My opinion on the end of the very first Women's MITB match

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Okay I know this is late but this is something I need to get off my chest, if you don't care, just scroll through this but if you care, lay back cause this will be pretty long. You may like my opinion and some may not but that's okay.

I was very excited that there was going to be a women's MITB match, it was long deserved (I'm still waiting for a women's royal rumble) and the women competing were talented wrestlers. The match was going great and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see who was the first Ms.MITB but then I saw James Ellsworth get into the ring and knock Becky Lynch off the latter and climbed up to grab the briefcase for Carmella and she won like that. What? Like seriously? That's how the first women's MITB match is going to end? I was mad because Ellsworth just ruined an amazing match and I wasn't the only one, many fans and other WWE Women's wrestlers were furious by the ending. This match was suppose to show that women can do the match and win just like the men can and who wins the match? A man. Don't get me wrong, I don't technically hate Carmella, I think she has potential to be a great wrestler if she ditches Ellsworth. After watching this past weeks SD live, I'm very happy to see that Daniel Bryan stripped Carmella of her briefcase and is doing another MITB match next week on SD live to determined another winner, now with Ellsworth banned from ringside, I think Carmella can prove to us fans and other women wrestlers that she can win this all on her own but I have this deep feeling that Ellsworth will find a way to interfere. Now this is just my opinion and I can't wait to see the rematch next Tuesday night, hopefully Ellsworth doesn't interfere and if he does, he just needs to be fired, I honestly never liked him in the first place and think he's a waste of time in the wwe. I hope Carmella wins the right way or if we do get a new Ms.MITB, I hope it's Becky Lynch or even Charlotte Flair. May the best woman win.

If you stuck around to the end, I ask you guys/gals, what was your opinion of the Women's MITB match ending? Did you like it or did you hate it? And would like to see Carmella win back the briefcase? Let me know in the comments because I love to hear it.

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