Moving On *Completed*


248K 13.5K 1.2K

Highest Ranking: Ranked #1 Nathain 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Gabriel 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Kota 8/15/19 Ranked #1 theacadem... Еще

Chapter 1-Party Idea
Chapter 2- Lost In Thought
Chapter 3-In Need of Some Rest
Chapter 4-Old Dog, Same Tricks
Chapter 5-First Impressions
Chapter 6- Let's Get Down to Business
Chatper 7-Memories
Chapter 8-Can it get any worse?
Chapter 9- Dr., Change In Plans
Chapter 10-Family Meeting
Chapter 11-Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 12-Nervous
Chapter 13- Who's Who?
Chapter 14-Family Meeting
Chapter 15-Inner Thoughts
Chapter 16-Walk and Talk
Chapter 17-What Do You Recommend
Chapter 18-Missing You
Chapter 19-Early Morning
Chapter 20-Inside Luke's Head
Chapter 21-Busy Day
Chapter 22- Let's Eat
Chapter 23- Birthday Idea
Chapter 24-Decision TIme
Chapter 25-I Got The Job
Chapter 26-Mi Casa Es Tu Casa
Chapter 27-Never Have I Ever
Chapter 28-Whats the Plan
Chapter 29-Hunter and Prey
Chapter 30-Nightmare
Chapter 31-Let's Dance
Chapter 32-Dance Partners
Chapter 33-Plans for the Day
Chapter 34-Breakfast With The Guys
Chapter 35-What Just Happened?
Chapter 36- Emily's Dark Side
Chapter 37-Will They Accept Me?
Chapter 38- I Need A Nap
Chapter 39-Trust and Try
Chapter 40-Dinner Time
Chapter 41-Relax Alec
Chapter 42-Relaxing Night
Chapter 43-Gabe's Dream
Chapter 44-Morning Meeting
Chapter 45-Long Week
Chapter 46-Running Late
Chapter 47-Who Do You Think You Are
Chapter 48- Can You Explain What Just Happened
Chapter 49-Brotherly Love and Support
Chapter 50-Dance Off
Chapter 51-Introductions
Chapter 52-Update
Chapter 53-Stalking and Missing You
Chapter 54- Night Of Dancing
Chapter 55-Mr. & Mrs. X
Chapter 56-How Dare They
Chapter 57-Tell Me How you Feel
Chapter 58-Dr. Roberts
Chapter 59-Am I Worthless?
Chapter 60-Just Tell Them
Chapter 61-We Have a Leak?
Chapter 62-Behind The Scene
Chapter 63-I See You
Chapter 64-Coming Back
Chapter 65-Feelings
Chapter 66-Looking Good
Chapter 67-Stepping Foward
Chapter 68-Beautiful Flame
Chapter 69-I Am Ready
Chapter 70-Greek Reception
Chapter 71-Gods, Goddesses, and Warriors
Chapter 72-Road Trip
Chapter 73-Chicken, Waffles, and Reassurance
Chapter 74-V.Morgan
Chapter 75- Southern Home
Chapter 76-Sunday Night Football
Chapter 77-Scream
Chapter 78-What The???
Chapter 79-What the F##k? BABY GIRL!
Chapter 80-You Don't Know Do You?
Chapter 81-Assimilation
Chapter 82-Phone Calls
Chapter 83-Caged Bird
Chapter 84-Going Down (Part 1)
Chapter 85-Going Down (Part 2)
Chapter 86-Fighting Angles
Chapter 87-Awaken
Chapter 88-One Step Forward...
Chapter 89-...Two Steps Back
Chapter 90-Leaving Us
Chapter 91-Rise Up
Chapter 92-Back In Town
Chapter 93- Accountability
Chapter 94- Luke's Birthday Part 1
Chapter 95-Luke's Birthday Part II
Chapter 96-Competition
Chapter 97- Special Delivery
Chapter 99-What's in the package?
Chapter 100- Mad Annie
Chapter 101- Worried About Her
Chapter 102- Hear Me Out
Chapter 103-Lady In Red
Chapter 104-New Me
Chapter 105- Friends
Chapter 106-Moving On
Author Thank You

Chapter 98-No Show

1.4K 87 7

*****Two weeks later******

Kota POV

We have been busy these two weeks. Between missions for the Academy, Doc working more hours at the hospital and everyone helping Marc on an estate rehab, we need to take a break tonight. I know I for one am looking forward to whatever they have planned.

