Moving On *Completed*

By denice35

242K 13.3K 1.2K

Highest Ranking: Ranked #1 Nathain 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Gabriel 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Kota 8/15/19 Ranked #1 theacadem... More

Chapter 1-Party Idea
Chapter 2- Lost In Thought
Chapter 3-In Need of Some Rest
Chapter 4-Old Dog, Same Tricks
Chapter 5-First Impressions
Chapter 6- Let's Get Down to Business
Chatper 7-Memories
Chapter 8-Can it get any worse?
Chapter 9- Dr., Change In Plans
Chapter 10-Family Meeting
Chapter 11-Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 12-Nervous
Chapter 13- Who's Who?
Chapter 14-Family Meeting
Chapter 15-Inner Thoughts
Chapter 16-Walk and Talk
Chapter 17-What Do You Recommend
Chapter 18-Missing You
Chapter 19-Early Morning
Chapter 20-Inside Luke's Head
Chapter 21-Busy Day
Chapter 22- Let's Eat
Chapter 23- Birthday Idea
Chapter 24-Decision TIme
Chapter 25-I Got The Job
Chapter 26-Mi Casa Es Tu Casa
Chapter 27-Never Have I Ever
Chapter 28-Whats the Plan
Chapter 29-Hunter and Prey
Chapter 30-Nightmare
Chapter 31-Let's Dance
Chapter 32-Dance Partners
Chapter 33-Plans for the Day
Chapter 34-Breakfast With The Guys
Chapter 35-What Just Happened?
Chapter 36- Emily's Dark Side
Chapter 37-Will They Accept Me?
Chapter 38- I Need A Nap
Chapter 39-Trust and Try
Chapter 40-Dinner Time
Chapter 41-Relax Alec
Chapter 42-Relaxing Night
Chapter 43-Gabe's Dream
Chapter 44-Morning Meeting
Chapter 45-Long Week
Chapter 46-Running Late
Chapter 47-Who Do You Think You Are
Chapter 48- Can You Explain What Just Happened
Chapter 49-Brotherly Love and Support
Chapter 50-Dance Off
Chapter 51-Introductions
Chapter 52-Update
Chapter 53-Stalking and Missing You
Chapter 54- Night Of Dancing
Chapter 55-Mr. & Mrs. X
Chapter 56-How Dare They
Chapter 57-Tell Me How you Feel
Chapter 58-Dr. Roberts
Chapter 59-Am I Worthless?
Chapter 60-Just Tell Them
Chapter 61-We Have a Leak?
Chapter 62-Behind The Scene
Chapter 63-I See You
Chapter 64-Coming Back
Chapter 65-Feelings
Chapter 66-Looking Good
Chapter 67-Stepping Foward
Chapter 68-Beautiful Flame
Chapter 69-I Am Ready
Chapter 70-Greek Reception
Chapter 71-Gods, Goddesses, and Warriors
Chapter 72-Road Trip
Chapter 73-Chicken, Waffles, and Reassurance
Chapter 74-V.Morgan
Chapter 75- Southern Home
Chapter 76-Sunday Night Football
Chapter 77-Scream
Chapter 78-What The???
Chapter 79-What the F##k? BABY GIRL!
Chapter 80-You Don't Know Do You?
Chapter 81-Assimilation
Chapter 82-Phone Calls
Chapter 83-Caged Bird
Chapter 84-Going Down (Part 1)
Chapter 85-Going Down (Part 2)
Chapter 86-Fighting Angles
Chapter 87-Awaken
Chapter 88-One Step Forward...
Chapter 89-...Two Steps Back
Chapter 90-Leaving Us
Chapter 91-Rise Up
Chapter 92-Back In Town
Chapter 93- Accountability
Chapter 94- Luke's Birthday Part 1
Chapter 95-Luke's Birthday Part II
Chapter 96-Competition
Chapter 97- Special Delivery
Chapter 98-No Show
Chapter 99-What's in the package?
Chapter 100- Mad Annie
Chapter 102- Hear Me Out
Chapter 103-Lady In Red
Chapter 104-New Me
Chapter 105- Friends
Chapter 106-Moving On
Author Thank You

Chapter 101- Worried About Her

1.6K 86 5
By denice35

Silas POV

"We have to find her. Fuck what they say Kota. I would much rather get in trouble with Phil than sit around and do nothing" yelled North.

"You heard Phil, he ordered us to stand down." Kota insisted.

"Doesn't she still have the chip in her? We could use that to track her." asked Gabe.

"Good Idea. I still have the program on my laptop." stated Vic as he logged into the computer.

"No, she does not Gabe. We removed that when she was in the hospital since Damien was no longer a threat and she wanted it removed." replied Sean.

