Chapter 53

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I brought a lot of shit. Food, pads, junk food, black leggings for the uniform, condoms, and Epsom salt. The salt is for the hickeys. If I bathe in it they go away a little faster. The next day I was waiting for Vincent to come over. We decided to just watch a movie and order food. He walked in. I had. My hair in air fro since I'm to tired to actually flat iron it and shit. A friend of mine always said never to trust a girl that's hair bigger than they head. Maybe I should braid it. I braided my hair. Vincent walked in. "If we break up I want my house key back". I said. "My house and sure". Vincent smiled. He sat down besides me on the couch. I ordered Chinese, pizza, and MC Donald's. Which mostly was because I wouldn't have to cook for a couple of days. "You want to pick the movie"? I asked. "Sure, Notebook sound good"? Vincent asked. "I don't know what that is. But sure". I said. He kissed me.

When we finished watching the movie Vincent was crying. I was just eating pizza and drinking soda. "Huh one big flash back and someone with memory lost". I said. "This doesn't make you sad"? Vincent asked. "Not really". I shrugged. "Heartless". Vincent said. "Cry baby". I said. He smiled. "Titanic"? Vincent asked. "I heard bout it so sure". I said. When we finished that movie I was laughing. "What the hell was this shit! Her ass could have let him get on that big ass door she floating on. They could took turns. This shit". I laughed. Vincent looked to threw tears. He started to laugh. "You're so cute". He said wiping his tears and kissing me. We started to make out Vincent pulled me on his lap. He kissed my neck, my cheeks, my lips, and my hands. "You're so beautiful". Vincent said. "You're such a asshat". I smiled. He laughed. "How am I a asshat again"? Vincent asked.

"There's not a reason you just are bae". I said. His hand went in my pants. "Is that so"? He asked. I nodded. He gripped my ass pulling me closer to him. He kissed me. "Do you think I'm heartless really"? I asked. "No, if you were heartless you wouldn't love me". Vincent said. "Fuck you". I said. He laughed pinning me to the couch. He was now on top of me. "Are you ticklish"? Vincent asked. "No". I said. He tickled me and I started to laugh. When he stopped he was cuffing my boobs. He took his hand out my shirt. We stared at each other and he blushed. "Do you want to do something"? Vincent asked. "Fuck"? I asked. "I was going to say make love". Vincent said. "No, my period going to start in a couple of days". I said sadly.

"Poor baby". Vincent kissed me. "Shut up shit face". I said. He laughed. "If it's late are you pregnant"? He asked. "What do you think"? I asked. "That if you're pregnant can we get married"? He asked. "What world are you living in? I'm not gonna get pregnant". I said. "Well condoms don't always work". Vincent said. "Then I'll get the damn birth control". I said. Then I thought about it. "Damn, I'm going to have to go back and forward to go to the doctor". I said. "Well, we can get you transferred". Vincent said. "Man now when I go to the doctor and they be like are you sexually active it's gonna get more awkward and weird". I sighed. Vincent was laughing. "I really want a baby". Vincent said. I laughed. "Yeah maybe". I said. "Tell me when your period starts I can bring junk food and stuff". Vincent said. I nodded.

When Thanksgiving came it was lame as hell. People all happy and shit. Made me sick. I was gym right now. I was in my gym clothes. I didn't want to play anything. "Come on (n/n). Thanksgiving can't make you that moody". Mason said. "We already invited you to our mansion. Just come please. We're your best friends in Shenking". Jason pouted. "I'm coming its just, I can pretend to be happy". I said. "It's ok. Because think about it. You have us, you have Vincent, you have a bright future. There's so much you're thankful for". Mason said. I smiled.

"You're right". I said. "Good now you can play basketball with us. And destroy the other team". Jason said. "I do like to crush boys dreams. Let's do this". I said. After school I was dressed and waiting on the twins to come get me. And couple hours passed. "Damn did they ditch me"? I mumbled. Another hour or so passed and I was just about to order some food. When a knock on the door. All of them were there with food. "Want to have Thanksgiving with your family"? They all said smiling. I laughed. "We figured this would be better than pretending to act thankful in front of strangers. If you could be bitchy in front of your best friends". Jason said. "I do like to be bitchy". I said. They came in and set all the food on table. We all sat down. "Actually let's do the thankful thing". I said. "Really"? Gabe asked. I nodded. "I'm thankful amazing fucks of friends a awesome asshat of a boyfriend, and the fact that people care about me". I said. They hugged me. "After this you guys want to play football"? I smiled. "Sure why not". They groaned. "This time Vincent and Damian. I'm fucking you two over". I said. They smiled.

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