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"so why didn't you leave her?" Jungmin asked "because like she said she used to be my friend before I turned ten and my parents became abusive when she started to hid I started to hate her but despite that I knew I couldn't leave her in their hands, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about if they had beaten her to death or not... Jisoo is a girl and she is quite skinny I know she wouldn't survive more than 2 weeks doing the shit they made me do" Jimin said.

"You such an angel Jimin" Miyeon smiled "thank you" Jimin smiled

Though angels don't think the way I do.

He thought.


After dinner was eaten and everyone left Jimin was asked to help clean the table and do the dished with Miyeon and of course he agreed.

But once he table was cleaned and they started on the dishes Miyeon began speaking.

"Jimin are you happy here?" She asked, Jimin definitely wasn't expecting that "uh..yes of course I am" Jimin smiled "darling you can be honest, I will understand if would don't like it here" She said.

Jimin let out a small sigh "I'm trying to like it I really am especially since I know the amount of trouble Taehyung be Jungkook went through, I really am... But... I can't help it... Before I came here I didn't get alot of sleep and used to stay up thinking, overthinking about things but now that I'm here I don't do to much and when I do like I did at dinner it's harder to handle my thoughts and in the day time I feel really uncomfortable, as well as the mirror in the bathroom, I can't stand the look of my body and everytime I go in there I end up seeing a glimspe of my body and that alone is enough to make me sick".

"There are small things like today when everyone kept talking about my past I don't like it and I didn't want to be rude so I didn't say anything, but it's things like this that make me miss being at home and sometimes I think I would rather take the beats then have Jungkook and Taehyung look at me with so much pity, I like them I really do but when they look at me like that it makes me feel really bad and guilty because I put them through so much and I haven't done anything for them. I kinda want to go back.. If it means I could get rid of these feelings" Jimin said.

"Maybe you should talk to them about it, I think because you guys are only in your first stages of your dating life your not that comfortable around each other, but I also think just you being their boyfriend is enough" Miyeon smiled "so don't feel guilty unless you've done something bad".

"I know they feel like it's enough but I don't, there is nothing wrong with Jungkook and Taehyung, it's me that's why I don't like it here, because of myself" Jimin said.

"Then that's something you need to work on, try focusing on yourself for a bit" Miyeon smiled Jimin wanted to continue saying his thoughts but decided against it and smiled back at Miyeon.


"Stop taking pictures" Jungkook sighed "why? You guys look cute" Jimin smiled as he continued taking a few more pictures.

When Jimin returned from the kitchen he found Jungkook and Taehyung sleeping in each others arms as he took out his phone to take pictures Jungkook woke up and had been telling him to stop since then.

"Alright alright I'm done" Jimin smiled putting his phone away, he sat on the bed "so... Did you kiss him?" Jimin asked "no" Jungkook said.

"Why not? I left you alone twice today and you didn't kiss him?" Jimin asked "Jimin Taehyung and I are still a bit awkward and it's not easy to say 'Taehyung wanna kiss?'" Jungkook said "I asked him If I could kiss him and he said yes so I did, if you really want to kiss him you should" Jimin smiled.

"I literally just said it's not easy" Jungkook sighed "do you want me to tell him you want kiss him?" Jimin asked "no what if he doesn't want to? I want him to feel like he can say no and not feel pressured" Jungkook sighed.

"Jungkook your over thinking!" Jimin sighed "I mean why would he date you if he didn't want to kiss you?" Jimin asked "I don't know Jimin, I don't know why I'm overthinking it either, but I just can't help it" Jungkook sighed he would have sat up if his arm wasn't underneath Taehyung's head.

"Let's just stop I don't want to argue about kissing" Jungkook said "alright" Jimin sighed laying down next to Taehyung, his back facing the other two boys.

After a few minutes Jungkook spoke "Jimin, can you tell him?" Jungkook asked "no.. it's between you two, you tell him" Jimin said Jungkook immediately pushed himself off the bed slightly, making Taehyung move further down towards Jimin.

"Come on Jimin, why are you changing your mind?" Jungkook asked "because you told me you don't want him to feel pressured" Jimin said turning around to face Jungkook "so tell him yourself" he smiled

"Your s-" before Jungkook could complete his sentence Taehyung pulled him down attaching their lips it was only for a brief moment but when Taehyung pushed Jungkook away he was left craving more.

"ok we kissed now ca-" before Taehyung finish what he was saying Jungkook kissed him once more but this time longer and with more than passion than the first one.

Though Taehyung was surprised at first he eventually closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck pulling him closer to him.

Their lips melted away as they kissed, it was a kiss full of love, passion and craving. The feeling of not wanting to part was something they both experienced.

But when they found themselves needing air they were forced to break the kiss both breathing heavily.

"Watching you two kiss really does something" Jimin admitted "I don't know how I'm supposed to survive when have to boyfriend who lips are so addictive" Jungkook sighed.

"Can I go to sleep now?" Taehyung asked causing Jungkook and Jimin to break out into a fits of laughter. "Sure you can go to sleep, we're sorry for waking you up" Jimin said.

"Thank you" Taehyung said pecking Jungkook's lips once more before giving Jimin kiss in the cheek "If I wasn't so tired I would stay up longer" Taehyung yawn closing his eyes "why are you so tired?" Jungkook asked.

"My mum went on a rant about how my grades are not doing good so she told me I need to start getting them up or she's gonna have to start limiting the time I get to go out and use my phone so I can study more, and yesterday I stayed up studying" Taehyung said.

"Hmm well your grades are quite ok" Jimin said "getting from 20-30% on a test is not good in my house, especially since Namjoon always go from 97-100% on a test" Taehyung sighed.

"So she wants you to get at least 97%?" Jungkook asked, there was no response just a light snore that left Taehyung's lips indicating that he was sleeping

"He's so cute"


Why do I feel like this is the only chapter that
will have a happy ending?? Also there less
than 10 chapters left till the book is over.

Triple update because I love this book

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now