Chapter 103

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I was smoking, Vincent wasn't around. It felt good to smoke something, I needed this. "(Y/n)"! A loud happy voice called. Vincent! Fuck. I threw the cigarette outside. And quickly laid down on the bed. Vincent walked in. "Wassup". I smiled. "Do you want to go shopping"? Vincent asked. "Not really". I said. "But I want to dress you up". Vincent said. "Like a doll"? I asked. "Please? You don't even have to wear it in the public. Just around me". Vincent said. "Like the collar"? I asked. He nodded. "No". I said. He sighed. I sighed. "Fine". I said. He smiled and pounced on me. He kissed me he had a confused face and kissed me again. "Have you been smoking"? Vincent asked seriously. "No". I said. "Stop lying to me". Vincent growled. Vincent absolutely hated cigarettes. He hated any object that could give you cancer.

"I know you don't like it. But please don't lecture me". I said. "Stop it. Seriously I can't lose you to cancer to". Vincent said. "Fine. You have my word". I said. "Good go brush your teeth". Vincent said. "Alright". I said getting up. Vincent went into the bathroom with me. "Are you ok enough to get in a car"? Vincent asked. I smiled nodding my head. "The guys are coming to. We think we should all hang out". Vincent said. "Ok". I smiled. "Oh while we're at the mall. I was thinking you can go shopping, and you can get some books". Vincent said rubbing my back. "Really"? I smiled. "Yeah. You can get whatever you want. I was even thinking we get you a car". Vincent said. "Seriously"? I asked. "Yeah, babe you can get whatever you want. Just ask me and I'll get it". Vincent said.

"You're officially generous today". I said. "Um... Am I not everyday? Sorry if you think I'm not". Vincent said. "No, but when a guy wants to buy you expensive stuff. He did something bad". I said. "Yeah I have to confess". Vincent said. I stared at him. "I ate your last chocolate bar". Vincent said. I stopped brushing my teeth. "You fucking bitch"! I yelled. "Really! All the chocolate I buy you"? Vincent asked. "I can't believe you've done this"! I said. "I'm sorry I promise I'll buy you anything you want". Vincent said. "Yeah you better buy me fucking cho-". He got on one knee. My eyes widen. "Don't freak out"! He said. "No"! I said running out before he could say anything else. Vincent ran after me. "Please babe, just listen to me. (Y/n) you promised me"! Vincent said. I did agree to marry him when he was 19. I sighed and sat on the bed. "Can I? Are you alright"? He asked. I nodded. "You can say no. It's ok I'll wait for you. Just hear my speech". Vincent said. "Ok...". I said softly.

"I want to get straight to the point with you. I love you, ever since our first kissed I loved you. You have been honestly the best person in my life. You've made me feel good about myself. You put up with me, you're not afraid to speak your mind, you're not afraid to just be you. And I've come to love you so much that mostly what I think about is you. Looking into your eyes I see my future. I see my wife I want to grow like old with you and stuff". He laughed. "I want to hold you forever. I want to make you feel the way you make me feel (Y/n)"! Vincent said excited. He was blushing. I was covering my face with my hand trying to hide my blush. "When we- when have sex. We make love, and that's what I want our kids to be born off of. Love. Even if it might actually be a mistake. We both know love is what happened for them to get there". Vincent laughed. He started to cry.

"I'm sorry! I so so sorry. I didn't mean to cry baby. I'm not- I'm not even done". Vincent said. Wiped his tears away. "You're beautiful, smart, talented, strong, and your so much more. I can't even name all the things. But all I know is I want to be with you for the rest of my life. So (Y/n) Cameron Gray. Would you do me the honor of saying yes please because my knee is kinda hurting". Vincent laughed. I nodded. "Vincent you know I will". I smiled. He smiled. He picked me up kissing me. He put the ring on my finger.

I stared at it was really beautiful

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I stared at it was really beautiful. "Vincent this might be like the most expensive thing I own now". I mumbled. "I can change that if you like". Vincent smiled. "Please don't". I said. He put me down. He kissed me again. "Wow, so when do you want to get married"? Vincent asked. "Uh... I don't know. I never actually um... I- when do you want to"? I asked. "At least set a year babe". Vincent laughed. "Alright 2 years". I held up two fingers. "December, 23rd". Vincent said. "Really? Why that date"? I asked. "The day my mother died". Vincent said. "Oh...". I said. He smiled. "Are you alright with that? It is your special day as well". Vincent said. "I'm fine with it". I smiled. "Babe to warn you its quit hot out". Vincent said. "What"? I asked. "Yeah it's basically 88 degrees outside". Vincent said.

"Damn your air conditioning is awesome". I said. He laughed. I started to strip. I put a crop top, shorts, and Gucci slippers. Vincent stared at me. "You're wearing that"? Vincent asked. "Problem"? I asked. "No... Let's go then". He mumbled. When we made it to the mall which thank the actual god has a air conditioning. We met up with the guys. They stared excited. I smiled at them happily. "She said yes". Vincent smiled kissing the top of my head. They cheered. "That's so good". They smiled. The twins looked at me. "Like the outfit (N/n)". Mason smiled. "Yeah it brings out you curves". Jason said. "I don't have curves". I said. They all started at me. "Whatever you say". Mason mumbled. We all walked around the mall until I got to a store that was having a sale on Addis hoodies, and obey hats. "Vincent can-". He cut me off dragging me in the store. I smiled. The guys went to look around. "I'm going to see if they have these shoes in you size". Vincent said pointing at some Brons. He knew me well that's for sure. I smiled. "Yo girl you all types of fine". A guy said. "What"? I asked confused. "Yo ass ain't lying. It's hard to find a girl with that much ass. Plus you thick in all the right places. Let me get yo number". The guy said.

"No". I said looking through the hoodies. I heard a loud slap and a very painful sting on my ass. My eyes widen. All of a sudden all the guys were at my side. "Do you have a death wish"? Jason growled. "Filthy commoner". Mason said. "That's sexual harassment and with my connections I can put you in jail for 2 and a half years". Damian said holding his phone out. "Let's teach him some proper chivalry". Gabe  smiled so happily it was scary. "That's no way to threat a lady". Morti said. "Boss you alright"? Mason asked. Vincent had like a dark aroma surrounding him. "I could have you broke so fast and so long that your grandchildren will be living in cardboard boxes". Vincent growled at him. The guy was overwhelmed by all of them. "Now, I dare you to touch my fiancee in a inappropriate manner like that again, and not lose your life". Vincent threatened. The guy ran off. I stood there shook. They all turned to me. "Are you ok"? Vincent asked. "Yeah...". I said.

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