Moving On *Completed*

By denice35

248K 13.5K 1.2K

Highest Ranking: Ranked #1 Nathain 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Gabriel 1/7/20 Ranked #1 Kota 8/15/19 Ranked #1 theacadem... More

Chapter 1-Party Idea
Chapter 2- Lost In Thought
Chapter 3-In Need of Some Rest
Chapter 4-Old Dog, Same Tricks
Chapter 5-First Impressions
Chapter 6- Let's Get Down to Business
Chatper 7-Memories
Chapter 8-Can it get any worse?
Chapter 9- Dr., Change In Plans
Chapter 10-Family Meeting
Chapter 11-Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 12-Nervous
Chapter 13- Who's Who?
Chapter 14-Family Meeting
Chapter 15-Inner Thoughts
Chapter 16-Walk and Talk
Chapter 17-What Do You Recommend
Chapter 18-Missing You
Chapter 19-Early Morning
Chapter 20-Inside Luke's Head
Chapter 21-Busy Day
Chapter 22- Let's Eat
Chapter 23- Birthday Idea
Chapter 24-Decision TIme
Chapter 25-I Got The Job
Chapter 26-Mi Casa Es Tu Casa
Chapter 27-Never Have I Ever
Chapter 28-Whats the Plan
Chapter 29-Hunter and Prey
Chapter 30-Nightmare
Chapter 31-Let's Dance
Chapter 32-Dance Partners
Chapter 33-Plans for the Day
Chapter 34-Breakfast With The Guys
Chapter 35-What Just Happened?
Chapter 36- Emily's Dark Side
Chapter 37-Will They Accept Me?
Chapter 38- I Need A Nap
Chapter 39-Trust and Try
Chapter 40-Dinner Time
Chapter 41-Relax Alec
Chapter 42-Relaxing Night
Chapter 43-Gabe's Dream
Chapter 44-Morning Meeting
Chapter 45-Long Week
Chapter 46-Running Late
Chapter 47-Who Do You Think You Are
Chapter 48- Can You Explain What Just Happened
Chapter 49-Brotherly Love and Support
Chapter 50-Dance Off
Chapter 51-Introductions
Chapter 52-Update
Chapter 53-Stalking and Missing You
Chapter 54- Night Of Dancing
Chapter 55-Mr. & Mrs. X
Chapter 56-How Dare They
Chapter 57-Tell Me How you Feel
Chapter 58-Dr. Roberts
Chapter 59-Am I Worthless?
Chapter 60-Just Tell Them
Chapter 61-We Have a Leak?
Chapter 62-Behind The Scene
Chapter 63-I See You
Chapter 64-Coming Back
Chapter 65-Feelings
Chapter 66-Looking Good
Chapter 67-Stepping Foward
Chapter 68-Beautiful Flame
Chapter 69-I Am Ready
Chapter 70-Greek Reception
Chapter 71-Gods, Goddesses, and Warriors
Chapter 72-Road Trip
Chapter 73-Chicken, Waffles, and Reassurance
Chapter 74-V.Morgan
Chapter 75- Southern Home
Chapter 76-Sunday Night Football
Chapter 77-Scream
Chapter 78-What The???
Chapter 79-What the F##k? BABY GIRL!
Chapter 80-You Don't Know Do You?
Chapter 82-Phone Calls
Chapter 83-Caged Bird
Chapter 84-Going Down (Part 1)
Chapter 85-Going Down (Part 2)
Chapter 86-Fighting Angles
Chapter 87-Awaken
Chapter 88-One Step Forward...
Chapter 89-...Two Steps Back
Chapter 90-Leaving Us
Chapter 91-Rise Up
Chapter 92-Back In Town
Chapter 93- Accountability
Chapter 94- Luke's Birthday Part 1
Chapter 95-Luke's Birthday Part II
Chapter 96-Competition
Chapter 97- Special Delivery
Chapter 98-No Show
Chapter 99-What's in the package?
Chapter 100- Mad Annie
Chapter 101- Worried About Her
Chapter 102- Hear Me Out
Chapter 103-Lady In Red
Chapter 104-New Me
Chapter 105- Friends
Chapter 106-Moving On
Author Thank You

Chapter 81-Assimilation

1.5K 82 13
By denice35

Gabe Pov

I don't know how long we have been here, but my arms are tired and my head is reeling from what we learned. Nat, Vic and I are stunned and what we found out. Emily had looked devastated and my heart broke for her. The door opens and a man walked through. He looked up at the cameras and then back at us. He walked up to us and looked us over.

