coming home. And I might have said he had a beautiful, intelligent, kind, girlfriend. So i'd like for you to pretend to be Damian's girlfriend for  a week. Then I will forget about this". Mr. Prinston said. "Straight blackmail. But I'll do it". I shrugged. "We have a deal then"! He shook my hand.

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