Chapter 102

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As the months passed by and the guys were all able to make it to my 17th birthday party. And school was near ending for the us. I was thinking about how I would be able to go to college. I have some scholarships with some good schools. But there's no way I'll be able to actually pay for all the other stuff. And I wasn't going to ask Vincent for money. Even if he's not here. The people who worked here have been keeping me company. Mostly Jeff, then there's the twins, Abby, and Gar. The one good thing about Vincent not being here was that I get sleep! Other than that I missed him. I FaceTime every chance I get. Well I'm now the smartest in the grades section. But I'm pretty sure other people are smarter. The new Lux club isn't as good as the original but they did the job and got the money. I don't even think some of them liked each other. Well but anyway it's February. Vincent wasn't able to celebrate his birthday with me. But us and the guys did a little group chat thing and we talked on each other's birthday's. Football has been fun I even help out on the basketball team from time to time. The twins promised me they wouldn't tell Vincent I play football.

"La da da da". I hummed in the shower. I had an awesome game today I kinds got hurt sprain my wrist, got a couple of scrapes, bust lip, and I'm pretty sure my body is bruised. But I can walk that shit off. When I got out the shower I walked into the bed room and almost died. "Vincent"! I yelled. "Hey (Y/n)". He got up quickly hugging me. "Well isn't this a nice welcome back gift". He laughed. "You're back, back"? I asked excited. He nodded. I jumped happily. I had a sore knee already regretted it. "What happened"!? Vincent noticed my lip. "Oh um... Nothing". I said. "What did I tell you about fighting"!? Vincent asked.

"I didn't fight. I fell down some stairs". I said showing him my bruised body and sprained wrist. "Gosh babe. You have to be more careful. You also shouldn't lie to me". He mumbled the last part in my ear. "You know"? I asked. "I stopped by the school on the way here. Y'know since I own it. And guess who's the news"? Vincent asked. "Fuck". I said. "I've only been back for 5 minutes and you're already having trust issues? I wasn't going to get mad, I just wanted you to be ok". Vincent said. "I'm sorry". I said. "It's alright. Now has any of the guys showed up"? He asked. "Yeah Damian got back forever ago, Gabe and Morti arrived yesterday, and y'know the twins have always been here". I said. "That's good". Vincent said laying down. I got dressed. "Vincent I can't find a good college". I groaned.

"Well go to medical school. You do need to pass that before you actually can y'know be a vet". Vincent said. "Yeah you're right I need to eliminate all the colleges that doesn't benefit that". I said. "How about NYU medical school? You have a scholarship for that". Vincent said. "Yeah that sounds good. Wait! How'd you know I had a scholarship for that? I never told you the schools that want me". I said. Vincent face went red. "I-i um...". He said. "Vincent! I don't need your help"! I yelled. "I'm sorry babe. But I just wanted to help you"! Vincent said. "I. Don't. Need. Your. Help"! I growled. "Yes ma'am". Vincent said scared. I sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so mean". I said. "I understand. I won't help you unless you want me to". Vincent said. "Thank you". I said.

"How's the club"? Vincent asked. "Good, girls miss the OG's though. So do I. They fight and flirt a lot". I said. "Well that's sad". Vincent said. I laughed. "Hey you want to go out tonight"? Vincent asked. "Sure just let me do this home work right quick". I said. I could write my wrist just hurts when I make a quick movement or something. When I finished I went to get dressed. I was wearing a black shirt, red flannel, black jeans, and red Jordans. My hair was in a curly fro. Vincent was wearing a gray hoodie, jeans, and Nike's. We're just going star gazing. "Which car"? I asked as we got into the garage full of all types of expensive cars new and old. He shrugged and pointed to the newest Bugatti.

"This one". He said. Vincent didn't seem to care about cars. But I was wondering how this car even got here. It's new. "This was a birthday present from my dad". Vincent said. Your dad brought you a 19 million dollar car when you turned 19. When we got in I put on my seatbelt and so did he. The engine purred. We were driving and talking. He was going at 65 miles put it felt like 120. All of a sudden some dumbass decided to jay walk causing Vincent to slam the break. My eyes shut automatically. He held his arm out to shield me from the sudden stop. I was having flash backs and I didn't like it. I started to panic. "Let me out"! I yelled undoing my seat belt. "(Y/n)". Vincent said calmly. "Let me out! I want to get out"! I yelled. As my hands went everywhere trying to get the hell out the car. Vincent grabbed both my arms. "Let me park". He said. I started to cry as he pulled into a near by lot. I got out and so did he locking the car. I started to breath heavily. "Babe! (Y/n). Look at me". Vincent was trying to grab me and keep me calm but it wasn't working. He finally managed to pin me on a near by brick wall. "(Y/n) it's ok. I'll protect you. I promise it's ok". Vincent always tried to calm me down because he didn't like me depending on pills. But if it got to bad he'll give me the pill.

"I'm sorry". I said. "It's not your fault. Cars have never been your strong suit". Vincent said. He let go of me giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Come on we can walk". Vincent said taking my hand in his. "You're just going to leave your car out here in New York"? I asked. "I don't really care about it. Plus if someone even touches a tire a alarm goes off". Vincent said. "Oh". I said. He kissed me. We started to walk. "Hey let's get some ice cream. Will that make you feel like yourself"? Vincent asked. I nodded. He got Mint Chocolate chip and I had Cookies n Cream. We walked talked and laughed. Told each other what's been happening while we were away from each other. I playfully pushed to the side. He laughed. "I love you". Vincent said.

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