The estate is lovely and I can see why the owner purchased it. Hell, we all loved it and wished we had a place like this for all of us to live in. It has plenty of room and is close to the city, yet far enough away for peace and quiet.

The renovation is coming along great and should be done in 2 more weeks. The owner stated what they wanted for each room and Marc gave each of us a room to tackle.

Brandon and North are working on a state of the art garage to store cars and another one to fix cars and bikes. Owen and I have been tasked with the library and office. Gabe has been charged with creating a design studio for art and design. He also is the head designer. Si has been charged with plumbing and landscaping, Victor has been charged with Corey for security and automation within the home. Luke is in charge of the kitchen, Nathan and Raven are in charge of setting up a home gym and safe room for weapons. Sean is in charge of a play room and making sure the home is prepared for any emergency including medical, natural and man made.

The owners told Marc what they wanted but when I asked where they were or who they were, he said the owner is a friend of his and is he helping them out. He takes pictures to show them and they are happy to stay out of the way.

As we arrive home from work today, we see a delivery van leaving. On Monday there was a delivery for Gabe from Emily and I wonder if this one is from her too. Gabe and Luke race up the steps to see who will get to the package first. Gabe snatches if up off the front door and shouts: "Oy, Its is for you Luke."

"What it is Luke?" questions North.

"Not sure. It's from Emily." he replies.

"That reminds me. Crap, I still need to open the envelope Corey gave me from her. I have been so busy and I forgot about it. I hope I have not missed any pertinent information or deadlines."

"I am sure you are fine Vic. If it was important, she would have called." suggested Nathan.

"Maybe not, since someone told her to pretty much stay away from us." North growled as he glared at Nathan and I.

"Let's go inside and get cleaned up. You can open them when we get back." Silas said. He, Luke and Sean have been the peace makers these past two weeks. Owen only steps in when it gets really bad.

I start to count backwards in my head to calm down and not snap back at North. I just want to have a good time with my brothers without any issues about Emily. The past two weeks, Sang and Emily have been a hot topic and a source of contention among my brothers and I.

Some wanted to call her and others, including myself needed time to decide how we feel. I finally got everyone to agree not to contact her until we decided. It would not be fair to her when we were not sure yet.

"I will open mine then too, Luke. It can be a gift party." states Gabe.

"Good idea Silas. We will open all correspondence from her, when we get back. However, we will discuss what we are going to do about Sang and Emily this weekend. We have put this off far too long. Now, let's get ready for family night out." states Owen. We all headed to our rooms to get ready for tonight. I will worry about this tomorrow. Right now, I am going to focus on my brothers, enjoy our night off and have a great time.


Emily POV

"I can't believe it's been two weeks and they have not called or texted you. You wait until I see them. I have something for them." states an angry LaShae, as she touches up her make up in the mirror.

"I know. Especially with the news last week that Damien worked out a plea deal in exchange for testifying against your parents. What was that about anyway?"

"All I know C is he plead guilty to drug charges, and they dropped the kidnapping and sexual assault charges in exchange for testimony against my parents. He gets 30 years instead of 50 years."

"E, are you cool with that?"

"Yeah, that takes me out of the picture, plus, I went with him knowing what would happen. I just wanted him to stop coming after me. Besides, what my parents did was way worse to me and I want them to pay. Don't worry about it La."

"Your parents are Class A assholes and Damien is not going to get out for a while this time. As for as the guys, going out and looking good is the best revenge." Chelsea murmured from the chair on the right as she was fixing her hair.

"Do you think they will coming tonight? I really hope so." I asked.

"Um Yes. It's the most exciting place to be tonight. You are doing a full show and everyone is coming to see you preform." stated Chelsea.

"You're singing and dancing. If they did not show up, Alec, his ladies, C and I will personally go over to Owen's and talk to them."

"Better yet. I will call Phil and Annie" retorts C, making me laugh. "If they don't come, then don't worry about them. You did all you could do."

"That would do it C. Seriously, I have not been this nervous since I was little. I just hope I do well. I really believe in this project and want to do it justice." I state as I give myself one last look in the mirror.

