Chapter 63

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Vincent wouldn't let me leave his mansion. I told him that I was ok, that he's gone now. "What if we didn't get there in time? He could have raped or killed you". Vincent said. "Probably. But good think you guys always come and random parts of that day". I said. "(Y/n) this is not funny. I'm distraught what if something like that happens again". Vincent said. I stared at him. "Well... Don't be 'distraught' but I can handle my own". I said. "You were scared of him". Vincent said. I didn't say anything. "You don't even want to testify against him in court because you're so damn scared of him"! Vincent yelled. I flinched. "Sorry". He said. "But that's my point, you're afraid to be touched or yelled at. You won't even yell back. You were only in there with him for 20 minutes". Vincent said. I closed my eyes taking in breaths. I got my medicine and there was nothing in the bottle.

"You know why there isn't anything in there? Because you've been taking those pills like candy for the past 4 days". He said. I don't know why but all I could do is just stare at him and listen. "Oh my sweet God. Just talk, please talk". Vincent said. This was most of how our conversation went for the past 4 days. "I need a refill". I said. "I have the pills. I'm just not giving them to you until you're actually having a attack. You're just taking them to numb the pain". Vincent said. "I can't stay here forever". I said. "The only person who has a problem with you staying here is you. I'm fine with it, the guys are fine with it, my dads fine with it, and all of the staff here is to". Vincent said. I looked down. Vincent went to touch me I flinched. "Why are you doing that. I'm not going to hurt you"! Vincent sounded desperate now. And I'm not meaning to flinch but I can't help it. Vincent pulled me into a hug. He was crying.

"Please don't be afraid of me. Please not you. I can't take that from you". Vincent said. I was tensed up. He was just crying. I slowly wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me into the hug tighter. "I'm scared". I said. "I'm here he won't hurt you. No one will hurt you". He said kissing me. "Can I really stay here Vincent"? I asked. "Of course". Vincent said. "Are you ok now"? Vincent asked. "I'm ok, you can let me go". I said. "Actually I want to hold you. You're so warm". Vincent said.

"It's almost Christmas break right"? I asked. He nodded. "I didn't buy presents". I said. "Well... We can go shopping later". Vincent said. He kissed me. "Vincent, are you bi"? I asked. "That's a weird question to ask someone". Vincent said. "Are you"? I asked. "I don't know". Vincent said. "Wait how could you not know"? I asked. "I like you. I liked you when I thought you were a boy, I like you as a girl. I don't know. I don't really look at other guys the way I looked at you when you were pretending to be a guy". Vincent said. "If I was an actual guy. Would you still go out with me"? I asked. "Yes". Vincent said. "I'm going to shower". I said. "Ok, I'll pick out a movie". Vincent said. A couple of days later at school. I was in gym. The coach was talking about football practices. Which were on weekends... I smiled. "Hey coach when's the first day of practice"? I asked. Everyone stared at me. "Oh um. A girl has never been on the team before. I don't know about that". The coach said. I stared at him.

"Come on please let me try out at least! You have to let me try out". I said. "That's true I do". He said. "So I can try out"? I asked. "Sure but don't get your hopes up about joining. Practice at 5 today". He said walking away. I frowned. I got out the club at that time. The bell ringed. I went to the club. "Guys"! I whined. "What"? They asked. "Coach ass hole won't let me join the football team". I said. They stared at me. "And we care why"? Damian asked. "Yeah babe. I rather you not join the team". Vincent said. "Are you serious"? I asked. "Yeah you could get hurt". Mason said. "Those guys are pretty big". Jason said. "No disrespect". Gabe said. "Yeah". Morti said. I shook my head. "Fuck all of you". I said walking away. Vincent walked over to me.

"You can do a safer sport, like swimming". Vincent said. I stared at him. "Wow! A sport that all the girls are on. A safe sport that requires you to wear a tight swim suit and be skinny as hell. Nigga fuck you". I said. "Love you". Vincent mumbled. "What about softball"? Jason asked. "That's specifically stereotyped for girls". I said. "Seems like you just don't want to be around girls". Damian said. "I wonder if the hockey team would let me join". I said.  "You're not joining the hockey team". Vincent said. "Why not"? I asked. "Because you're going to get hurt". Vincent said. "Look they said I could still try out for football. And if I want to make the team I gotta be better than all the boys. I got to give 120% of my game". I said. They stared at me. "And if you guys are truly my friends. You'll support me in this. Also train me. Can we have the club outside today while I do drills"? I asked.

"Babe, I don't know about-". I cut him off by getting on my knees. I hugged his legs. "Please! Please! Please! Please"! I yelled begging. "Fine! Ok please stop". Vincent said. "Yes"! I said jumping up. "Skirt". Damian said. "I don't care. I got to get changed". I said I took my bag and went to the changing room. I put on gym shorts, a muscle shirt, and Nike shoes. I walked out. "I'm going to meet you guys outside. I'm about to run around the school". I said. I ran off. 10 minutes later I was at the yard. The girls and guys were there. "Hi princesses and prince's"! I smiled. I started to do situps. "What are you doing Gray"? A girl asked. "I'm trying to join the football team. And he won't let me pass tryouts if I don't do better than the boys". I said. "I can help you". A guy said. I looked at him. "I'm already on the team". He smiled. "Oh hell yeah. Can you run me the drills then"? I asked. "Sure. First hurdles". He said. He some rocks and spread them from each other. "You know how to do it"? He asked. I nodded putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Come on let's go"! He coached me. "Go faster! Don't mess then. Up 10 more"! He yelled. After I finished. He smiled. "You're a natural". He said. "Not my first time playing football". I said. "Back rotation"! He said. I nodded and did it. "Hold on your form is off". He straighten my back. "Ok". I said. I did that for two minutes. "Squats". He said. I got in position and did it. He touched my waist. Then spread my legs apart some more. "Go down more and your legs need to be further". He said. "I hope they let you join". A girl said. My table agreed with her. I was grunting. "Me too". I said. "Drop and give me 40". He said after I did like 20 squats. "Army"? I asked. He nodded. I sighed doing pushups. When I made it to 78. I was starting to shake. "Fuck"! I said. "Come on! Two more"! He yelled. "I-i can't-". Vincent walked up. "I know you weren't going to say that. What ever happened to wanting to be the best"? He asked. I clenched my hands into fist and did jail pushups. I did 10 more than I should have. I got up. "Yeah"! I yelled. Vincent smiled.

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