Moving On *Completed*

By denice35

248K 13.5K 1.2K

Highest Ranking: Ranked #1 Nathain 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Gabriel 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Kota 8/15/19 Ranked #1 theacadem... More

Chapter 1-Party Idea
Chapter 2- Lost In Thought
Chapter 3-In Need of Some Rest
Chapter 4-Old Dog, Same Tricks
Chapter 5-First Impressions
Chapter 6- Let's Get Down to Business
Chatper 7-Memories
Chapter 8-Can it get any worse?
Chapter 9- Dr., Change In Plans
Chapter 10-Family Meeting
Chapter 11-Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 12-Nervous
Chapter 13- Who's Who?
Chapter 14-Family Meeting
Chapter 15-Inner Thoughts
Chapter 16-Walk and Talk
Chapter 17-What Do You Recommend
Chapter 18-Missing You
Chapter 19-Early Morning
Chapter 20-Inside Luke's Head
Chapter 21-Busy Day
Chapter 22- Let's Eat
Chapter 23- Birthday Idea
Chapter 24-Decision TIme
Chapter 25-I Got The Job
Chapter 26-Mi Casa Es Tu Casa
Chapter 27-Never Have I Ever
Chapter 28-Whats the Plan
Chapter 29-Hunter and Prey
Chapter 30-Nightmare
Chapter 31-Let's Dance
Chapter 32-Dance Partners
Chapter 33-Plans for the Day
Chapter 34-Breakfast With The Guys
Chapter 35-What Just Happened?
Chapter 36- Emily's Dark Side
Chapter 37-Will They Accept Me?
Chapter 38- I Need A Nap
Chapter 39-Trust and Try
Chapter 40-Dinner Time
Chapter 41-Relax Alec
Chapter 42-Relaxing Night
Chapter 43-Gabe's Dream
Chapter 44-Morning Meeting
Chapter 45-Long Week
Chapter 46-Running Late
Chapter 47-Who Do You Think You Are
Chapter 48- Can You Explain What Just Happened
Chapter 49-Brotherly Love and Support
Chapter 50-Dance Off
Chapter 51-Introductions
Chapter 52-Update
Chapter 53-Stalking and Missing You
Chapter 54- Night Of Dancing
Chapter 55-Mr. & Mrs. X
Chapter 56-How Dare They
Chapter 57-Tell Me How you Feel
Chapter 58-Dr. Roberts
Chapter 59-Am I Worthless?
Chapter 60-Just Tell Them
Chapter 61-We Have a Leak?
Chapter 62-Behind The Scene
Chapter 63-I See You
Chapter 64-Coming Back
Chapter 65-Feelings
Chapter 66-Looking Good
Chapter 67-Stepping Foward
Chapter 68-Beautiful Flame
Chapter 69-I Am Ready
Chapter 70-Greek Reception
Chapter 71-Gods, Goddesses, and Warriors
Chapter 72-Road Trip
Chapter 73-Chicken, Waffles, and Reassurance
Chapter 74-V.Morgan
Chapter 75- Southern Home
Chapter 76-Sunday Night Football
Chapter 77-Scream
Chapter 78-What The???
Chapter 79-What the F##k? BABY GIRL!
Chapter 80-You Don't Know Do You?
Chapter 81-Assimilation
Chapter 82-Phone Calls
Chapter 83-Caged Bird
Chapter 84-Going Down (Part 1)
Chapter 86-Fighting Angles
Chapter 87-Awaken
Chapter 88-One Step Forward...
Chapter 89-...Two Steps Back
Chapter 90-Leaving Us
Chapter 91-Rise Up
Chapter 92-Back In Town
Chapter 93- Accountability
Chapter 94- Luke's Birthday Part 1
Chapter 95-Luke's Birthday Part II
Chapter 96-Competition
Chapter 97- Special Delivery
Chapter 98-No Show
Chapter 99-What's in the package?
Chapter 100- Mad Annie
Chapter 101- Worried About Her
Chapter 102- Hear Me Out
Chapter 103-Lady In Red
Chapter 104-New Me
Chapter 105- Friends
Chapter 106-Moving On
Author Thank You

Chapter 85-Going Down (Part 2)

1.4K 95 16
By denice35

Victor Pov

Blood was everywhere. I saw what happened and all I can do is stare at Emily. Corey nudged my shoulder and asked me to watch what was happening in the room, and he will check the other cameras and coordination between us and the DEA. I watched as Dr. Roberts gingerly laid her on the floor trying to assess her injuries. Alec and Roc rush Damien as he charges towards Dr. Roberts screaming it's too late to help her. Axel and Raven secure the room.

