Chapter 7

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(Vincent's POV)

"Boss you like her". Mason said. "No! She's my daughter". I said. "Uh huh. Boss your so dense". Jason said. "So what if I like her!? It doesn't matter. She's not here for a boyfriend. She's here for a education". I said. "I'm pretty sure she'll let you date her. Like she said the only reason why no one asked her out was because of her big scary gang friends". Damian said pushing up his glasses. "I-i can't, I just met her! She's a commoner. You just don't walk up to them and say. I'm in love with you let's get married and you can be my queen". I said. "Yeah... That would be weird for some". Damian said reading. "Boss, what if someone else ask her out"? Jason asked. "Well she's a boy most of the day. So I'm not to worried". I said. "Yeah, but what about her after school life. Because clearly she dresses like a decent girl after school". Damian said.

My eyes widen I just thought about her having a boyfriend that's not me. My life crashed. "Then here is a thought. What if she doesn't like you boss"? Mason asked. My heart shattered. "What!? Did she say she didn't like me"!? I jumped up pulling his shirt. Jason took my hand and removed it from Mason. "It was a suggestion boss". Jason said. "Maybe you should ask her if she'll consider dating you. Do you think so Morti"? Gabe said. Morti nodded. "But do it in a way that makes it sound like a game". Morti said. I nodded. I heard the sink running, then stopped, and (Y/n) walked out.

"Hi"! She smiled. "Hey let's play a game". The twins said. "Oh what"? She asked. "Which one of us would you go out with"!? The twins asked. "Easy Damian". (Y/n) said. My eyes widen Damian looked up and looked at me. I glared at him, he shrugged. "Why him"? Jason asked. "Um... I don't know. He seems interesting to me". She said. "How"? Mason asked. "She finds me the best choice because you guys are weird, Gabe is to sweet and innocent, Morti would have been a second choice but he's not talkative". Damian said. I looked at him then at (Y/n). "Somehow you're right as always Damian". She said. Damian started back to reading as I went to my corner to sulk.

"But if anyone asked you out would you say yes"? Mason asked. "Oh yeah. I don't care as long as the person respects my wanting to study". (Y/n) said I beamed a little. "Wait is one of you gonna ask someone out"? She  asked. Is she seriously that oblivious? We looked at her. "Are you hungry"? I asked. "No". She said. "You sure"? I asked. "Yeah". She said. "Ok". I said. "Damn it's late. Fuck". She said. "Oh you can stay here if you want. With me". I said smiling. I touched her hand. "Well... I don't want to bother G. But I don't have any clothes or hygiene stuff". (Y/n) said. "Oh it's ok, I got extra uniforms. They'll be big on you. But that's not a problem for you. Ok what else yeah you can sleep in some of my clothes. I can have someone bring you a tooth brush and stuff". I said.

"Oh well can they bring me a 38 B bra"? She asked. I blushed. "Hey you told us you were a A"! The twins said. "You asked her, her bra sized"! I yelled jumping on them. "We're sorry boss"! They both yelled. "I lied, hey but I really need that bra and tooth brush more than anything". (Y/n) laughed. "Well I'll tell my maid". I said. She smiled. "You two no funny business". Damian said getting up. "I won't do anything to him". (Y/n) laughed. I glared at Damian who had smirk and left. Along with everyone else. "Hey can I have your clothes now"? (Y/n) asked. "Hey, can I also wear your boxers"? She asked. I blushed. "You sure you don't want something that'll cover your legs more"? I asked.

"I can't sleep with long sleeve pants on. It's uncomfortable". She pouted. God she's so cute. I went to my closet and got a really old shirt that I wore when I was 13 that might fit her and my boxers. I gave it to her. She went to the bathroom. I told my maid what she needed. When I got her toothbrush and bra. I knocked the bathroom door. "Come in"! (Y/n) said. I walked in and she was wearing my clothes and she looked so hot. But this time I noticed her actual body. She had cuts on her legs and arms. I didn't want to ask her. "I got your tooth brush"! I smiled at her.

"And my bra. I don't need that until in the morning". She laughed. "Well. You still take it". I smiled nervously and gave her the stuff. I walked out. I decided to get ready in another room. When I came back she was sitting on my floor criss cross. "Hey where am I sleeping"? She asked. Please with me. "The guess bedroom". I said. (Y/n) smiled. "Hey we should sleep together. It is a sleepover right"? (Y/n) asked. Yes! Thank you God. I can at least hold her as a friend... "Yeah if you're ok with it". I said. "I get top bunk"! (Y/n) said. I looked at her confused. "Oh... Right forgot". She said. "I cuddle in my sleep to so I'm just gonna apologize right now". She laughed. God I like you so much. "It's ok. I like to cuddle to". I said. "Cool". She said. I got in bed, I had PJ pants on and a muscle shirt. She laid next to me. "Want to watch a movie before...". I heard a light snoring. "Damn she fell asleep fast". She cuddled my side. I tensed. "I swear I won't let you go". I mumbled and fell asleep with her.

When I woke up she was on my chest. "Hey (Y/n)! Wake up school"! I said. She shot up. "Nigga move I'm sleep"! She yelled. Did she just call me... "(Y/n)"! I yelled shaking her. "God fucking damn it Dakota"! She looked at me and jumped out the bed. My bed was very high and the floor was not carpeted. "Oh God! Are you ok"! I yelled. "Sorry if I called you nigga. I'm only use to one person waking me up and he's... Black". I said. I stared at her. "Ok... It doesn't matter to me. Are you ok"? I asked. "Yeah, I'm going to shower". She said. "Yeah. Um... Well let me put your uniform in there first". I said. She nodded. "Again I'm sorry". She said going to the bathroom. I can't believe I slept with my crush. Well in a none intimate way. But I can't help it, what would it be like if I was with her? My father would be ok with it. After my mom died and I finally made friends. He's been looking for me to find any woman. No matter who they are.

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