"I know he promised his baby he would not kill you so I get the pleasure to taking you out." he sneered as he pulled his hand gun. I look over at Nat and Vic and see they have noticed as well as and became stiff. All of a sudden the red lights from the cameras goes out. The door slowly opens again and Arlo put his head in and placed his finger over his lips telling us to be quiet.

"Now which one should be first. What the heck, let's go right to left," he said as he pointed the gun at Nat. Arlo silently pulled his gun and shot him dead in the back of the head.

"The things we do for friends. Alright, guys, I am here to let you go. I am not doing this for you, but for Emily. I owe her from the last time we met. For all I care, you could stay here, rot in your own mess and the rodents can feed off of you."

"Nice to see you again too, Arlo." Victor states.

"You guys let Alec know we are even now and I wish him luck." he said as he approached Victor.

"How did you know we were here?" I ask.

"I saw everything on the security feed." he replied, as he walked over to Nat to take off his shackles at his ankles and then his wrists.

"Thanks." Nat groaned as he rubbed his wrist.

"No problem Red."

He lets me out of my shackles followed by Victor. As he stepped he looked as all over "You guys have 30 seconds before the camera comes back on in the house, and I won't be able to stall them. I will take care of everything else. Give this to Alec when you see him." he said as he handed me a small envelope.

"Thanks Man."

"No Prob. Go! Times a wastin."

We raced out the room and took care of the four guards outside. Victor grabbed car keys from the guy he just knocked out. Nat called Owen as we hopped in the car. Nat told Vic to take us to Emily's, and told Owen it will be about 30 minutes before we get there. The ride to Emily's is quiet as we are all lost in our own thoughts. Before I know it, we pull up in front of her building and raced upstairs. We are greeted by our brothers, Axel, Corey, Phil and Alec. Before we can get to Alec, Doc demanded to check to see if we are alright seeing blood on our clothes.

"We are fine Doc. The blood is not ours." Victor wheezed as we all stretched to loosen our muscles.

"What the hell happened here?" asked Nathan, as he grabbed the water passed to him.

"Alec, what the flying fuck does Assimilation mean?" I yelled at the same time.

"SHIT!" he yelled and we all just look at him. He has never raised his voice. He jumped up bellowing "I will be right back. Don't anyone leave."

Glancing at Dr. Roberts looked so angry and scared all at the same time. He pulled out his phone and made a phone call as he walked down the hall, and Corey ran down the back steps to the garage. I noticed everyone kept looking down the hall and I needed answers. Since we have to wait on Alec to get back and Dr Roberts to get off the phone, I look at Vic and Nate and nod my head to Emily's room. We get up and head that way.

"Bro, you don't want to go back there and see her room." says Luke.

"Why the fuck not? After what we just heard and saw, I think we deserve to."

"Let me go with you gentlemen." says Owen as we get up and walks us to the room. He opens the door, I heard Vic gasp, Nat turned and punches the wall as I just stare.

"This explains a lot. No wonder she was so relieved to see us." Victor whispered quietly.

I turned to Owen "Did she see this?"

"Yes Gabe. She is the one who discovered it."

"That motherfucking piece of shit. You wait until I see him again. That motherfucking cock sucker is going to wish he was shot in the damn street when I am done with his ass. I bet I can get Sunshine's truck and run over that sorry ass excuse of a man. You see this shit! Fuck this."

I turned around and stormed back upfront as Alec came back and saw Corey already had his laptop up.

"Guys, I need to know what happened and what time you left." Alec demanded as he pulled out 4 phones from a black bag.

"Chelsea and LaShae will be here in 2 hours. They are getting on private planes now. Chelsea has it up and is tracking now." states Dr. Roberts. Alec nods his head.

"Dr. Roberts, can you please tell us what is going on." asked Owen. We all know he hates not knowing what is going on.

"Guys, I need you to tell me exactly what happened. No detail left out. It's important if Emily mentioned Assimilation. I promise I will explain after I get the information. However, I need to know now so I know what to do."

