Chapter 110

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"Alright guys let's play a game". Jason said as we sat on the couch. The other guys stared at him. "We all tell a secret that we've been hiding from each other". Mason said. "What"? Jason asked. "Yeah we're doing this". Mason said. "Alright". Jason shrugged. "Um... I'm uncomfortable with playing this". I said. "Agreed". Damian said. "Here's the fun part about this game. You can always tell when a person has a secret". Jason smirked starting at Damian and I. "Uh... No, I just feel like that it could be kinda dumb to play that. Some people just don't need to know certain things". I said. "She has a point". Damian said. "Now, now. Is the demon king hiding something from us"? Jason asked. Wait... What's Damian hiding? "Who is it from? Us? Gabe? Morti"? Mason asked. "Or Vincent"? Jason asked. Oh shit that night with Damian when he tried to see if I'll cheat on Vincent. Oh no.

"Damian's not hiding anything ok"? I asked. If Damian does say something I'm equally responsible for not saying anything. But I never thought that it would matter. "So our precious little angel knows something does she"? Jason asked. "You're being a ass". I said. "How about one of you go first". Damian said. "Fine, we're the ones who broke all the china that one time in the club. It was a accident although". Mason said. "Also we set that stink bomb off in the library". Jason said. "Your turn". Mason said to Damian. "Damian"? Vincent asked. "Vincent maybe you should go". Jason said. "I tell you guys everything. No matter what. You're my best friends". Vincent said. Damian looked down. Don't you fucking break. You put up with his sappy ass longer than I have.

"Morti"? Mason asked. "I have a 2 year old son". Morti said. "Wait what the fuck"? I asked. All the guys were shocked but Gabe. "Well then". Mason mumbled. "Gabe"? Jason asked. "I don't want to be the strongest anymore". Gabe said his eyes tearing up. "You poor baby". I hugged him. "I just want to play and be happy! Not feared by my own father"! Gabe cried. After a couple minutes of Gabe crying the twins looked at me. "Spill". They both said. "I don't have a secret. I'm a open book". I said. "Huh really? Because you know lying isn't part of the game". Jason said. "I wouldn't need to hide anything from anyone". I said. "Ok". Mason said.

"Now! Who we all been waiting for Damian. Tell us demon king. What awaits in hell"? Jason asked. "Nothing, I have nothing to hide". Damian said. "Not everyone has these big secrets they're hiding from there friends". Vincent laughed. I frowned. I feel bad about like everything I keep from him. Damian looks like it's eating him up from inside. And he actually is a honest person. I sighed. I clenched my fist. I looked at Damian. I nodded at him. If Vincent's mad I'll take the blame. He can't stay mad at me.

"Vincent". Damian said. "Yeah"? He asked. "It was over a year ago. When you were in Britain. (Y/n) and I were at my mansion. I tried to kiss her, for- it was to see if she'll cheat on you. She didn't". Damian said. Vincent stared at him. "Why?! Why? Why would you do that? Why haven't you told me? Why haven't you told me"? Vincent asked. "For three reasons first because I didn't care or think it would matter. Second, because I didn't wanna put any types of holes in your friendship. And third because I dead ass forgot it even happened". I said. "Vincent it was just a test. I wanted to make sure she wasn't like the others". Damian said. Vincent bawled his fist. "Wasn't like the others right? I'm old enough to handle my own problems. I don't need you to to try and kiss my girlfriend to see if she's faithful". Vincent said.

"Vincent go easy on Damian his heart is in the right place. He wanted to protect you". I said. "He was trying to kiss you? How the hell are you so calm with that? Do you like him"? Vincent asked. "He's my fucking friends for fuck sakes". I said. "Guys! Calm down". Jason said. "This is your two fault y'know". I said. "We didn't thinks some shit like this would go down"! Jason said. "Everyone just calm down". Mason said. "Vincent you have to trust me". I said touching his arm. "Like I always trust you right"? Vincent said. "I promise we did nothing. You can call his sister and everything. We did nothing". I said.

"I promise you we didn't. I wouldn't do that to you". Damian said. "Vincent". Gabe said. "I-i. Thanks for telling me this. I forgive you". Vincent sighed. "Really"? Damian asked. He chuckled. "If you two say nothing I completely trust you. Besides Damian I know you just don't want me to be heartbroken". Vincent smiled. I sighed. "I guess I should come clean". I said. "Oh God". Vincent mumbled. "Guys I have two guns". I said. "What"? They all yelled. "One I keep under my pillow". I said. Vincent stared at me.

"Do you not know how dangerous it is to have a gun pointed to you head!? Especially with how wildly you sleep"!? Vincent yelled at me. "I'm sorry. But I'm paranoid". I said. "Where's the other one"? Gabe asked. I went into my back pack and pulled it out. Vincent scowled at me. "Just in case something goes wrong". I said. "You of all people shouldn't have this". Vincent said taking it. "It's loaded". I said. Vincent gave it to Gabe. "I can't believe- babe if you had this when you were shot do you understand the trouble you'll be in"? Vincent asked. I didn't say anything. "Get rid of the guns". Vincent told me. "I can't". I said. "Why not"? Mason asked. "Because I don't want to. Vincent you can't tell me I have to get rid of it. The second amendment is right to bare guns". I said.

"You're not even old enough to have a gun". Damian said. "Where did you get this"? Gabe asked. "Dakota". I said. "An illegal weapon? God (Y/n)". Vincent said. "Fine I'll get rid of them. But fuck you". I said to Vincent. He glared at me. My eyes widen. "We should probably all do something else". Jason mumbled. "How about we all just go and not talk to each other for a couple of hours". I said getting up. I got my bag. "I'll be outside". I said.

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