Doc comes barging into the room 10 seconds later advising he called the paramedics and they will be there within 5 minutes. Dr. Roberts asked him to check to see if anyone else has any injuries and Doc runs to check on everyone. Alec and Roc have Damien restrained, and Alec goes over to Emily and starts gathering her weapons and stashing them on himself.

"Owen and Kota, go talk to the DEA Agents until the Paramedics get here. I will be out there shortly to talk to them. North and Silas; Alec and Raven will be bringing Damien out to the van to go to the safe house. You two follow them and make sure he does not try to escape." Dr. Roberts orders through the coms. They all replied they understood.

"Sean, I need you over here!" Dr. Roberts yelled.

I watched in horror as Emily turned pale gray and stop breathing as Doc and Dr. Roberts fight to keep her alive. Alec and Raven took a laughing and smiling Damien outside and down the hall. I swear he reminds me of my father. He just berates people and uses them for his own good. The only difference is my father never just outright killed someone when they had served their purpose.

Shaking my head, I see Roc and Axel took care of the sisters. The paramedics come in with three DEA agents, followed by Owen and Kota. Paramedics rush over to Dr. Roberts and Doc. Doc started shouting what was wrong with her and what she needs as the paramedics placed her on the stretcher. Kota looked sicked and Owen had a blank face, but his eyes were soft when he looked at Emily. When Owen looked back at the agents, his anger was apparent.

Doc straddled Emily and continued compressions as the paramedics rushed her out of the room and to the Academy hospital. Dr. Roberts, Owen, and Kota talk to one agents, while the other two went over to Roc and Axel and took the sisters into custody. I see Owen grab his phone and start texting. He put his phone back in his pocket to continue talking to Dr. Roberts when my cell phone goes off. It's a group text message from Owen.

Owen: Everyone, except for North and Silas, go to the hospital and meet in the family waiting room. We will meet you there once we are done. Sean, any updates should be given to Annie and Dr Roberts first. Annie will meet you there and contact Emily's parents. Nobody talk to them. Annie will deal with them. If they have any questions, direct them to Annie or Dr. Roberts.

Do not let them manipulate any of you to answer them. Brandon, Marc and Kayli will meet you there and have notified Annie. Once Kota and I are done here, we will go to the safe house. Dr. Roberts will head to the hospital. Understood?

Nathan: Understood

Gabe: Damn it. What the Fuck Happened to Sunshine?

Luke: Will tell you later Bro. Understood.

North: Understood. Somebody better give us a fucking update soon.

Gabe: Fine. Understood.

Silas: Understood.

Kota: Understood.

Me: Understood.

Alec: Understood.

Since Doc is with Emily, I don't expect him to text back. As I finish breaking down the equipment, I heard three random knocks on the side of the van and then Luke opened the passenger door.

I closed the laptops and he jumped in the driver's seat. As he sped down the street towards the highway, I am praying to Princess, God and whoever will listen. Princess promised me my queen and I can't lose her.


Alec Pov

"'Damn it! Shut the fuck up! We have been hearing you whine, bitch and complain for 35 minutes. I swear I will put you to sleep if you don't stop talking," shouts Raven as he slams his hands on the table.

"We would be more than happy to help you too." states a calm North and Silas agrees. The fact that North is calm disturbs me.

Laughing he says" You really think you can intimidate me? I am not intimidated by you and will not answer any of your questions. I am in control here! I have knowledge, power, money and connections."

"Is that so? Care to elaborate on that last statement." states Owen as he and Kota enter the room. I swear the temperature dropped 20 degrees just from the cold look in Owen's eyes. He may wear suits and be real formal, but seeing him in all black and black combat boots, it's downright frightening. I bet he is lethal with laser precision. It will be interesting to see these two go at it.

"No. I don't need to explain myself to you. When am I going to get medical treatment? That bitch stabed me twice."

"Gentlemen, please go ahead to the hospital. Alec and I will be there shortly. I believe we have some things to address with our guest here before he is taken into custody."

Owen's voice leaves no room for argument as the guys grab their coats and exit the room. Turning towards me, Owen questioned:

"Alec, would you care to sit down?"

"Naw. I good here leaning against the wall."

"Very well."

Owen and Damien both stare at each other. Finally Damien breaks the silence.

"What, are you supposed to be the bad cop and Alec over there the good cop?"

"No." "You want me to talk about my business don't you? I already told you I am not talking to you. You don't scare me and I am not talking to you."

