Chapter 26

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Vincent made all of us go to the water park that Damian owned. And Damian told the costumers to come. One girl was crying. I walked up to her. "Are you ok"? I asked. She looked at me. "My boyfriend broke up with me". She cried. "Why you crying because he left? Get your money. Fuck that nigga, go on to the next". I said. She looked at me. "You think so"? She asked. "Hell yeah". I said. "You're honestly so nice". She said. "You're so beautiful. Like what guy in there right mind wouldn't stay with you"? I asked. She smiled. "You really think I'm beautiful"? She asked. I smiled. She kissed me. My eyes widen. If you really pay attention and listen you can hear Vincent losing his shit. I pulled away. "Huh, I don't think we can be together". I said. "I understand". She said. "Was your boyfriend watching"? I asked. She nodded. "Lets give him a show then". I smiled. I put my hand on her waist and kissed her. I knew she was blushing. She went closer to me.

"Hey you two"! Vincent said pulling her away from me. "H-hi Vincent". She blushed. He smiled and lightly grazed his hand on her cheek and she got a nose bleed. "Would you leave me alone to one of my subjects princess"? He whispered to her. She quickly nodded and left. Vincent looked at me. He grabbed my hand and led me away from everyone and the guys were there. "Are you gay"? Jason asked. "I don't think so". I said. "Are you bi"? Mason asked. "I don't think so". I said again. "Why did you do that"? Vincent asked. "Make her boyfriend jealous". I said. "Oh well you're doing great". Damian said. "What"? Morti asked. "Remember we make all females happy. If her making that princess boyfriend jealous makes her happy. Then she's doing the job". Damian said. "Yeah, but. I don't like it". Vincent said. "If it makes you feel any better. I'm thinking about Chris Hemsworth while kissing her". I laughed. "Who do you think about when you kiss me"? Vincent asked. "I don't feel comfortable answering that question". I said.

"The correct answer was no one". The twins said. "No one". I said. Vincent gave me a look. I gave him a closed eye smiled. "I can't stay mad at you"! Vincent hugged me. "So, you forgive me"? I asked. "Yeah, I just need you not kiss anyone but me"? Vincent asked. "We're not together". I said. "Would you be ok with me kissing everyone"? Vincent asked. "No". I said. "See"! He said. "Whatever. Hey I think I'm going head home. I got a killer headache". I said. I hugged all of them. "Don't bother me tomorrow"! I said. "We have date"! Vincent said. "Shit! Twins I need you guys at 10"! I said. "Ok"! They called.

The next morning I got up, took a shower, did my business on the toilet, brushed my teeth, and did something to my hair. There was a knock I opened it and the twins walked in with stuff. "Strip"! They both said. I looked at them. "We're serious, you're gonna need help putting this dress on. We're not going to do anything perverted". Mason said. Jason nodded. I shrugged. We went my bed room and I was basically just wearing a shirt that went passed my knees. Nothing under it but my underwear and bra. I took it off. "Wow". They mumbled. "Take a picture it'll last longer". I said. "You're giving us permission"? Jason asked.

"Can you please help me with the dress". I said. They nodded. I put it on and they helped me. It felt weird, it wasn't tight or lose. But it just felt weird. Jason and Mason gave me a chocker and heels. I put the chocker on. "I can't wear heels". I said. "Why not"? They asked. "Look just thank your God I'm wearing the dress. Now it's time for my shoes". I said. "Alright what do you have"? Jason asked. "I think some white Jay's will go well with this". I said. I put it on. "You don't look bad". They smiled. "So matching bra and underwear". Jason said. "I match everything I wear". I shrugged. "Yeah she does". Mason said. "Let me have my fantasy"! Jason said. "Do you think Vincent will like it"? I asked. "You really do look beautiful". Mason said. "Yeah you do". Jason said. I got my mom's necklace and put it on. "Wow, that's pretty". They said. "My mom's it's lucky". I said. "That's so cute"! The twins both said. I got leather jacket. They looked at me. "You can't wear that jacket with the dress"! Jason said. "But I- I can't leave it alone". I said.

"We'll stay at your place and watch the jacket ok? And if you get cold. It'll be way more romantic for Vincent to give you his Jacket"! Mason said. "I guess if you're in a movie". I said. He looked at me. "So what are you going to talk about"? Jason asked. "I don't know". I said. "Are you going to kiss him"? Mason asked. "I don't know". I said. "What do you know"? Jason asked. "That this is going to permanently effect our friendship". I said. "But you could be boyfriend and girlfriend". Mason said. I shrugged. "That's literally just friends that make out. What I gave him". I said. "No it's not. Trust us, boss hasn't given you the good stuff yet". The twins said. I started to straighten and curl my hair. Then I took some from the front and braided it down so there was no hair in my face. Damian, Morti, and Gabe walked in. "How"? I asked. "I have a key". Damian said looking at his book. He looked at me and his eyes widen. Gabe and Morti stared. "(Y/n)- you look so beautiful"! Gabe said after his little moment. Morti nodded. "I agree". Damian said. "What makeup are you wearing"? Mason asked. "I don't own Makeup. Dakota almost killed me when he saw I had fake eyelashes on once with lip gloss". I said. "Wait so you aren't wearing makeup"? Jason asked. "Nope naturally beautiful". I joked. "I'll say". Mason said. "Vincent will be here any minute". Damian said. "So how do feel about purses"? Mason asked. "We have the most gorgeous hand bag that will this whole little outfit together". Jason said. Mason held it up. "Dude, I've seen PJ sale a bag like this for a grand". I said. The twins looked at me. "This is our family companies top quality hand bag, it goes for over 190,000 because the real gold alligator fabric we sewed into it". Mason said. "Ok, PJ was ripped off by himself". I said. They tried to give me the purse. "No, because that's to much money". I said. "That's a 222,000 dollar dress you have on". Jason said. "I can't afford this stuff guys". I said. "We're giving it to you". Mason said. "Really"? I asked. "Yeah"! They both said. I hugged them. "Thanks". I said. There was a knock on the door. "That's him". Damian said.

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