"I just feel like crap. If we had opened our things sooner, this could have been avoided." Victor sighed.

I walk up to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "We can't worry about that now. Since Luke, North, Sean and Gabe are already dressed for the day, Luke and North, would you mind making breakfast and Gabe and Sean will you set the table while the rest of us will get dressed and ready to start the day. Once we get our breakfast, we will watch the concert from last night in the living room."

"On it." stated Luke and he and North head towards the kitchen. Sean and Gabe walk towards to living room to get the dishes to set the table. The rest of us headed upstairs.

As I go into my room to shower, all I think about is her smile and how she looked walking towards me dressed as Athena. How regal and commanding she was. I remember walking hand and hand with her on our date around the aquarium. How excited she was to go through the sea life tunnel and how her eyes lit up and sparked when I showed her the Dolphins and Loggerhead Turtles.

As I dry off the though of her missing, or hurt makes my blood boil. I try to keep that side down, but only North has seen that side and it's not pretty. I hurry and get dressed so I can get downstairs hoping there is some good news that awaits. Almost everyone is in the dining room as we are still waiting on Nathan and Owen to come down. My brothers and I are lost in our own thoughts when we hear the other two come in.

After we say grace, we fixed our plates and went to the living room. Vic got the concert up on the TV as we watched the concert as we ate breakfast. If I did not see the food, I could not I tell you what it was because I could not taste it. We watched in awe as she sang and danced across the stage. She did a tribute to Sang by doing a powerful reciting of Still I Rise by Maya Angelo while having pictures of her and us across the screen behind her made all of us teary eyed. As we watch Emily and Hawke announce at the reception about the total amount raised, we could all she the hurt in eyes she waived and dashed off the stage.

Suddenly Owen jumped up and pulled out his cell phone. He told us Alec texted him. They had heard from Emily and she is fine.

We all exhaled at the news. Sean asked if there was anything else in the message and he replied no. I am happy that she is fine, but sad that there was no other news. I looked around at my brothers and I can see the relief that she was fine, but the sadness in their eyes that there is no other news.

We are all wondering if she wants to see us again. As we finished our breakfast, we discussed the day and what we wanted to do. All I could think about was Emily's face and how she felt in my arms when I gave her hugs. I remember how sexy and classy she looked in her blue dress when we went out to the restaurant.

I was not sure if I was ready for another relationship, but knowing something could happen to her or her not wanting us now that we are this close, physically hurt. I can't go through that again. North said he needed to go outside and I said I would go out with him. I know he needed to burn off some energy and I could too.

Emily POV

After leaving the after party/reception last night, I decided not to go to the hotel. I called Jammin Recording studios and booked their late night/early morning recording session. I took a page from Victor's play book and sang out all my thoughts and feelings. I must say it was cathartic and I see why people put their emotions in songs.

While they were making my CD and Digital copies, I called Liubys to see if I could stay with her tonight. She said yes and would pick me up. I told Steve thanks for allowing me to come tonight and he gave me a hug saying anytime. He said I rocked the session and will give it to a friend of his to see if he would promote it. I advised him only if the proceeds could be donated to the community center. He said he would let him know and could he give him my contact info so he get in contact with me. I told him yes. I trust Steve since he was little and I know he will not do anything to hurt me.

Liuby picked me up and once I got into the car, I opened up to her. I told her about how I felt about the guys and asked her advice on the way to her house. She gave me a great piece of advice that I will never forget. She said "If the baby doesn't cry, the momma doesn't know the baby is hungry."

That phase ran through my mind as I showered, and was the last thought on my mind when I went to sleep and the first thought when I woke up.

After doing my morning routine, I head downstairs to make Liuby and her husband breakfast as a way to say thanks, only to see her already downstairs cooking. She asked me how I slept and I told her like a log, but I have been thinking about what she said. I miss and want to be with the guys. She just smiled and told me I always go after what I want and there is no reason to stop now. If I want them, go to them and tell how I felt.

I agreed and give her a hug. I told her she not only was the best attorney, but my friend as well. She told me to go get my men and she reminded me I still have my bike in the garage and my bike outfit in the closet. I instantly thought of North and when we went racing which made me smile.

She tells me not to worry about breakfast and go get my men. Squealing in happiness and excitement, I run up the stairs, throw open the closet doors and sure enough, my outfit is hanging up. Smiling, I take the outfit out of the closet. Thankful I took my shower last night I grab my Ipod out my purse and hit play. Just Fine By Mary J Blige comes on. I sing along as I get dressed and hit repeat.

My cell phone rings again and I cringe when I see it's Alec. I forgot to call him last night, although he always have perfect timing. When I answer, I feel bad realizing how worried everyone was. I tell him I am fine and what I did last night. He says he will send out a mass text alerting everyone I am fine.