"That is your right." states Owen as he pushes a button under the table and the cameras go off in the room. Looking Damien in the eyes, Owen demands "I want to know the real reason why you targeted Emily when you got out."

"What? Out of all the questions you could have asked me, and you want to know about her?"

Owen did not respond but just sat there and waited him out. I wanted to know as well.

"Huh, does that little cunt have you wrapped around her finger as well? Or do you want to be her next conquest? I can't blame you though, because she does have that appeal doesn't she?" he smirked. I give Owen credit, his stoic, hard face did not change.

"Well, you know how I feel about her, Damien. You also know I am very protective of her." I state as Owen gets up and pulls a book off the shelf and the wall moves. To my surprise, I see several things that can be used for torture. I smile and look over at Damien.

"Last chance to tell us what we want to know."

"You were suppose to me on my side. Fuck you Alec!"

"No, it is you who is fucked." I say as I walk over to Owen's wall of torture as I decided to call it.

Thirty minutes later, a bloody, swollen, dirty and broken Damien finally answered Owen's question.

Coughing and spitting up blood, he stated "She was the last and essential piece to my plan. She was supposed to help me take over the Academy and grow my business. I invested into the Academy and got some great recruits, but the connections and information they are able to obtain would be invaluable to me. I am who she is familiar with and her parents did not want her anyway. Why would she not want to be with me. I thought she was my Bonnie and I was her Clyde. We would rule the drug game."

"What happened in the room tonight." I demanded. Looking at me with is one good eye that was not swollen shut he wheezed out:

"Those bitches were tipped off by someone in my circle and we were set up. She refused to listen to me and then two of her guards starting shooting at us. Emily shot one and I shot the other one. Another guard charged Emily and she started fighting him with her Chakram while I attacked on the other guard. I just took him down down when I heard Emily tell Nami she did not love me and she would take over her business with me and then she would take over my business so everything will be hers and their was nothing she could do about it. We both raised out guns and shot her."

"So you shot her because she wanted to take over the business?" asked an outraged Owen.

"I shot her because she did not want me and I repulse her. Me! ME! I am the one who took her under my wing and taught her how to run a business, how to negotiate, how to be tough, trained her to be my personal slave and what happens! She tells my enemy in my face that she is taking over my business. She said she could run my business a lot better and could make it more successful than I ever could. Since she only wanted my business, money and resources, I treated her like I would anyone else who was threatening to take over my business."

"Now, was that so hard? If you would have said that in the beginning, all of this could have been avoided." I state. As I turn to put the pliers back in the case, I hear a punch and a crash. I looked up to see Owen standing over an unconscious Damien. He rolls down his shirt sleeves and pulls out his phone to send a text. He puts it back in his jean pocket and asks "Are you ready to go see how Emily is doing?"

"Yes, but what about clean up and him?"

"I just called in a favor and they will take care of that for us. Let's go." he says as the door opens and four guys come walking in. Two of them go straight to Damien and the others start cleaning the room. I turn and follow Owen out the room. I must say, my respect for him just went up.


As we walk into the waiting room, everyone is there except for Phil. Sean immediately gets up and rushes over to check to make sure we are fine. At this moment, I am glad Owen had clean clothes for us to put on. If he saw the other ones, he would have thought for sure we were hurt. Owen says we are fine and they walk off talking.

I walk over and sit between Annie and Kota. I asked Annie if she knows anything and she says they are waiting on Phil to come out to give us an update. I tell her alright and thank you. I look over at Kota and he looks worried. He is just sitting there counting and I understand how numbers can calm you down. I glance around the room and everyone is on pins and needles. If she could see this now, she would know she is not alone and people really care about her. I take several pictures discretely so no one will notice. I start playing Sudoku on my phone to clear my brain when we hear:

"Where is my daughter?" demands Mrs. X.

"I demand to know NOW! No one will give us any information." yells Mr. X.

Annie pulls out her phone. She dialed a number and said "They are here at the reception desk." and hangs up. She looks at me and smiles.

I laugh at her as the guys turn to see what I am laughing at. I just say the first thing that comes to mind "You are going to enjoy this way too much."

She looks at Em's parents with a look that if it was fire, they would be nothing but a pile of ash in front of the desk. Without taking her eyes off of them she replies "You know Alec, I have waited a long time for this day. I always knew something was wrong, but I did not know what or to what extent."

