Chapter 9

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It was towards the end of the day. The Lux members were trying to make me not go. "That's a guy, not to mention a black belt. What are you gonna do!? Have you even taken any material arts classes"!? Vincent was the one freaking out the most. "Let's jump him". Jason said to Mason. "Yeah once he's distracted by (Y/n) we hit him with this conveniently placed metal baseball bat". Mason said. "Where did you even get that"? I asked. Damian looked down at his book, damn Damian you brutal. "No"! Gabe said. We all looked him. "This is (Y/n)'s fight. If it goes out of hand and she seems like she's losing. Morti and I will step in". Gabe said hugging his bear. "Thank you"! I said. We all walked behind the school. I took my leather jacket off and gave it to Vincent. "Oh look you showed up". Chandler said. "Don't do this"! His girl said. "I honestly don't want to fight. But I'm not a pussy. Never was one never gonna be one. But if you decide that you're done with whatever the hell your doing. We can just walk away". I said.

"No! I have to do this". He said. His girl cried and ran away. "Why do you have to do it"!? Vincent yelled. "For Chyna". Chandler head went down. "She likes tough guys so I figured that. If I beat you in a fight. She'll like me". He said. "That's some actual bull shit". I said. Vincent was in the verge of tears. "You're just doing this for love! That's so cute". Vincent said. Chandler kicked at me I dodged and decked him straight in the face. He went down. "What the fuck"? I asked. He got up and threw a punch at me. He hit me in the face and I felt the blood come from my noise and mouth. I saw Gabe about to step in. "No! This is my fight". I said. I smiled. He punched me in the stomach. I went down gasping for air. I was gonna let him win. Where the hell is that girl!? I got up.

If she's not here I gotta defend myself until she comes. I punched him in the face two times kicked him in the face, upper cut him, kicked him the chest. And elbowed him in the stomach. He fell down unconscious. "Fuck! No! No. Get up and fight me before your girl comes! Beat my ass god damn it! Why the hell are you not getting up"! I kicked him in the side. Morti picked me up and walked me over to were they were. "You were throwing the fight off. you wanted him to win. Why"? Gabe asked. "He just wants to get his girl to respect him man. But he's fucking useless. So one of you knock me out and make it look like it was tie". I said. They stared at me like I was crazy. "No, are you even ok"? Vincent asked grabbing my cheeks and examining my face. "Ok, bruised neck, busted lip, bloody nose, let me see your stomach". Vincent said. "Later, I got to think man". I said.

"No! You need a hospital"! Jason said. "I am fucking fine I've had stab wounds worse than this"! I yelled at him. "It's because your were scratched". Morti said. "What"? I asked confused. Oh shit I'm bleeding through the shirt. "Fuck"! I said frustrated. "That guy got a black eyes, bloody mouth, bloody noise, bruised up face, his ribs aren't looking to good either". Damian said. I held my stomach and spit out blood. "You need to get to a hospital". Vincent said. "No! I'm fine! He needs to wake up and kick my ass. Where the fuck is that girl-". Vincent cut me off. "You need a hospital"! He yelled at me. I jumped. "Ok". I said. They all took me to the music room. "Shirt off". Damian said. I took my shirts off. I was in my bra. They all blushed. They then frowned. "What happened to you body"? The twins both said.

"It's covered in scars". Gabe said. "I'll tell you guys later". I said. "Well it doesn't seem to need stitches, we ointment it and wrap it up". Damian said. "Ok your lip looks good, your noise stopped bleeding so that's good". Damian said. The twins put the ointment on me and wrapped my wound. "You held your own against him". Vincent said. "Yeah. I don't think he was a black belt". I said. "No he wasn't". Morti said. "He probably never fought a day in his life". Gabe said. "And got his ass kicked by a girl". Jason said. "Well we're the only one's that know she's a girl. So it'll be like yeah he lost to a boy". Mason said.

"Aw man I can't tease him about it! Good going (Y/n)"! Jason said. "Damn sorry". I said. Vincent was just starting at me. I put my shirt back on and stood up. "We working today"? I asked. "No, we closed today because we were worried about you". Damian said. "That's stupid I'm fine". I said laughing. They gave me unsure looks. They were frowning. "(Y/n) you're not alright! What the hell were you thinking"! Vincent yelled at me. I jumped. "Shit boss snapped". The twins said. "You had no right to go there and fight him. And on top of that you're hurt"! Vincent was serious. "I won". I said.

"You won? Who the cares!? Your goal wasn't even to win! Your goal was to let him beat you up. Seriously what the hell is wrong with you"! Vincent yelled. I don't know why but his yelling was bringing me into a panic. I felt my eyes water. "I-i why are y-you yelling at me"! I said losing breath. I jumped up. "Where's my bag"! I yelled. Morti held it up. I grabbed it. I started to hyperventilate and I was fumbling with the bottle. I dropped the bottle. "No! No! Stop yelling! I'm sorry"! I said. I felt a pill go into my mouth and a water bottle. I started to breathe correctly. I could see again. I looked at saw that Vincent was the one who gave me the pill.

"You have anxiety". Damian said. "I've had ever since I was in that-". I cut myself off. "I've had it for a while". I said. Vincent wiped my tears away. "I'm so sorry"! Vincent said. "I think I should go home". I said. "No! Please just let me help". Vincent said. "Let us help". Everyone else said. "Are you ok"? Gabe asked. "I'm fine"! I smiled getting up. Damian touched my shoulder. "Tell them". He said. "No". I said. Damian grabbed my hips and pulled me to look him in the eyes. "I'm concerned for you. As your... Friend. Please be cooperative and tell them what you know I know". Damian said. I leaned into his touch and whispered in his ear. "Fuck no". I said getting out of his grip. He smiled. "Do you just not want to say it? Because I could say it". Damian said. "That'll be most appreciated". I said.

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