Seth Rollins and Sasha Banks

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Sasha's POV:
How the fuck can this happen?! This can't be happening! I'm freaking out, I just found out I'm pregnant with Seth's baby. We only been dating for seven months and we made sure we always used protection when we had sex but I guess either the condom broke or Seth forgot to put on one, either way I'm scared, what if Seth doesn't want the baby? What if he leaves me and our baby? So many questions raced through my head that it became overwhelming.
"Sash? Baby you here?". I hear Seth call from downstairs, shit I forgot he was coming over.
"Yeah I'm here, I'll be right down". I yell out. I get up from my bed and look at myself in the mirror, I put my hand over my stomach.
"I got to tell him". I mumble to myself and take a deep breathe, well here goes nothing.

Seth's POV:
I was sitting on the couch going through FaceBook waiting for Sasha, I hear her come down the stairs and I look up from my phone.
"Hey beautiful". I say.
"Hey, want me to order a pizza?". Sasha asks.
"Sure honey". I say and Sasha grabs her phone to call Pizza Hut, I walk up behind her and hug her, I kiss her cheek then move my lips down to her neck.
"Get off of me". Sasha says pushing me off her.
"What the hell is wrong with you?". I asked surprised by her actions.
"I'm..sorry". Sasha says walking to the kitchen, I walk in behind her.
"What's going on Sasha? You can tell me". I say gently grabbing her arm to make her look at me.
"You'll hate me". She says quietly.
"Never, now tell me". I say.
"Seth...I'm pregnant". Sasha says playing with her hands, I look at her surprised and trying to wrap my mind around what she just said.
"You're pregnant?". I ask her.
"Yes, I took a test and it came back positive". Sasha says. I rub the back of my neck and I guess Sasha took my stunned silence wrong and she starts to cry.
"Don't cry honey, everything's going to be okay". I say wiping her tears and I grab her hands.
"Sasha look at me". I say and she looks up at me.
"I'm not going to leave, I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying with you and help raise our baby". I say while looking into her eyes, I lean down and kiss her softly, she kisses back. I gently put my hand on Sasha's stomach and I feel a bump forming, I smile.
"You think we'll get a mini me?". I ask Sasha.
"Maybe". She says, a smile creeps on her lips.
"Wether we have a boy or a girl, I know the baby will beautiful". I say. Sasha looks up at me and I smile.
"I love you". She says.
"I love you too". I say to her and I pull her close to me, my hand still resting on her stomach. I can't wait to have a baby with her and be a dad, this is going to be a crazy nine months.

Authors Note: Should I do a pt.2 to this one where Sasha goes into labor? If so, what should the gender of their baby be, boy or girl? Let me know in the comments!

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