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Once Jisoo calmed down Jimin left her room and went to go change when he entered Jungkook's room he saw the two boys playing games on their phones.

"I thought you had plans with Jisoo" Taehyung said "I do I'm just changing" Jimin smiled before going to his suitcase to get his clothes.

once she had them he went into the bathroom to change but as usual he caught that glimpse of himself into he mirror and immediately felt sick, and before he knew it he was bending over the toilet vomiting up the lunch he and eat just hours ago.

When Jimin was done he changed and made sure to spray some sir freshener before exiting the bathroom.

"Now, even I'm suspicious!" Jungkook said when Jimin walked out of the bathroom "I thought you only had hoodies and sweatpants" Taehyung said "same" Jungkook said looking at Jimin.

"I have a few other clothes I just don't really wear them" Jimin smiled picking up his wallet as a knock was heard.

"You have the rights to enter" Taehyung said playfully, although it was playful the person on the other side of the door walked in.

It was Jisoo, her eyes were slightly red from the crying she had done, but regardless she looked so beautiful.

"Ohh~ Jimin the last time i saw you wear something other than a hoodie was about 8 years ago" she smiled "well that's because we've never been together I actually used to wear this almost every year" Jimin smiled.

"You... You go every year?" Jisoo asked "mhm, I used to go really early before school but that doesn't matter" Jimin said "mhh.. I'm a little bit nervous this is the first time I've gone with just you the last time we went together you were 9 and your parents came along" Jisoo smiled.

"Yes, but let's not waist time and let's go" Jimin said "yes" Jisoo smiled slightly "ok seriously where are you guys going?" Taehyung asked "yeah why are you both wearing black?" Jungkook asked.

"Hey stop being nosy I don't go asking you where you going everytime you leave the room" Jimin said "but your not just leaving the room your leaving the house as well" Jungkook said "with my sister" Jimin reminded.

"Anyways it's getting late and the journey is quite long so Jisoo and I will be leaving we won't be back in time for dinner so don't wait up" Jimin said walking out of the room Jisoo following close behind him.


"Mum... Dad... I've made it another year, I'm healther than last time, and I'm happier than last time as well, I'm no longer with Mr and Mrs park..." Jisoo trialled off tears welling up in her eyes.

"Mum, dad I love you guys so much I miss you as well, I wish you were still here, then maybe we would have been able to save Jimin earlier" Jisoo smiled "then maybe we would still be best friends mum I hope you and dad are doing ok up in heaven, you guys were good souls and I know you definitely are there, thank you for everything you did for me before you left, I love you both" Jisoo smiled before getting and letting Jimin talk.

He mumbled a small thank you before bowing at the graves "hello Mrs and Mr Kim, before I say anything I want to say thank you for giving birth to Kim Jisoo, she is a wonderful soul and she has everyone's best interest at heart, I know we will never be as close as we were when we were younger but I will try my best to look after untill she is in good hands, so please rest assured she is safe and I promise you she always will be as long as I'm around" Jimin smiled.

Jisoo's quiet sobs could be heard as Jimin placed the flowers he and Jisoo had brought on the way there.


When Jisoo and Jimin got home it was about 8pm just in time for dinner Jisoo want to go straight to bed but she also didn't want to be rude and was hungry.

So the two of them joined The Jeons, the Hwangs, Taehyung and Jungmi at the dinner table.

"Jisoo darling are you ok.. you haven't really been eating your food, is it not nice?" Miyeon asked "no.. it's lovely I've just been feeling a bit down today, since it's the anniversary of my parents death" Jisoo said.

"Your parents death? I thought your parents were abusing you" Jungmin said "...Jimin you didn't tell them?" Jisoo asked "I didn't think it was my place to" Jimin said not taking his eyes off his food "tell us what?" Taehyung asked.

"That I'm adopted"


I have a few questions for all my fellow writers

When do you write best?

What makes it easier to write a book?

What is your favourite thing about writing?

You don't have to answer but it would
mean a lot if you did. Also I hope no-one
noticed that this is 200 words shorter
than usual-

This was Jimin and Jisoo's outfits
If anyone was wondering

This was Jimin and Jisoo's outfitsIf anyone was wondering

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