Chapter 38

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When the time came for the football game. We were in football outfits. Our team was red and the other team was gold. We get to keep the jerseys and stuff. The other team had huge people on there. I smirked. My hair was in a ponytail. I was bent over with the ball holding it. Jason was behind me. "Hike"! I yelled tossing him the ball running. Then I was ran at which was confusing. Son of a bitch they're trying to get me down. I blocked as many players as I could running with the heavy equipment. Someone threw me the ball since I was already making my way towards the scoring. I ran full speed scoring 7 points. I was then tackled I punched the grass. "Get off of me". I said pushing that person off of me. About half an hour later the other team and us had the same points.

I got the ball everyone was now after me once again. I saw my target in view. Then someone came at me from the front. My eyes widen. I tried to doge them but there were to many and one got me down. I fell hard and someone else took the ball I quickly tried to get back up. It was Vincent he had the ball. I growled and ran at him as soon as I went to get him I was tackled again and pinned. Damian. "Fuck you". I yelled frustrated. Vincent scored. "That's game! Gold team wins! Hit the showers". The coach said. When we got into the locker room I punched my locker. "Mother fucking bitch"! I yelled hitting it again.

"Why the hell did this shit happen to me. Why does bad things happen to mildly decent people. Like this whole world wants to bend me over and find me in the Alps. Like I'm some damn weak ass pussy bitch"! I said. Everyone was just watching me break down. I stared at them. "The fuck you bitches looking at"? I growled. "Hey don't you think we're all sad about the lost"? Someone asked. "Trust me Zack. No one is madder than he is right now". Mason said. "Where the hell was the damn defense on you guys part. You play like no offense to females. Because I can name many who play better than you guys. But you guys play like fucking girls". I said. They looked at me. I was taking all my anger out on that locker. Jason touched my shoulder. "That locker has had enough". Jason said. The other players walked in. I walked up to Vincent and Damian angry.

They smiled. "Hey (Y/n)". Vincent smiled. I glared at him. "So, my house after school". Vincent said. I growled at him. I looked at Damian. "You, me. 3 third music room right now". I said. "Gray's gonna fight Damian"! A guy said. "I don't do conflict with anyone". Damian simply said. "I'mma beat yo ass". I said. "Wow, I think you might need to get some sleep". Vincent said. "I hate you". I said. He stared at me. "Wow, you're really getting upset about this. Just calm down. There's no reason to be so mean". He said. "Oh I don't have a reason yeah"? I asked getting in his face. "Stop". Vincent said. I look at him. "Or are you a person to go back on your word". Vincent said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going out back". I said. I walked out and made it pretty far. Then I noticed I felt weird. My eyes widen. My jacket! My dad's leather jacket. I ran like it was a marathon to end world hunger. I made it back to the locker room. Vincent, Damian, Mason, and Jason wasn't in there any more. Some guys were looking and holding my jacket. "That's mine". I said. They looked at me. "Oh really? A commoner with such an expensive jacket"? One guy said. "Give it back". I said. "I think I'll keep it". The guy laughed and so did 4 other boys. I was going to hit him but two boys held me back. "Let go of me! Give me my jacket"! I yelled. "Let's see what's in here.... A necklace and a letter". The guy said. "Did you steal this"? He asked. "Don't touch that"! I yelled. "Oh is it a love letter"! Another guy said. He laughed. "Put that back! Give me my stuff. I swear to fuck if you don't let me go. I'm killing all of you"! I yelled. The guy ripped the leather. My eyes widen.

"No"! I screamed. The other laughed. They threw my mom's necklace out the window landed in a bush somewhere. I felt tears in my eyes. My throat started to close. "Look he's about to cry"! A guy shouted. They threw my jacket out the window it landed in the fountain. Tears were now rolling down my face. They laughed throwing me to the grown walking away. I went to the letter grabbing all the pieces. Then I ran out to my jacket. Oh no, oh no. It's ripped. I quickly got it out the water and went to look for my necklace. I was still crying. "(Y/n)". A gruff voice said. I looked and saw Morti. I quickly sucked up my tears. "What"? I asked in the most annoyed tone I could without my voice cracking. He stared at me.

"Are you alright"? He asked his voice never actually made it seemed like he had emotions. But he sounded concern. "I'm fine. Just go, I'll be in the club late". I said. "Did you drop something"? He asked. "No! This is a game I'm playing! Leave please"! I yelled. He stared at me and walked off. Half an hour passed and I still couldn't find my necklace. I sat down back against the building. I was slowly starting to have a panic attack. Letter is in pieces, jacket wet and torn, necklace missing and possibly broken. I started to breath heavy and cry. I closed my eyes bawling up my fist. I felt someone sit besides me in every place. in front of me, both sides of me, like right next to me. Someone touched my hand.

"We're here". The boys said. I opened my eyes to see Vincent digging through my bag. He took out my medicine and gave it to me and Damian handed him some water. The twins were looking at my jacket. Morti and Gabe had cookies in their hands. "What's wrong? Did I do this? Was it the bet? I'm so sorry"! Vincent cried. "They tore my parents letter to me, they threw my jacket in the water and it ripped, they-they threw my momma necklace and I can't find it". I cried. Gabe was trying to keep up his little kid act but he looks extremely ready to kill someone. All of them did. "Who"!? They all yelled. "Some guys". I said.

"Damian find me the guys, Gabe go with him". Vincent said to Damian. "Already on it". Damian said Gabe nodded and they left. "Twins you can fix the jacket right"? Vincent asked. "Yep boss". They both took my jacket and walked away. "Morti, can you somehow put the letter back together"? Vincent asked. "Yes". Morti said as I gave him. The paper pieces. Vincent helped me up. "Daddy's got this". Vincent smiled. He started to look for my necklace. I tried to get up. "Stay down. I got this babe". Vincent said. I nodded. My pills made me extremely sleepy so I dozed off without realizing it.

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