Chapter 80

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I was with the twins and we were just talking about random shit. "Y'know Vincent's birthday is coming up". Mason said. "Boss birthday in a week". Jason said. "Yeah we should have been got him something". Mason said. "True". Jason said. "Why are you telling me this"? I asked. "Because you're his girlfriend who doesn't know when his birthday is". Mason said. "Well I assume it's on February since you said next month". I said. "February the 19". Jason said. "Dude I just some new respect for Vincent. That's Batman's birthday". I said. "Yet you know a made up characters birthday and not bosses". Jason said. "Shut up! I love Batman that's why I know his birthday". I said. They stared at me. "So you don't love boss"? They asked.

"We're not on the birthday stage of our relationship". I said. "Yet you're on it with Batman"? Mason asked. "Yes...". I said. "Alright...". They said. "What are you going to get him"? Jason asked. "Well you see there is one thing I can do that you guys can't do". I said. "What ever happened to equality meanie". Mason said. "So you guys gonna have sex with him"? I asked. "Damn she got us there but you can't have sex with! That'll make our gifts look bad"! Jason said. "I'm broke, there's literally nothing else I can do". I said. "Well that makes that Rolex and diamond sunglasses we got look stupid. Do you think we could buy a yacht"? Mason said. "Damn that's two weeks of our allowance". Jason said. "Time out! You think sex is better than a Rolex"? I asked. "You don't"? They asked. "Can I see the Rolex"? I asked. Mason took out his phone and showed me a picture. My mouth dropped. "Nigga this is 14 grand Rolex". I said. "How'd you know that"? Jason asked. "Knock offs of it sold in the hood. And a Yacht maybe even a medium size on is around 70 g's". I said. "Let me see the shades". I said. He showed me them I sighed. "Oh fuck 9 g's". I said. "Jason you told me you wouldn't be cheap"! Mason said. Jason shrugged. "Fuck my life". I mumble. We went to lunch. Vincent already had my plate ready. "Hey guys"! I smiled.

"Hi (Y/n), hey twins". They all said. "Ok so prom is next week". Vincent said. I didn't say anything. "We all need dates". Gabe laughed. "Why'd you guys wait so long for this"? I asked. "Getting dates have never been  problem for us. I'm pretty sure its not going to start". Damian said. "Bad thing about you guys, is that you know you all fine". I said. They laughed. "I for one feel like this is going to be a great prom". Vincent said. PE came I was doing sit ups when a guy walked up to me. "Hi". I said still doing sit ups. "(Y/n) do you have a date to the prom"? He asked. "Nope". I said stopping to look at him. "Oh would you like to go with me"? He blushed. I frowned I hate turning people down.

"I'm kinda waiting on for someone to ask. But I could help you find a date". I said. He smiled. He was really cute, bright blue eyes, black hair. Reminded me of Cas from Supernatural. "Sure you're really cute. You deserve a date. You're not one of my regulars are you"? I asked. "At the club? No, I have lacrosse practices. But I'm free today". He said. "Stop by. I'll get you a date". I smiled. The bell rung. "May I"? He asked pointing at my hand. I was confused, but I nodded. He kissed my hand. I blushed. "I'll see you". I said grabbing my stuff and leaving. I ran to the club with a blush on my face. "Damn girl how are you just going to leave us"? Jason asked walking in a couple seconds later. "Sorry". I said. "You're fast". Mason said catching his breathe. Oh they ran after me. "Are you blushing"? Jason asked. Vincent and Damian looked. Gabe and Morti just walked in.

"Who's blushing"? Gabe asked. "Wait did Robert make you blush"? Jason asked. "No". I said. "Tea"? Vincent asked. They looked at him. "You're not freaked out"? Damian asked. Vincent shrugged. "I'm not worried". Vincent said. When it was time to open I waited on Robert. He walked in. We were at my table. "Hey princesses who doesn't have a date to prom"? I asked. A couple pretty girl raised there hand blushing. "Would you like to go with a really handsome friend of mine. I'm telling you he's so cute". I said. "Well... If you say he's cute. Yeah"! They said. "Alright Robert get to know these beautiful princesses". I smiled.

A couple of days past and Vincent has still not asked me to go to prom with him. And I wasn't going to talk about it with him. If he wasn't going to ask I'll ask him or when another boy ask I'll just say yeah. Which ever comes first. Someone covered my eyes. "Guess who". They said. I smirked knowing it was Vincent. "Sean I told you to stop doing that". I giggled. "What? No. (Y/n) it's me". Vincent said uncovering my eyes and looking at me. "Oh hi Vincent". I said. "Who's Sean"? Vincent asked. "I don't know, who is that"? I smiled. I guess I'll mess with him. "You just said his name". Vincent said. "I said Vincent". I smiled. "No you didn't because I never did this to you until now. Who's Sean"? Vincent asked. "Oh wait Sean? I know who you're talking about now. That's a friend". I said. "Why would he do that. I want to meet this friend". Vincent said I laughed.

"I'm messing with you. I knew it was you asshat". I said. "Oh well you're not funny". Vincent said. "Kiss make you feel better"? I asked. "Yes". He said. I kissed his cheek. He grabbed my hand taking it in his. "I would like another". He said. "On the cheek"? I asked. He nodded. I went to kiss him, he turned and kissed my lips. I blushed and pushed him back. "What the hell"!? I said. He smiled. "I love you". Vincent said. "Asshat". I mumbled. He frowned. "I love you too". I smiled. He wrapped his arm around me. And we walked together.

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