Bonus 일(1)

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The rest of the night the boys spent cuddling them selves to sleep, all three crying tears of happiness as they repeatedly told each other just how much they loved each other.

Jungkook was the first to wake up and the first to leave after breakfast. As much as he wanted to stay he couldn't.

It was his stepmother's death anniversary today, Taehyung knew what it was like to lose a mother to you and knew that Jungkook's pain was probably indescribable.

Jimin could only imagine what it was like.. he had seen the pain Jisoo went through when she lost her mum but he didn't actually know what he felt like especially since his mum wasn't exactly a mother to him.

Speaking of his mother Jimin hadn't heard from his family in a long time... It hurt but he learned to get over it.

Jimin and Taehyung offered to go with Jungkook but he declined saying it was more of a just family thing and he wouldn't want them to see his family looking so down.

Though Taehyung and Jimin understood the meaning behind his words.

He didn't want them to see him looking so down.

So Jungkook went out while Jimin and Taehyung decided to spend the day together.. since Taehyung had more questions.

"So now that we're dating, Is there like any boundaries we should have? Like I know you said you didn't want to have sex with Yerin... Was it like you just didn't want to have sex with her or was it because you just don't want to have sex at all?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin's cheeks slowly heated up hearing Taehyung's words "it was just..." Before Jimin had the chance to continue Taehyung spoke "if you not comfortable telling me you don't have to" he said.

"It's not that, it's just I'm still a virgin" Jimin told "... Seriously?" Taehyung asked "in those 5 years you haven't had sex? Not even once?" Taehyung asked he was completely shocked.

"I mean I've kissed Yerin multiple times but I never went further than that, she was my first relationship after you guys and I'm not the type to sleep with someone I'm not in a relationship with" Jimin confessed "and before that?" Taehyung asked.

"With my anti social self and scars that I still have and wasn't comfortable with even looking at?" Jimin asked "well I didn't think about it like that" Taehyung said.

"When... When did you lose yours?" Jimin asked looking down "when I was 20, I was still a virgin when I met you and Jungkook... You guys could have been my first" Taehyung smirked "no thanks I was too young" Jimin said.

"too young? You were 17.... But then again you probably had your first kiss with one of us" Taehyung said "Yeah, I had it with Jungkook in the school bathroom" Jimin admitted "oh.. what happened?" Taehyung asked.

"well I wasn't feeling too well in the morning and I broke down crying when I reach the school, and Jungkook just happened to see me, I went to the bathroom and he followed me and because of the bruises on my face I started to wear concealer and when I was putting it on I wouldn't look in the mirror and he started laughing then he asked if I needed help I said yes and then as we were doing it we started talking and then he kissed me" Jimin said.

"What did you guys talk about?" Taehyung asked "well he asked me why I don't look in the mirror and I said I didn't like looking the mirror, I was sure he could see bruises and that they were horrible and then  Jungkook asked when I last looked in the mirror and I told him about 2 years ago then he said how would you know if you haven't seen them and I told him I had a mirror in my bathroom at home and I broke it... Because I was tired of seeing myself looking like that bruised, up hurt, scarred" a small smile made it's way to Jimin's lips as he spoke.

"He moved back from me and said 'your so beautiful though, I was gonna say without make I look ugly but he cut me off and said 'with or without your bruises your beautiful' after he said that I looked up and asked if I really was and he told me I am and then we kissed, it really was a beautiful feeling even now I can't forget about how his lips felt, but the weird thing was that when we broke the kiss your name was stuck in my head" Jimin smiled.

"Before or after you were dating?" Taehyung asked "before" Jimin admitted "no way! You kissed before you dated and you thought of me... That makes me shy" Taehyung said.

"I've never actually seen you shy since we met again.. only before we met and you were like a little bean… I still remember that day when we were at Jungkook's house and we were sitting on his bed and then you asked me if you could kiss me you were so shy and cute that day, I actually felt like the oldest" Jimin continued to smile as he cupped Taehyung's cheeks.

"Where did that shy baby go?" He asked "you know I love you" Taehyung smiled placing his hands over Jimin's small ones.

"I love you too Tae"


Bonus pt1

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now