Chapter 17

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3 months passed, I have successfully stayed a boy without anyone noticing. Vincent and I have acted as if nothing had happened I was in Lux right now with my regular costumers. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie sometime". A girl said. "I'll have to check my schedule". I said. Not the first time I was asked out by a girl. Damian said I could just say I'll see. "Oh ok". She said. "So, about the ball". The girls said. "Ball? We playing ball"? I asked getting up excited. "No silly. The dance". A girl said. "I don't know what you're talking about princess". I said. "We had a meeting about that". Damian said. "We have meetings"!? I asked shocked. "Yes, don't your remember"? Gabe hopped in the conversation. "You were on your phone nodding your head". Vincent said. "Man, I wasn't listening! When is the dance"? I asked. "Ball". The twins said. "Who fucking cares? When is it"? I asked. "Its so hot when he curses". The girls mumbled and giggled to themselves.

"In two days". Morti said. "Son of a gum chewing funk monster"! I yelled. "Aw he doesn't want to curse to much in front of us. What a gentlemen". The girls said. I'm going to slap one of these bitches if they don't shut up. "You have a tux right"? Gabe asked. "Why would I even... Actually yeah". I said. "Ok then, you're good". Jason said. "Man, I can't believe you guys didn't tell me". I said. "There was a meeting"! They all yelled. I smiled shyly. The girls fainted. "Well I'm done for the day. I got some shit to do". I said. The other girls looked at me. I winked at them. They blushed. "Don't steal our princesses"! They yell. The girls got nose bleeds and fainted. "Good thing my family owns a hospital". Damian said. "Yeah, good thing". Vincent said. "Well... What do we do wait for them to wake up"? I asked. "Coffee"? Mason asked. "Yeah". "Sure". Is what came from us as we all walked out. "So what do you guys do at this dance". I said. "Have you been playing attention to any of the meetings"? Damian asked. "Hell no". I said.

"Ok, we dance, flirt, charge girls like we always do. Guys can come to, then at the end of the dance we choose someone by spot like for our king to kiss on the cheek". Damian said. I looked at Vincent. "And since you're the new member you'll be singing a solo after us. Gabe said happily. "You can sing"? I asked. "And can play ever instrument". Jason said. "Yeah I stopped caring". I said. "That's obvious". Vincent said. "Got a problem"? I asked. "Nope, daddy is so excited for his little girls first ball"! Vincent smiled. "Well I'm going to be a guy so...". I said. "Oh right. I'm so surprised that we pulled that off for this long". Vincent said. Everyone agreed. "But physicals are tomorrow". Damian said. "What's that"? I asked.

"It's when they bring doctors here to check your health. The whole school go into one big room and they give us check ups". Vincent said. "Oh right that is tomorrow". Jason said. "Yeah". Mason said. "Huh". I said. "5... 4.. 3.... 2.. 1". Damian mumbled. "Why are you- holy shit". I said. "Oh no! We gotta do something"! Vincent said. "Would it be any different if everyone knew I was a girl"? I asked. "Yes! Boys will be all over you". Vincent said. "No they won't". I said. "They will not". The guys agreed. "See"! I said. Then I looked at them. My eyes widen. "Why won't they"? I asked. "Because you still look like a male, it won't really change the fact". Damian said. "Actually it will. Because then they will be like, oh wow I knew she looked so beautiful. I swear for a minute I thought I was gay". Vincent said. The twins smirked. "You talking about other guys or yourself"? They asked.

"Maybe if I wore tighter clothes. Plus I stopped cutting my hair. And its to my back now, and I don't think my hat is gonna control my big ass afro". I said. "No! Um... Please continue to be a guy"! Vincent begged. "She's gonna have to. She still owes us money". Damian said. "Why do I keep forgetting about this!? And why do you keep remembering"? I asked. "Because it benefits me". Damian said. "You're self centered. You sure you weren't raised in the hood"? I asked. "No". Damian said. "So, we need dates to the dance or... We just come"? I yawned. "Just come". Vincent said. I yawned again pouring the coffee. "Why are you sleepy"? Gabe asked. "I not sleepy". I yawned. "Could have fooled me". Morti said. I yawned again. I drunk the coffee. "Seriously when have you slept"? The twins asked. "Um last week ago". I said. "You haven't slept for 7 days"? Vincent asked.

"10 but who's counting". I yawned. "Why are you not sleeping? Sleep is needed for muscle growth and memory- and some how it all makes since now". Damian said. "What you say Desmond"? I asked. "Damian". He said. "Ok Derek". I drink the coffee. "So why are you staying up"? Vincent asked. "Because the longest anyone has been awake in scientific studies if 11 days. So I'm trying to see how long I can stay up". I said. "Will you die"? Jason asked. "I don't think so". I said. "That's scary". Mason said. "Can I get black coffee"! I yawned. "I'm also fascinated by this. So I encourage you to do this. I'll watch you slowly fall apart and possibly die". Damian said. "Thanks Dami". I said. "But you'll date him before us". Jason mumbled. My eyes widen as I turned around and punched the person sneaking behind me. The guy who brought my coffee fell to the ground bleeding. "No! No! No! My coffee"! I yelled. "Oh my God sir we are so sorry"! Vincent said. Damian handed him a 300 dollars.

"Sorry for that". Damian said. "You owe us more now". Damian said. I shrugged still mourning my lost coffee. "Why'd you punch me dude"! The waiter guy said. "You snuck up behind me. It was a reflex. My b". I said. "Look here-". He stared at me and blushed. "Oh, it's ok ma'am. I'll try to be more careful". He said. He walked away. "How'd he kn-". Mason cut me off. "Your hat fell off your head". Mason said. "He had water and it waisted on your shirt and your bra is showing". Jason said. "Huh". I said looking down. They all blushed. I put on my leather jacket. "Can I get some more coffee"! I groaned. "Hey, you should really go to sleep tonight". Vincent said. "Maybe I'll see". I said.

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