Chapter 98

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A month later we finished our project.
It was fun to play. The plots and choices were different for each of us. "Is it bad that I keep playing this and not even picking Vincent to date"? I asked. "Mean". Vincent said. "Shut up I dated you already". I said. "Dated"? Vincent asked. "Had, did, whatever". I said. "You do know we're still together right"? Vincent asked. "I swear to God when summer is over and I go back to school. You better not say shit to me when I come home. I'm talking no asking how was your day at school, don't ask to see my report card". I said. "As your daddy, I can do what I see fits". Vincent said.

"Hit or miss". I said. "I guess never miss huh"? Vincent said. "Got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss ya". Gabe said. "Mwah". Morti said. "He gone find another girl and he won't miss ya". Jason said. "He gone spin and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa". Mason said. "Idiots". Damian mumbled. "Damian you need to lighten up a little". I said. "No I don't. You all need to act your age". Damian asked. "How can I act a age I never been before"? I asked. "You have role models. Obviously not good ones". He looked in the boys direction. All of them pouted expect Morti. "Damian you're always so tensed. You act like you need dick in your life". I said. "I could say the same, or I could say you need a man". Damian said. Vincent gasped dramatically.

"How could you say!? You're so mean Dami, I thought we were friends. I am a man"! Vincent said. "Damn the shade"! Jason mumbled. "Yeah I agree with you on that Damian". I said. Vincent mood changed quickly. "What? You don't think I'm a man"!? Vincent yelled freaking out. "Vincent I do. I was just joking. Bae! Sweety"! I yelled. He went into a corner and started to sulk. "Vincent stop crying in corners! Seriously...". I said. "Boss is upset". Jason said. "Vincent! I'm sorry". I said. He was sitting in the corner facing away from us. Like his dramatic ass always does when he's upset. "Vincent...". I said walking towards him. As I was going to him, I hit my toe against a piece of furniture.

"Son of bitch"! I yelled in pain. "Are you ok"!? Mason asked. "Oh fuck it's bleeding. I'm dying. I see Jesus"! I yelled. "Babe!? Are you ok"!? Vincent yelled. I smiled. "I'm fine". I laughed. "What the hell!? You tricked me"!? Vincent asked. "No, I hit my toe for real. I'm bleeding. It hurts. But I'm a fucking warrior". I said. "Do you want to cry? It's ok to cry". Gabe said. "It hurts so bad". I cried. "Let me see it". Damian said. He looked at my toe. "Well you didn't completely split your toe nail back. So that's good. You just need some meds and a band aid warrior". Damian said. Vincent kissed me. "Hey I need a ride to Walmart". I said. "We can all go". Vincent said. When we arrived to Walmart. Mason wanted to bush the cart. "Where are you getting money from"? Vincent questioned. "Don't ask me questions you don't want to know". I said. "Please don't tell me you're selling drugs". Vincent said.

"I won't". I nodded. "Wow babe". Vincent said. I smiled. "Alright I need bacon, popcorn shrimp, chicken, tortillas, chilli, nacho cheese, hamburger meat, cereal, milk, pasta, rice, sausages, hot dog buns, hamburger buns, beer, apple and orange juice, pork chops, peanut butter, cookies, white bread, slice cheese, steaks, sweet peas, gravy mix, and mashed potatoes". I said. "Who the fuck are you cooking for"? Jason asked. "It's just stuff to have". I mumbled. "Are you pregnant"? Damian asked. I didn't answer. "I need ice cream to". I said.

"Babe... Are you"? Vincent asked. I'm ignoring them now. "Alright then... We should probably get all of this". Mason said. "Yeah". I said. 30 minutes later we were checking out the food. The cashiers were staring at us. Boys and girls. I heard whispering. Nothing bad, just things like. 'Wow that's a sexy group of men'. 'That girls pretty hot'. 'Damn they're fine'. 'I think I'm bisexual'. 'Is she dating one of them'? 'I hope those guys are single'. When the cashier said the price all the guys took out there wallets. "Guys I'm paying". I said. They stared at me. "Fine". Vincent groaned. "We get to pay for the pizza". Damian said. "Alright". I said paying the guy and he gave me my change.

"It's been a while since I saw actual dimes and stuff". Jason said. I laughed. "Hey guys there's some games in that part. You can go play while I put these groceries in the cart". I said. "Games"! Gabe yelled. "I'll stay and help (Y/n)". Damian said. "Alright". Vincent said. "She's really pretty". I heard someone say behind me. Teenagers. They saw me turn. I wasn't turning because of the pretty thing. I saw chocolate and they happen to be standing in front of it. "Damian you want some chocolate"? I asked. "No, do you"? He asked. "Yeah, I'll be right back". I said. I walked over to them. "Excuse me, can you hand me that Kit Kat bar behind you"? I smiled. "Oh yeah". He said. "I'm Danny". He said. "Hi, thanks". I said taking the Kit Kat bar from him. "What's your name"? Danny asked. "Gray". I said. "That's your name? It's unique". He said. I looked at what him and his friends were buying. "Well I don't want to keep you from your condoms. Did you know those things expire? You should get to that". I said.

"H-hey wait what's your number"? He asked. Damian walked over. "Why is it taking you this long to get chocolate"!? Damian asked. "Is this your boyfriend"? Danny asked. "No". I said. "(Y/n)! What's taking you guys so long"!? Jason whined as the boys came back. "You guys are going to get us kicked out of Walmart". I said. "Who are these guys"? Mason asked. "I don't know. Can we just go"? I asked. "You're the one letting these guys flirt with you". Jason said. "Just because a cute guy is talking to me doesn't mean he's flirting". I said. "You think I'm cute"? Danny asked. Vincent stared at him. "I don't see it. Come on". Vincent said taking my hand. I paid for the chocolate and we left. Vincent looked at me. "You're not pregnant right"? He asked. "Right". I said walking away from him.

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