Chapter 16

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When night came, the only thing I needed to do was go to the party and kiss the dude. If I don't feel the way I felt with Vincent then, I'm gonna have a serious problem. It's called ruining a friendship. Man, how could he even like me? I'm a boy most of the damn day... Well unless he's... Bi. Oh my god, I'm a two in one package for him. I'm going to tell Dakota to start telling me how do you know when a guy likes you. Because this shit gets ridiculous. At the party I wore a mint green shirt, blue jean shorts, sandals, and my mom's lucky necklace. Man I hope this day turns out good. I never failed a test, mission, or deal with this necklace. I wore this necklace on the first day at Shenking Academy, and I met my friends.... And got into debt but hey. I found Brad and he had a tight fitting white shirt, blue swim trunks.

"Hey"! I called. "Hi". He smiled. "So what do you like to do"? Brad asked. "Play basketball, dodge ball, football, and hockey". I said. "Do you cook"? He asked. "Why"? I asked. "I think women who can cook are sexy". He said. I stared at him. "You think that. Until they put rat poison in your food little by little and you die". I said. "So can you cook"? He asked. "Oh yeah I can cook". I said. "Is this your first time? Y'know having a conversation with a guy". He asked. "No, all my friends are guys". I said. "That makes since". Brad said. I laughed. "We should get together". Brad said. "Actually, I live pretty far. My friends and I are here for the week". I said.

"Oh well I guess that-". I was getting really bored. So I kissed him. He kissed me back wrapping his arms around me. I feel nothing! Yes. He pulled away. "Wow, where are you from now"? He asked. "Chicago, but I live in New York". I said. "It's weird why are you in California"? He asked. "My friends wanted to come here for the beach". I said. "It's actually pretty funny because-". He kissed me. I tensed up. I pulled away. "What"? He asked. "Sorry I don't think- I don't think-". Damian walked up. He wrapped his arm around me. "We have a problem"? Damian asked wrapping his arm around me. "I thought you two said you weren't together". Brad said. "Yeah, but she's my sex partner. And I get jealous when you take away my little doll". Damian glared.

"Sorry dude". Brad said walking away. I laughed. Damian smiled. "You looked like you needed some help". Damian said. "The twins told you"? I asked. "Gabe did. So, how do you feel now"? Damian asked letting me go. "I think- key word think. That I maybe, have a small tiny little liking to Vincent". I said. "You like me"? A voice said. "This was a set up". I mumbled. Damian smirked. I turned to look a Vincent. "Look, I know this is weird but-". He hugged me. He got on one knee. My mouth widen then my eyes. "Will you marry me"? He asked. Damian face palmed. He grabbed Vincent by the hair and dragged him off. I was froze. Morti picked me up. "Shh it's ok, just pretend like it didn't happen". Morti said. "W-why did he, w-why did he just propose? I'm so confused". I said freaking out. "It's ok". Morti said pushing my head into his chest like a baby. "We'll go back to the beach house, and you can take a nap". Morti said.

"Well this is my first time liking a guy and he proposes. I'm so confused. I wasn't prepared for this"! I said. "Vincent is... Weird he wasn't thinking straight". Morti said.

Damian's POV

I punched Vincent in the shoulder. "Ow"! Vincent said. "What the hell is wrong with you!? I know your father said for you to get married. And yeah he meant any girl the second you meet her. But she's not like us, she's not gonna be ok with being proposed to the second she says she likes someone. She's from the commoner world. They ease into their relationship. They do not propose". I explained to Vincent. "Oh". He said. Then his eyes widen. "Oh my sweet gorgeous God. I freaked her out! Oh no, damnit Vincent"! He was now realizing his mistake. "You know that that small inch of a feeling she had for you. Probably gone now". The twins said. "You guys saw"? Vincent asked. "The whole damn beach say". Jason said. "Yeah man, you should know commoners are different from us". Mason said. I sighed. When we got to the beach house Morti was there but (Y/n) wasn't. "Where's (Y/n)"? Gabe asked. "She said she wanted to be alone". Morti said. "You left my little girl out at night"! Vincent freaked.

(Y/n)'s POV

I convinced Morti to put me down. I can handle being out her at night. I just need to go. I noticed a fire so I sat by it. "Hey there pretty girl". A guy obviously drunk said. "Hey there pretty girl". I said back to him. He touched my hair since he was standing up and I was sitting down. "Get your hands off me fido". I said. "Come on its ok". He said. I tried to get up and he kicked me. I growled. "When I get up I'm kicking your ass". I said. "You're a little girl. How could you possibly beat me up"? He asked pinning me down. His knees where pinning down my legs, and his hands were pinning down my arms.

"I think you're really beautiful". He said. I spit at him. He went down to kiss me and I head butted him causing him to lose his grip, then I upper cut him. He punched me in the face. He took a knife out and held it to my throat. "Listen here slut you're gonna stop". He said. I laughed. "Stab me bitch". I said. The guy hand went down to my thigh. Then he was karate kicked off me. "Get the hell away from her you filthy peace of shit"! Vincent said. I quickly got up and kicked the guy in the dick twice. Vincent eyes widen as he dragged me off. "I'm so sorry". Vincent said hugging me. I pushed him off. "I think I'm going to bed". I said.

"No". Vincent said. "What"? I asked. "No, I'm actually sorry. Please give us a chance". He said. "Aren't you a play boy? What about those girls at school who noses start bleeding and fainting every time you're around. I feel like they'll be better for you then I am". I said. He kissed me. "Please, I'm not a play boy. I just want to make women happy". Vincent said. I stared at him. "I'm going". I said walking away.

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