Bonus삼(3) M-ish

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Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening before you read the last bonus, I just wanted to say thank you so fucking much for all of the love and support Help and Saved has received! It was my first VMINKOOK book as well as my first book I had 2 seasons.

I checked after Bonus pt2 had been published and it had 55 veiws in just under 24 hours that means alot honestly! So thank you so fucking much for that! And for 14k+, 750+ votes as well as all the comments, I try my best to reply to all.

So thank you guys so much it makes me so happy to see how quickly it's grown, honestly I just feel so happy and I'm so grateful for it so thank you so so much!

Alright on with the story!

This chapter contains:
Sexuel activities.
(But they don't go all the way)

"If it's with you two then it's not pushing myself"

Those were the only word Taehyung and Jungkook needed to hear before exchanging glances and then looking at Jimin.

"You sure Min?" Taehyung asked Jimin didn't respond with words but instead pulled Taehyung into a kiss "if I'm not sure if will tell you" Jimin smiled.

"Alright" Jungkook said letting go of Taehyung's waist, Taehyung stood up taking both boys hands and saying "you coming to my room?".

It only took a minute for the boys to gather round in his room and lock lips, the feeling always set off sparkles in their hearts.

Taehyung and Jimin were the first to start kissing Jungkook watching with a slight smirk .

The Taehyung's hand moved to Jimin's waist holding it as they made their way to his bed. He slowly pushed Jimin onto the bed before breaking the kiss and looking at Jungkook.

"Aren't you going to join us?" Both boys asked in sync "no I wanna see If Taehyung really is a dom top" Jungkook smirked.

"Guys.... Stop... Someone can get hurt in the process of trying to prove yourself...does it really make a difference if your a sub top of a dom top" Jimin sighed.

He placed a hand on Taehyung's cheek "does it really matter if who's top?" He asked "" Taehyung said pecking Jimin who was underneath him.

"Kook... Does it matter who's top?" Jimin asked "..yes... I don't feel comfortable having someone's dick up my ass" Jungkook whined "alright then, Kook can be top" Taehyung said.

"Really?" Jungkook asked "mhh" Taehyung said "but you better be gentle, I've never been a bottom" Taehyung added a deep blush covering his cheeks.

"Why do I get the feeling that you only had sex in a bad mood" Jungkook teased "shut up" Taehyung said "Taehyung sex without love is different from with love, even though you guys are the first people I've loved, I know that it's definitely not gonna feel the same when you have sex with your lover then just a one night stand" Jungkook explained.

"Are we gonna do it or are we just gonna stay up all night imaging what it feels like?" Jimin asked "not to mention the fact that Taehyung is probably uncomfortable like that" Jimin added.

Taehyung was hovering over Jimin, his arms and knees keeping him from touching the boy beneath him "If you ever feel uncomfortable, or you want to stop, tell us ok?" Taehyung said.

"You too Taehyung, Jungkook" Jimin smiled his small arms wrapped around Taehyung's neck and pulling him into a kiss.

Taehyung instantly kissed Jimin back, Jimin parted his lips slightly, Taehyung doing the same, as their tongues slide against each other, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, pressing their bodies together.

Jimin could feel Taehyung's semi hard dick pressing against him while hands move to his butt slightly groping it making Jimin whine slightly. A whine that came out muffled thanks to Taehyung soft lips.

"I love you" Taehyung breathed out once the kiss was broken "I love you too, baby" Jimin smiled just as breathless as Taehyung.

Jungkook watched as his 2 boyfriends slowly stripping their tops and Taehyung began making hickeys all over Jimin's chest.

He watched Jimin whine underneath Taehyung and moan their names repeatedly.

He loved it.

The sight was enough to get him hard.

"Kook when are you gonna join?" Taehyung asked seeing Jimin's upper body was nicely decorated with hickeys.

"You want me to?" Jungkook asked Taehyung and Jimin nodded eagerly wanting Jungkook to join them.

"Your wish is my command" Jungkook stood up walking over to the two boys with a sly smirk.

The smirk that both Taehyung and Jimin loved.

"Have you had three some before?" Jimin asked "yeah.... I was a weird" Jungkook nodded sitting on the bed next to his boyfriends.

"You still are" Taehyung told, he let go of Jimin and kissed the younger "but we love that about you" Jimin assured sitting up.

The other two could tell Jimin wanted to do something but was hesitant. "Hey, Min" Jungkook started pulling away from Taehyung "just do what you want, if you wanna touch one of us then do it if we're uncomfortable then we'll say it" Jungkook informed.

"I just don't know what to do" Jimin admitted biting his lip, Jungkook smiled "just get Taehyung to submit".

Jimin nodded slowly moving to Taehyung he kissed him, slowly pushing Taehyung back onto the bed once he was on top of him did the same thing Taehyung did to him.

He held the youngers waist slightly squeezing it as he deepened the kiss.


Sorry guys I struggle with writing dirty scenes so y'all ain't getting
anymore than this.

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