He asked me what I am doing today so I tell him about my plans for the day. He says he will text Owen to tell him I am fine, but that's all he will say just to keep them in suspense. He said they deserve at least that, but he was proud of me for meeting this head on and not running like I did last time. He tells me what he said to them this morning and I tell him thanks for sticking up for me and that I love him. Alex told me he loves me too and to give them hell. He hangs up and I as I get ready, I sing:

Let it go...... Can't let this thing called love get away from you

Feel free right now, going do what you want to do

Can't let nobody take it away, from you, from me, from we

No time for moping around, are you kidding?

And no time for negative vibes, cause I'm winning

It's been a long week, I put in my hardest

Gonna live my life, feels so good to get it right

So I like what I see when I'm looking at me

When I'm walking past the mirror.....

As the song continues to play, I look at myself in the mirror, I think I look fine too. I have on my black knee high riding boots, my low rise black leather riding pants, black V neck t shirt that says "If you think I am cute now, Wait until you see me on my motorcycle".

I decide not to pin my hair up and will let it hang when I take my helmet off. I may have a case of helmet hair, but I will just deal with it. I am ready to go. I glance at my black leather riding jacket that has a design on the back of a women riding her bike and underneath is says Steel Cowgirl. I smile at the design and remember when I found it at the Goodwill. I toss my keys, wallet and phone in my pocket. I also grab the flash drive and stick it in my pocket. I spray on my perfume, put on my chap stick, my eye makeup. I feel sexy and confident and ready to deal with whatever happens today. I grab my jack and head back downstairs. I go to Liuby's in the kitchen and she and her husband complimented and encouraged me to go get them.

They tell me I can leave my stuff here until I come get them. I give them hugs and run out the kitchen door towards the garage. I go in and walk over to the left side of the garage, I pull the tarp off, fold it, and place it on the shelf next to my helmet. Man, my black knight is a sight for sore eyes. I run my hand over my bike and feeling the coolness and I just love how I feel when I ride it. Like a total bad ass. I to make sure everything is in order and I see have half a tank of gas so I will need to stop and fill it up. Everything else is good and ready to go.

Thank God for great friends. Ready to get this started and hoping I catch them at Owen's, I go get my shinny black, pink and white helmet with a full face Motorcycle Helmet with Dual Shields. Inside my helmet is my black full face motorcycle hood. I put that on, put on my jacket then my helmet. I hop on my bike leave Luiby's house racing towards my future and ready to embrace it.

North POV

This morning has been to much for me to handle right now and I needed to get out for a while. My anger was boiling over and I knew I needed to do something to let t out. I am glad my brothers finally admitted they loved Emily. I knew they did, but they were just to damn afraid to admit it.

When Alec said that Hawke guy wanted Emily two weeks ago, I wanted to go hunt him down, but Owen and Si convinced me not to. I have been struggling for two weeks to control my anger about that and missing her. Then to see him with his arm around her waist this morning like she was his, I knew I needed to go before I destroyed something. When Alec said she was missing, all I could think about was how I was not there for Sang Baby and now I was not there for Emily. I know she is fine, but that is all I know. I need to see for myself that she is alright. Not seeing her is so damn frustratingly.

I headed over to the garage determined to work out my stress. I have been out her for over an hour talking to Si and working on my Jeep. He said it was 11 am. So we decide to head back to the house to see if there has been any news from Emily.

As we walk out the garage, a black motorcycle comes racing down the street and turns into Owen's driveway. My heart started beating really fast and I am afraid to blink in case I am dreaming or hallucinating. I am not sure since I only had two hours of sleep last night.

I hear the front door open and my brothers come out onto the porch as Kota and walks down the steps. The female gets off the bike, takes off her helmet and I swear all the air has come out of my lungs. Standing in front of me pulling off her motorcycle hood and fluffing her hair out is Emily. She places her helmet hood in her helmet. I run my eyes down her body to see if there are any injuries to her.

In in three strides, I reach her, wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me taking in her great smell. Her helmet falls in the grass on the front yard and she exhales. "Baby Girl?" I whisper. She hugs me just as tightly and says "Baby Boy."

I am so excited that she is here, I am saying what's on my mind. While holding her, I say: "Don't fucking leave me again. Do you hear me? I don't think I could handle it. Are you alright?"

Emily exhales and before she can answer, Si says he wants a hug and then I hear my brothers' voices as they approach us. She looked up at me and smiled. All the stress and tension I felt for the past month is gone. As my brothers gave her hugs, Owen suggested we should all go inside as we all have some things to discuss. I bend over and pick up her helmet as she says replied good because she was ready to have her say.

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