Chapter 14

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I was laying down on a beach chair Damian was beside me reading. "(Y/n) are you going in the water"? Gabe asked. "Well um... I can't swim". I said. Gabe and Damian looked at me. "How can you not swim? You lived in Chicago". Damian said. "Doesn't mean I was by the water. I lived in the hood of Chicago. Not in the beach areas". I said. "You never took swim lessons"? Gabe asked. "Can one of you just teach me. Y'know what I'll just jump into the water at the deep end. Maybe I'll be like a bird and learn". I said. "A birds mom catches them before they die". Damian said. "Aren't you the mommy"? I asked. "Yeah, I guess I'll throw you in the water and see if you drown". Damian smiled. My eyes widen. "I'm kidding, mostly. Ill teach you, as a Lux club member you need to swim anyway is a requirement". Damian said. "Alright I'll jump in and you do something if I drown". I said running into the water. Damian yelled. "Wait no"! He yelled I jumped into the deep water.

"Holy shit"! I said. "Be calm! Stay still"! Damian yelled. I stayed still and I started to float Damian came into the water. He positioned me. I started to swim. "Huh! This is easier then I thought". I laughed. "It's because I'm holding you". Damian said. "Damn". I said. "But you are a fast learner". Damian smiled. "Yay"! I said. After 18 minutes I could swim. "Wow that was easy". I laughed. I was now out the water. I went to the juice bar and ordered a root beer. As I was drinking some guy walked up. "Damn, can you be my girl"? He asked. I looked at him. "I have mental problems". I said drinking my root beer. He laughed. "You're really pretty". He said. "You to". I said. "Im sorry that I was so straight forward. I was taught to go for what I want". He said. "Same". I said. "So are you dating someone"? He asked. The guy eyes widen and he ran off. I was startled damn. I turned around Damian, the twins, Morti, and Gabe were behind me.

"Hey"! They said smiling. "Did I say something to him"? I asked. "No, no. He probably had to take a potty break". Gabe smiled. "So weird that's how the guys acted in Chicago when they were around me". I said. I sighed. "Am I seriously that unattractive"? I asked. "No"! They yelled. "You guys thought I was a boy"! I said. "A very attractive boy". Jason said. I felt my eyes water. Mason smacked Jason on the side of the head. "No you're so beautiful! It's that right Morti"!? Gabe asked. Morti quickly nodded. "I think I'm gonna just go to the beach house and cry". I said.

Damian's POV

"We um... We fucked up". Jason said. "Yeah we did". Mason said. "Should have just waited for her to leave then we beat him up". Jason said. "Yeah". Morti agreed. "Tell me again, why we're doing this"? I asked. "Vincent is in love with (Y/n) and we have to make sure she doesn't fall for another guy". Gabe said. "It's not our business". I said. "Boss is your best friend! You should want to make him happy". The twins said. "The only way we all can make him happy is to stay out of it. He doesn't even know he's in love. And if he doesn't know, how will she know? I'm sorry but I'm not in a position to be making a friend cry". I said. "Since when did you have a heart"? Jason asked. I shrugged. "I'll try to make him understand his feelings. One of you idiots try to make her actually get feelings"! I yelled.

"What do you call her crying and running off"!? The twins yelled. "You two out of all of us should know she's insecure"! I yelled back at them. There eyes widen. "Mason she did tell us that". Jason said. "Fuck, we're so dumb". Mason said. "I've been telling you that for years". I said. "Does anyone know where Vincent is"? Morti asked. We all went quiet. "He's probably at the beach house". Gabe said. "Oh shit text him! Tell him she's on her way this is his chance"! Jason said. "Already on it". I said.

(Y/n)'s POV

I opened the door and Vincent was walking out his room hanging up his phone. I walked passed him not saying anything. He touched my shoulder. "Hey are you alright"? Vincent asked. "Yes I'm fine"! I said pushing passed him and closing the door to my room. I went on my bed. I want to go back to Chicago, this vacation to California is bad. Then I gotta go back to New York for school. Vincent opened the door. "Hey (Y/n) is everything really alright? You- you're crying". He said looking at me. He went in and closed the door. "No I'm not alright! Yesterday was my dead mom's birthday! Now today I'm at the damn beach like nothing happened. And to top all that shit off, every boy hates me"! I cried. Vincent hugged me. I cried into his chest he was shirtless. "I think you're pretty great". Vincent smiled. "Really"? I asked. Vincent looked into my eyes. "Yes really". He said. His face leaned in closer to me. I smiled and laughed he looked taken back.

"So you work out"? I asked referring to his rock hard chest and abs. "All of us kinda do". Vincent said. "I should go to the gym with you guys". I said. "I think Morti should train you to use a sword. Y'know some actual combat training". Vincent said. "Wow yeah because some nigga gonna walk up to me and he likes. Let's fight like we're in some Chinese movie hiya"! I said. "I'm serious". He laughed. "My fighting isn't good enough"? I asked. "Y'know what? You're right. You kick butt". Vincent said. I smiled. "Vincent you can let me go now. I'm fine, it was just a little melt down". I smiled. He frowned. Then smiled. "I'm going with the guys. We can all watch a movie". He said. "You're all such good friends". I smiled. He didn't say anything and walked. Later on that day I heard the guys talking I couldn't hear what they were saying so I eased dropped.

"If you like her, go for it. Because one day she's gonna be taken away right under your nose. Then what are you gonna do? Say daddy doesn't approve of this? You're not actually her real father"! I heard Jason yell. "I can't tell her I like her"! Vincent yelled. I wonder who they're talking about. "Maybe (Y/n) would like you to Vincent. You will never know until you try". Gabe said. My blood ran cold. They're talking about me? Vincent likes me? Vincent fucking likes me! "Yeah, this is getting ridiculous". Damian said. "We had to beat up and threaten multiple guys that just looked at her for you. Because we're trying our hardest to help you. But we can't anymore because after we seen our friend cry today we just can't". Mason said.

"I never asked you guys to do that. I can handle her being with someone else. I really can. Plus we just met each other". Vincent said. Honestly not a problem for me. But do I like him? "No you can't handle it!? Because under all that happiness you're a emo who cries in the corner". Jason said. "He's right". Morti said. "Well just let me cry! If she's happy I'm happy". Vincent said. I frowned is he really willing to give up his feelings for me? I came from my hiding spot. They all looked at me eyes widen. "How long have you been standing there"!? Vincent yelled. I walked up to him grabbed him by the shirt the wore now and kissed him. It being my first kiss I didn't really know what I was doing. But I've seen Dakota do it a lot. Vincent kissed me back wrapping his hands around my waist. My hands went to his ass. He pulled away. The guys were in shock. "So... You touched his butt why"? Damian asked. "That's what my friends do". I said. Vincent just stared at me. "Well good night". I smiled walking to my room.

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