"Fine Alec. But we want answers." stated Nathan. He spoke first as we tell our stores of how we left for our missions and ended up shackled to the wall of a room. We told them what happened from the time Emily was brought in the room until she left. I told them about Arlo and how we escaped while handing the envelope over to Alec. I saw the range of emotions play across everyone during the story. From shock, anger, fear, disbelief and hurt. By the time we were done, everyone looked murderous and you could hear a pin drop.

Dr. Roberts broke the silence when he growled "Annie and I will handle her parents and the Academy. All of you, your sole focus is on Emily. I don't care what you have to do, you bring her home safely. Do you all understand me? I don't care if you have to shoot your way from here to Timbucktoo, level every building, or search every alley from here to Japan. You bring her home to me, to us."

"Yes, we understand." we all proclaimed.

"Alec, I have my phone as does Chelsea and LaShae. You keep one, give one to Corey, one to Gabe and the other one to Owen. She may reach out to Gabe in the pretense it's work, or Owen as a client."

"Gentlemen, if she calls you, do not ask her any questions. She will be talking to you like a regular conversation in code, and she will be giving information. Just go with her flow. The phone will record it, but try to make notes. DON'T ask her any questions regarding her location, what she is doing and KEEP all emotion from your voice. This is very serious and if you make a mistake, it will cost her her life. Damien is very controlling and manipulative. I am sure he will be listening to her calls. One wrong word or expression and he could hurt or kill her."

"Emily is just like that puffer fish over there. She is exotic, has a gentle nature and is pretty. Everyone thinks she is just for show or to look good, docile and non threatening. She is until you threaten her, her family or what she believes in. Then she will show her spikes and will kill you for trying to take her or anything that she loves."

"Corey, you and Victor will work with Chelsea with tracking Emily and handle anything at all tech related. Sean, you will be working with LaShae to monitor her health readings. That is all you guys will be doing. Sean, I will have people cover our shifts at the hospital."

"I will leave Alec to tell you what Assimilation is. I need to get with Annie to come up with a plan. If anyone needs anything, call me. If you guys get any new information, or you hear from her call me. I will do the same." Dr. Roberts turned and put on his coat. We all nodded and watched as he walked out the back door.

Turning back to Alec, we listened intently as he spoke. "Once we moved her here, Emily was worried either her or myself would go missing, or Damien would come back for us. LaShae was working on testing tacking devices being implanted in babies. Emily begged her to tag us as part of her studies. She finally gave in and both of us are chipped. Just like Heart. Both of us have a tracking device implanted and can be located. They track your body normal functions to send health reports to your Doctor and nurse. They were developed so in case of an emergency or kidnapping, parents, law enforcement and medical staff can locate and monitor you until they can reach you and take you to the hospital."

"She gave it the code name Assimilation, since whoever was taken would assimilate into his group to bring him down from the inside. We would forward information to each other via phone our phone network. There are 7 phones, one for each day of the week. They were encrypted by Corey and Chelsea so they are secure. She would call each number once a week to communicate to us. Phil, Chelsea, and LaShae keep their phones with them all the time. The other four I keep and she knew the location in case I was taken. When we felt we were ready to strike or to break cover, we were to call Phil and give him the date, place and time."

"I have to give you two credit, you two came up with a hell of a backup plan." stated Kota admiringly.

Shaking his head and exhaling Alec continued "It was all Emily's idea and I sure as shit hoped we never had to use it. She knows Damien wants her for power and control. Her weapon skills came from Damien and I. The only reason I taught her to fight and use weapons was out of necessity. She would take my phone and Google videos on fist aid and EMT classes to help the sick and injured kids and teens. Her determination to help people drove her to negotiate, interrogate and assimilate to find out any and all facts she could to bring him down. I see her as a modern day femme fatale and everyone wants what she can bring to their side. She has a mind for numbers and business, she's very creative, looks stunning, and can move swimmingly throughout different environments."

"Don't worry guys, she will contact us. We just have to wait and be patient for her to work her magic. She will let us know when to come rescue her. Believe me, the hardest part is the waiting. But I have seen her in action and I know she can handle herself."

"For your sake, I hope you are right." stated Silas as North, Luke and Sean nod and grumble in agreement.

"After seeing her work Damien like she did, I believe she will." Victor replied as Axel pulled out his phone and called Marc.

"She got us out of there so I have faith in her. We just need to be ready for when she calls so we can do the same for her." I sighed.

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