"When they said we were her god parents, I was excited since we could not have kids. We adored her and loved her from the beginning. Phil and I spent a lot of time with her and then out the blue she just stop calling and coming over. I would try to talk to her parents, especially her mother, but she was always short, curt and rude."

"The last time we spoke before she disappeared, she told me she had to sneak to call Phil and I because they did not want us talking to her. I had had enough. Phil and I went to talk to one of my private investigator see if they could find out what was going on. Next thing we know, she just disappeared. I may not have been able to do anything then, but I can and will now."

Security is trying to keep her parents from entering the hospital and keep them in the lobby as Phil came out the door and held up his hand. The receptionist gets up and leaves and I have only seen him look like this once and it did not end well for the other person.

"If you all will excuse me, everyone. I have a matter that needs to be dealt with." states Annie and she keeps an eye on Emily's parents as she walks towards Phil and stands next to him.

"Oy! Shit is about to go down." says Gabe as he, Luke, and Owen moved to get better seats and see what was happening, as the rest of them filed out around the door so we could hear. I shake my head as I get up and lean against the wall at the back so I can see and hear.

"Alec, what are they saying." questioned Corey.

"Phil just told them they cannot and will not release any information to them about Emily's condition. As of this morning at 9am EST, Emily has obtained a restraining order against them and no longer wants contact with them. Phil is handing them a copy of the restraining order."

"Mr. X opens it and Mrs. X snatched it sway and started reading it. She has named Annie and Dr Roberts with Power of Attorney over her health, finances and her business. If anything happens to them, it will fall to me. He is handing them a copy of it. They are assigning Owen to handle her finances, Sean will be her medical POA and Gabriel is to run her business."

I glance at the three guys. Gabe looks stunned. His eyes get real big and then smiles with determination. I can tell he's determined to do right by Emily. Sean looks shocked and Owen just nods.

Before I can open my mouth we hear "That's our daughter. There is no way she would have done that without us knowing." states a shocked Mr. X

"Also, as of 7pm tonight, you are no longer the head or representative of the Academy. You no longer have access to any Academy funds or information. All your rights and privileges have been stripped. The Board removed any and all Academy information and Academy items from your homes, cars and plane. The locks have been changed and your access codes have been removed from all our systems. Here is your copy of the Decree from the Board." states Phil as he extends his hand to give them the Decree.

Mr. X snatches if from him, balls it up, and throws it back at him. "No one will take what is ours. We worked our asses off and made countless sacrifices. Neither you nor the Board will take that away from me," he growled.

"I will not tolerate anyone messing with my family, Annie. She is our daughter, and we love her, despite what you think. Now, if you will excuse me. We have some business to attend to." sneered Mrs. X as she tried to push her way around them.

Annie yanked the woman by her arm and yanked her back in front of her.

"You have no power and authority. Phil and I are now the head of the Academy. If you don't leave the premises, I will have the pleasure of escorting you out the building.

"Phil, you two can't do this to us. After all we have been through."

"Yes I can Xavier. I have to get back to work. Security, please show them out."

"Over my dead body will you stop me from seeing or obtaining ANY information about MY daughter!" hisses Mrs. X as she walks up to Annie.

"Your dead bodies can be arranged. I know several people who would like nothing more than to tear you two apart. Starting with your eyes." stated Annie is a calm and deadly voice.

"Are you refusing to leave?" questioned Phil. "We are not leaving." Mr. X growled at him. "Oh, yes you are." smirks Phil.

"Xavier and Janice Steal." They turn around to where they hear the voice to see a woman approaching the four of them with three men behind her. All of them are wearing black suits and white shirts.

"Yes, and you are?" questioned Mrs. X.

"I am Kay Tibbs, assistant to the new Attorney General for South Carolina. You both are under arrest for solicitation of a minor, child abduction, human trafficking, child endangerment, fraud, embellishment, providing false statements to police, obstruction of justice and bribery." she states as she holds up her badge and id card.

"This is ludicrous. Where is

Attorney General Smith? Get her on the phone. I demand to speak to her." Mr. X yells.

"That would be me." smiles Annie.

"You are the attorney general." asked as stunned Mrs. X.

"I use my maiden name for professional reasons. I am currently on leave and my assistant is more than capable of answering any questions or concerns either of you have. If you, or your attorney, have any questions, have your attorney call my office."

There was a collective gasp from the room as everyone looks back and forth at each other. I guess they did not know what Annie did for a living. Apparently, neither did Mr and Mrs X as their faces paled. I just smiled and winked at Annie as Emily's parents were arrested and escorted out the building. I exhale when Phil and Annie walk back over to us in the room.

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