Chapter 105

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A couple weeks passed. I was limping down the hallway of the school. "Gray! Let me help you"! A guy said walking up to me. He took my book bag. I was in crutches. And I was using two so it was hard for me to get around. "Thank you so much Josh". I said. "Will your limo be here shortly"? He asked. "I'm actually waiting for the twins". I said. "Well I'll wait for them with you". He said. "You don't have to"! I said. "I want to. So graduation, excited"? He asked. "I actually am. How about you"? I asked him. "Yep, as soon as I graduate I'll own my parents china company". He smiled. "Yeah. You guys do have pretty cute patterns and colors. Thanks for giving the Lux club that discount. It really means a lot to me". I smiled. "No problem. You are a friend after all". He smiled. The twins burst into the yard running.

"So sorry we're late". Mason said. They were sweaty. "I'm not". Jason laughed. Wow they must have got some pussy. They stared at Josh. "Joshua we have it from here". Jason said as Mason got my bag from him. "O-ok". Josh smiled at me. "See you". Josh said leaving. "Why are you leading him on"? Jason asked. "What do you mean"? I asked. "He likes you". Mason said. Jason picked me up carrying me bridal style. "Why"? I whined. "You limp to slow". Jason said. Mason grabbed the crutches. They lead me to there Ferrari. "Can I drive Jason"! Mason said happily. Jason stared at him. "Please"! Mason begged. "Alright". Jason tossed him the keys. Mason drove me to Vincent's mansion. Vincent ran out to help me. Jason and Mason got out. "Everyone here boss"? Jason asked. "Yes". Vincent said. "Why is everyone here"? I asked.

"To plan. We do, do that. You've been with us forever. So you know we plan". Mason said. "Why exactly are we planning"? I asked getting my crutches. When we made it into the house Damian, Gabe, and Morti were sitting in the downstairs living room. "So we decided to take a trip. I just brought a cabin in the woods. And it seemed like a fun idea". Vincent smiled. "No". I said. "Why not (N/n)? It seems like a whole bunch of fun". Gabe smiled. "It does not. I've watched way to many horror movies. To go anywhere in the woods with rich, naive, white people". I said. "Wow! Mean". Mason said. "Are you scared"? Jason asked. "Hell yeah I'm scared. I'm a fucking black person going into the woods to visit a cabin. Why the fuck wouldn't I be scared"? I asked.

"She's right African American's do tend to die fast in those types of situations". Damian said. "See!? Damian woke"! I said. "It's also just movies". Damian added. "Yeah! And most likely you'll live. To be honest the people I'll think that would die. Will be the twins because they'll always be together and Vincent because he's fucking stupid when it comes to that type of shit. You three will be ok. Because you're smart, Gabe and Morti can beat the literary crap out of the monsters. So therefore. I'm not going. You guys can go be my guest. But if I die, it's going to be my choice". I said. "The fact that she's right is wow". Jason said.

"Babe, the cabin isn't like those cold cabins you see in movies. It's completely new not even that far from a store". Vincent said. "Vincent- I don't like that". I said. "How come you went camping with Abby"? Vincent asked. "When did I do that"? I asked. Then my eyes widen. "I told you that"? I asked. "You lied me"? Vincent asked. "It was like a year ago. I was actually working a late night at the bar". I said. "You got a job"? Vincent asked. "Yeah I lied because remember we aren't aloud to have a job while going to Shenking. But I needed money". I said. "You can get money from me"! Vincent said. "I don't need you". I said. "Rephrase that". Damian said looking at his book.

"I don't need your money. I can get by on my own Vincent. It's bad enough I'm staying here. I keep feeling like I owe you something". I said. "You don't owe me anything for God sakes. We're engaged". Vincent said. "Whatever. Do you want. I'll go to the cabin. I don't care. But if I die. I'm hunting the fuck out of you". I laughed. "There's a petting zoo near by". Vincent said. My eyes sparkled with happiness. "Why the fuck did you not lead with that asshat!? When do we leave"!? I asked. They all smiled. "So you're not scared anymore"? Mason asked. "If I die at least I'll be able to pet some animals before that". I smiled. "Well as soon as your leg feels better. We're leaving". Damian said. "Awesome". I smiled. I looked at my phone. "I got to go add the money up for the club". I said.

"I've heard you've been saving a lot. How"? Damian asked. "Well I get discounts on food, furniture, china, and costumes. It's really nice that so many people give me discounts". I said. "Brandon, Christopher, Joshua, and Anthony". Jason said. "Of course". Damian said. I was confused. "What"? I asked. "What are you giving them"? Vincent asked. "Nothing. They just offer". I said. "Because they're madly in love with her". Jason pointed out. "Yep, she's the guy locker room talk". Mason said. "Man I miss being in the guys locker room". I mumbled. "With boss being gone it's basically just. Let's see who can get her attention". Jason said.

"Stop talking like I'm not in the room. It's not a crime if they like me". I said. "Damian how can we make something crime"? Vincent asked. "Become president". Damian said. "Sounds like a lot of unnecessary extra work. I'll pay someone to become president". Vincent said. "It's just harmless flirting and stuff". I said. "You flirt with them"? Vincent asked. "It's my job". I said. "What's and stuff? What else do you do with them? Because honestly this is all new news for me". Vincent said. "I would like to talk to my attorney general before I could be asked any further question. Until then I shall use my Miranda rights and fucking stay silent". I said. "Attorney general here". Damian said. I whispered to him. "My client would like for you to please stay calm and back up. She would also like to say that she pleads the fifth". Damian said.

"Bull! (Y/n) are you spending time with them outside the club"? Vincent asked. "Order in the court"! Gabe said. "What the fuck are you guys doing"? Jason asked. "We don't know". I shrugged. "I just like playing lawyer". Damian said. "Saying that was fun". Gabe giggled. "Yes Vincent I do. But I swear on my parents grave it's just friends". I said. "I trust you". Vincent said. "Thank you". I smiled. Vincent looked at Jason who nodded. "Do not kill or leave them broke. I swear you guys are all fucking crazy". I said.

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