Chapter 54

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We just got our math test paper back. And I got a 86. I stared at the grade. The twins looked at me. "Are you ok"? They asked. "I got a 86". I said. "Congrats". They both smiled. "No! Not congrats. I don't do anything but 100's". I said. How did I get a 86? All the answers are right. I raised my hand. "Yes Ms. Gray". The teacher said. "I don't understand my grade". I said. He walked over. "Well you didn't show your work". He said. I stared at him. "I don't do that". I said. "Well no 100 then. You should start showing or explaining how you got the answers". The teacher said. "If it's right, it's right". I mumbled. The teacher walked away and the bell rung. As we were walking out I was bawling my fist. "Who the hell shows there work? I never did that. I don't even think I can do that". I growled. "It's just working out the problem and putting it on the paper". Jason said.

"Yeah but my brain works it out". I said. "Well then right what your brain does on the paper". Mason said. "I don't know what it does! I just know the answer". I said. I started to walk off. "Where you going"? The twins asked. "To one of the libraries to study". I said walking away. I went to the library and stayed there all day. It was a abandon library. Barely anyone comes here unless they want to fuck. And so far only two people been here. So it's good. My phone vibrated. Text from Vincent. Asking were I was. I ignored it and continued to study. I didn't go to the club. My grades are way more important. Then later all of them started to text me. I turned my phone off and continued to study. I had to master showing your work or I won't be the best. When it was time for me to go. I took every math book I could carry out of the library. When I got home I studied more.

I didn't bother eat or answer the door. And I had a new lock on the door so they couldn't get in. I couldn't be distracted. Days passed and I was out of coffee. I haven't been to school for three days. I wouldn't answer anyone or open the door. I can't remember eating but I chewed gum a lot to keep myself awake. As I was starting to doze off a loud bang was at the door. I was use to that. But the banging wouldn't stop, it kept going and going and going. Like something was pounding into my skull trying to kill my brain. I started to see numbers and dots. The room got spinning to aloud crash was heard. I pounded my head. I need to study. I can't lose, I have to be better. "What the hell (Y/n)! I thought you were dead"! Vincent yelled at me. I stared at him then looked down at the book. "You haven't been to school in 4 days! What are you doing"!? He asked.

"I need to study". I said. "You've been studying for 4 days"? Vincent asked. I nodded. He stared at me. "Have you eaten? You look so sick". He said sitting on the floor right next to me. "No time to eat". I said. "Have you slept God". He said. "Sleep is for losers". I said. He took my book. "Give that back"! I yelled jumping on him. He raised his hand so I couldn't get the book. "Give it! Give it"! I yelled punching him. He pinned me down. "Stop! You don't need. What the hell is going on"? He asked. "I got a bad grade for not showing work. I don't know how to show work, need to learn how to show work. Give book now". I said.

"No what you're going to do is be calm. Don't try to attack me again or I will sit on you. Go take a bath, eat, then sleep". Vincent said. "Damn it Vincent I'll do all that when I'm a lawyer or a vet! You don't have to work hard to do what you want. If I don't get the best grades. I won't make it in life. You have money you can buy life. I can't". I said. Vincent looked angry. "Do you think I don't work hard!? You don't understand anything I go threw. I have to live up to my father, who by the way doesn't give a damn about me. I have to run two wealthy companies. My grandmother who God forgive me is total self centered controlling bitch, doesn't even trust me or think I'm mature and smart enough to run the companies. And I have a girlfriend who's completely lost her mind to think she can talk to me like that, and say I don't have to do anything of the things she has to do. Because I have to do more"! He yelled. I stared at him shocked. He looked at my expression.

"But I still make time from meetings, school, studying, family drama, and financial problems. To spend time with you and the guys. And I don't push you away". Vincent said. I'm sorry I said tears in my eyes. "Don't cry". Vincent said. "I'm sorry". I said. "Don't be. Just let me help you". Vincent said. He let go of me. I hugged him. He kissed me. "Now what class did you get the grade in math? I'll see what I can do". Vincent said. "Vincent I can't let you fight all my battles". I said. "I know, but I am. Because it hurts me to see you sad". He said. "You're going to spoil the hell out of me". I laughed. "I hope so". He said. "Vincent don't spoil me I'm so serious". I said. "So... You don't want me to give you what your clearly deserve"? Vincent asked. "Exactly". I said. He laughed. "Go do the stuff I told you to do. I'm late for a meeting. I'll be back tomorrow". Vincent kissed me.

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