Heavy hearted today

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You guys probably don't know this about me but I come from a family of those who are in law enforcement and served in the military so I highly respect our soldiers, police officers and our state troopers. My stepfather is a patrolman for the state of Oklahoma (the OHP) so our family shares a close connection to the OHP and their troopers. A week ago, Lt.Heath Meyer was injured while responding to a high speed chase. He fought hard for his life but he sadly passed away this morning from his injuries.

I want to send my condolences to Lt.Meyer's family and friends as well as the OHP. Out of respect for Lt.Meyer, I will post this in his honor and say law enforcement lives matter. Regardless of what you views are, if it wasn't for police officers and state troopers, our streets wouldn't be safe (if I see hateful comments on here about the OHP, Lt.Meyer or any law enforcement, I will block you).

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they should be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9).

RIP Lt.Meyer, thank you for your services, you can rest easy now.

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