"Relax. You will do fine tonight. Come on. Let's go. The limo is waiting on us." La said, with excitement in her voice.

"You're right. I know they will be there. I got this, so let's do this ladies. "I exclaimed, as La pulled me towards the front door. We laugh as we head out to the limo.


I am sitting at the table with Phil, Annie, Roc and his date, Alec, K, and Dyan. I glance to the dance floor and La is dancing with her husband and C is talking to her date over at the bar. I glance at the two empty RSVP Tables I requested for the guys, Uncle, Erica, Jessica and her boyfriend and my heart just shatters.

I looked for them all day and all night and they did not show. I sang my heart out thinking they were in the audience listening to me, watching me dance. While performing, I just pictured it was just us in the room and I used that to overcome my fear. When the lights came back up, I did not see them anywhere. All I saw were their empty seats.

Looking at Alec and his ladies reminds me of the guys. Phil's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Emily, are you alright?"

"I-I-I neeeed to go." I stutter out and I stand from the table.

"Alright. I will walk with you to the lobby." states Alec.

"No, you stay with your ladies, I will walk Emily to the lobby." states Annie. As Annie rose, I say goodbye to everyone. I see the sad looks on their faces, but I refuse to cry right now and bring them down. As I turn to leave, I see Alec and Roc share a look. Not wanting to know I turn with Annie and head out of the reception to the lobby. Once we were there Annie touched my arm making me stop. "Emily, stop and tell me what has you so upset?"

I turn to her, hoping I have schooled my face. I look at her and know I have not fooled her. "They did not show up tonight. Not one of them."

"Oh Honey, I know they did not show. I am sure they have a good reason. I am positive they will tell you. It's not like them to not show up and support each other. Not without a word."

"Well, I for one am not surprised they did not show up tonight." We turned to see Hawke approaching us.

"That is not nice and you know it's not true." scolds Annie.

"Well, let me state the facts. We sent them an invitation the day after the birthday party at the club. We did not hear anything back, and Emily was so sure they would come she sent them VIP tickets on Monday so they would not have any issues with attending."

"Since they told her basically 'don't call us, we will call you', she can't contact them without them bitching a fit." he replied.

"I don't like what you are implying. They would never intentionally hurt anyone. Like I stated, I am sure they have a good reason as to why they did not show up and they will let her know." Annie fired back.

"All I know is that if it was me and the woman I love staged a concert, I would be there to support her the whole way, and I would be here no matter what." he says while looking at me in the eyes. The conviction is evident in his voice.

"What do you want Hawke?" snaps Annie

"I was looking for Emily to tell her the concerts today were a huge success. We raised $150,000 for the project that will help educate and assist abuse victims."

"That's incredible Hawke. I think abuse, particularly of society's most vulnerable, is just wrong on so many levels."

"Well, I am on my way to announce it at the reception. Would you like to make the announcement with me?"

"Sure. Then I am heading home. It's been a long day. I am ready to go to bed."

"I would love to go to bed with you." states Hawke as he eyes got darker.

"I bet you would, but no."

"I understand. Thank you Emily. I could not have done this without you." he says as he pulled me into a hug. He whispered in my ear that he would always be there for me. I nod as he he lightly kisses my cheek before letting me go. Taking my hand and giving it a squeeze, we all went back to the ballroom where the after party/reception was being held.

Up on stage we announced the amount of money raised, and Hawke announced he could not do it without me and give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek as people stood up and cheered. I take a bow and wave. As I walk off stage I see Phil, Alec, and Roc waiting on me. They each gave me a hug and tell me congratulations. I tell them thanks and that I am heading to the Winchester Hotel so Alec can have his space with his ladies tonight. I tell Alec to keep an eye on Heart for me.

I see him looking at me with concern showing in his eyes and say I can stay with him. I know he is only back for this weekend, so I insist. I will be back on Monday after he leaves. Hawke says his car will take me to the hotel. I tell him no need as I already have a ride home. Hawke just nods and Alec eyes narrows at me because he knows I am lying, but I just want some time to myself. He says so and that he will call me tonight to make sure I made it to the hotel. I wave good bye and head outside to hail a cab. Riding the cab, I watch downtown pass me by as I think about Annie's words and I pray that she is right.

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